Order of Matthew Mather Books

Matthew Mather Books In Order

Publication Order of Aeon Books

Publication Order of Atopia Chronicles Books

Publication Order of CyberStorm Books

Publication Order of Delta Devlin Books

Publication Order of Nomad Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Author Matthew Mather was born in Sheffield, United Kingdom, and wrote science fiction stories (particularly speculative fiction), which he self published. He divided his time between both Montreal, where he grew up, and Charlotte, North Carolina, where all of his family lives. He passed in September 2022.

Before he became an author, he worked for McGill Center for Intelligent Machines; he has worked in health records, cyber security, electronic health records, and weather prediction.

Mather’s books have been sold all over the planet, and have been translated into sixteen languages. He has written the “Nomad” series, the “Atopia Chronicles”, and the Atopia” series.

Writing influences of Mather’s include: Robert A. Heinlein, Neal Stephenson,Rob Sheffield, and Isaac Asimov.

“Nomad” is the first novel in the “Nomad” series and was released in the year 2015. There is something huge heading toward Earth. Dr. Ben Rollins is yanked out bed by NASA and told this in the middle of the night. He is the head of Harvard University’s exoplanet research team. The first thing he thinks to do is to call up his daughter (named Jessica) who is currently in Italy on vacation with Ben’s wife, and tell them all about how big the thing (called Nomad) is and how it could destroy planet Earth.

What could this object be, and how is it possible that they could miss picking it up until it was very late? The race against time has started, and Dr. Rollins has to figure out Nomad’s secrets. There is a clue, buried in Ben’s old research documents. They date back over thirty years, around the end of the Cold War.

The world descends into madness as Armageddon grows near, and Ben realizes that Jessica and his wife are stuck in Europe. The future of the Earth rests with any final answers that Dr. Rollins is able to put together, while he gets across the planet to find out where his family is before Nomad kills the planet.

Readers were able to feel that the world was ending with this book, something that takes strong writing. Fans of the novel enjoyed the story as well as the science used. Some readers found themselves getting involved with some of the characters that are in the book, especially Jess, who is a strong and independent female character. This was nothing but a fun time for readers, and find that they are big fans of this author’s work after reading this book.

“Sanctuary”is the second novel in the “Nomad” series and was released in the year 2015. A new has risen from the ashes, but survival is something that people are just beginning to fight for.

Oceans flood continents and the Earth has split open and darkness is in the skies. This is life in the Day of the Nomad. There is mass extinction the likes of which Earth has not seen in a quarter of a billion years, as the planet is thrown into a radical and new orbit around the sun.

Jessica Rollins made it, and is hiding out in Italy in a moutain top. She has been able to contact, by radio, other survivors throughout the globe. Destruction is just the start of it though.

Humanity living on might be in a backpack she got from her dad; it lies in data he gathered three decades before as Harvard’s go to preeminent astrophysicist. It was information he actually died to protect. The last thing he said to her still spins in her mind; survive, not matter the cost. What cost? Just what is Sanctuary?

This is unique and full of thrilling moments that makes things hard to put down. Fans of the novel found this to have a lot of action in it, and there were plenty of twists to keep things moving. Readers are hooked on this series and will read it until it has finished up. Mather entrances readers in his work, and they are helpless to look up from the pages to do much else. The novel does a great job delivering on an excellent premise, and the novel ends in a surprising way.

“Resistance” is the third novel in the “Nomad” series and was released in the year 2016. Jessica has gotten into Sanctuary with Ufuk Erdogmus’ help, but is the puzzling guy that is her savior actually who he claims? What is he hiding? In what ways is he connected to Dr. Muller?

Jess really does not have the time to devote to think about these questions, as she quickly has to fight for her life.

This series combines hard science fiction, culture clashes, astrophysics, manned space flight, and global politics; it is always unique, something that keeps readers coming back for more. Fans of the novel found this series to get better and better with each installment that gets published. It is always a surprise for readers what is going to happen next. Readers find these novels hard to put down, and they cannot help but come back for more once they have finished one of these books.

“The Dystopia Chronicles” is the second novel in the “Atopia” series and was released in the year 2016. Robert Baxter (after being thrown out of Atopia) goes globe trotting quest so that he can find Willy’s body (which is his friend). It may just hold the key to comprehending the many dangers that face his home at the moment, not to mention what Jimmy Scadden’s role was in the disasters that have been spreading throughout the world.

Robert puts the pieces to the puzzle together and figures out that man’s huge consumption of the world’s natural resources is not the number one immediate threat to the world at the moment. Global war breaks out and there is an old apocalyptic threat that pops back up, and Robert has to risk those he loves so that he can keep the planet from being destroyed.

Mather puts a lot of research into the novels he writes, something that readers like; it adds a lot to the experience. That being said, there was still a lot of action, keeping your brain into the thick of things for the entire ride. These are very riveting books he writes, and they straddle the line between straight up action packed novels and thought provoking science fiction.