Order of Michael Siemsen Books

Michael Siemsen Books In Order

Publication Order of Matt Turner Books

Publication Order of A Demon’s Story Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Michael Siemsen
Author Michael Siemsen is an Amazon and USA Today bestseller, having sold more than 175,000 books.

He grew up in Venice, California, and is the second son of a Vietnam vet that was the first son of a Korean vet that was the first son of a World War I vet. Like Lieutenant Dan, he carried on the family tradition and joined the Army, even though the only wars that he would fight in involved laser tag gear, blank ammo, and were actually kinda fun.

Michael, after a decade spent working various soul-sucking IT jobs, he released “The Dig” independently early in 2011, and fourteen months later, this quirky science fiction story shot up to number one on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, staying in the top ten for the rest of that year. He quit his job just a few months into the book’s first surge.

He deals with writer’s block with coffee, outlining, coffee, coffee, and wasting time on the internet, however this last one doesn’t work that great.

The initial spark for “Exigency” came from reading results data from a survey. It might have been NASA asking a question like: would you volunteer to colonize Mars, knowing that it would only be a one way trip, and no way of coming back to Earth? Twenty-six percent said they would consider it, and seven percent said with an emphatic yes.

Michael went with this idea that if one way trips were possible, then an even more distant destination, some light years away to one of the numerous Earth-like planets that we keep locating wouldn’t be that far fetched.

Michael’s debut novel, called “The Dig”, was released in the year 2011. His work is from the science fiction genre.

“The Dig” is the first novel in the “Matt Turner” series and was released in the year 2011. One mysterious woven metal artifact is discovered at a paleontological dig in Africa. Mystified experts, who are confounded by the impossible timeline they’ve been given from traditional dating methods, call on the stubborn twenty-something with a special talent.

Matthew Turner’s gift is also a curse: whenever he touches any object, his consciousness gets flooded with the feelings and thoughts of those that have touched it before, whether it was last week or even centuries ago. It is a talent that some fear, many people covet, and close to nobody understands.

Despite getting exploited during his childhood and tormented by some of the unpleasant experiences which were imprinted on him from different items he “read”, he agrees to travel from New York into the forests of Kenya. Here, being threatened by some unknown foes, and helped out by a prickly yet beautiful ally that starts understanding his odd ability, his mind starts journeying back in geological time. And in the process, he makes a find so stunning that it makes us all rewrite all of human history.

Some readers felt this novel grabbed their full attention from start to finish and did not let go until they had put a sleepless night reading through the entire thing. Matt is a fantastic protagonist that has an interesting weakness and power.

“The Opal” is the second novel in the “Matt Turner” series and was released in the year 2012. The Cuban logging company finds a priceless Egyptian opal that was sealed deep inside a downed tree, hidden from the rest of the world for a minimum of a thousand years, centuries before Columbus explored the region.

Matt Turner grew up witnessing first hand some of the worst crimes imaginable. At the age of nine, he found out about his psychic ability: pscyhometry, which enabled him to “read” the emotional imprints that people leave on different objects. Against his better judgment, his police detective dad used his son’s ability to assist him in solving cases. Now at 26, Matt appears to be the obvious choice to extract some of the history from this mysterious opal, and a foe he believed was long gone is not offering much choice in this matter.

The stakes are raised much higher than anything Matt has encountered before, and the fallout is going to leave him changed for the rest of his life.

“Matty” is the first short story in the “Matt Turner” series and was released in the year 2013. Matt Turner has just learned about his special ability just the previous year, and does not quite understand it yet. When a young girl gets taken on her way back home from school, his detective dad knows that each minute counts. For the very first time, however not the last, Detective Roger Turner enlists the unique help of his son.

The first two novels hint at this trouble psychometrist’s stunning childhood, during which he used his ability to “read” the history of an object to help his dad solve some of the worst kinds of crimes. It is only now, with this short story that the reader can get a firsthand glimpse of young Matt on a case, while he tracks down the abducted girl named Joss Lynn Leland.

“Exigency” is the first stand alone novel and was released in the year 2014. Nine intelligent scientists travel lightyears away on a one way trip to an Earthlike planet. They are tasked with studying from orbit the two species of intelligent lifeforms right on the surface.

The first is an isolated people which embark on civilization and building the very first city their world has ever seen. While the second is a brutal race of massive predators, which are spread thick and still grow across this dominant landmass, and destined to eat and breed their way on toward extinction in just a few centuries.

Disaster strikes the orbiting station, after eight years of observation. Just two of the crew members are able to eject successfully. Drifting down through an alien and dark sky, the two realize their escape pod didn’t launch toward the safety in the city, rather to the other side of this planet, and touched down deep inside of a land that no human could potentially survive.