Order of Master William Falconer Mystery Books

Master William Falconer Mystery Books In Order

Publication Order of Master William Falconer Mystery Books

The Master William Falconer Mystery series is a series of crime fiction and mystery books written by one of the noteworthy English authors named Ian Morson. There is a total of 9 books published in this series between the years 1994 and 2013. In all the novels of this series, author Morson has described the lead character in the role of William Falconer. He is depicted as a Regent Master at the Oxford University during the time of the 13th century. Author Morson has given an interesting description of William Falconer’s character throughout the series. He is shown as being addicted to logic as well as to Aristotle’s various teachings. William Falconer uses all such knowledge from his studies for solving the riddles that surround the local murders. This way he helps to solve the murder cases with the help of his intelligence, wit, and special abilities. The other important characters that are seen in the series on many occasions include Ann Segrim, Peter Bullock, and Sir Humphrey Segrim. The post that William Falconer held at the Oxford University requires him to be celibate. In spite of that, he goes on to indulge in a complicated relationship with his love interest Ann Segrim. Ann is shown as being trapped in an unhealthy marriage with Humphrey Segrim. While carrying out the detective works, William Falconer is assisted by his fellow Masters at the University and Peter Bullock.

Author Morson has described Peter Bullock as one of the constables of the town and a down to earth and responsible person. One of the well known books published in the Master William Falconer series by author Morson is titled as ‘Falconer’s Judgement’. It was released in the year 1997 by the St. Martin’s Press, after being first published in the year 1995. Author Morson has set the plot of this book in Oxford, England, The United Kingdom, during the time of the year 1261. At the beginning, author Morson has shown that Pope Alexander IV is lying on the death bed in Rome. On the other hand, an assassin is sent from the East by a powerful and wealthy royal family. Also, a young man gets imprisoned in the Wallingford Castle. He seems to have been charged with a murder case that he claims that he has not committed. At this point, William Falconer makes his appearance in the plot. He is expected to deal with all these cases and come up with better solutions for each of them. In the middle of the swirling mists at Oxford, this Aristotelian philosopher, amateur sleuth, and Master Regent, is shown searching for the whereabouts of Roger Bacon, who is his mentor.

At around the same time, a political intrigue is expected to explode in Oxford. A master cook, who is the brother of the Papal Legate, gets killed by an arrow strike at the time of a student riot. As the authorities try to bring down the disorder in the city, the zealots warn about the outcome of a possible Apocalypse. But, William Falconer gets along with his investigation in his own way. In order to become successful in obtaining the important clues and evidences, he is required to enter into a labyrinth or a surrounding full of madness. And Falconer knows very well that ambition, deceit and murder are the common practices in such a surrounding. However, he does not lose hope and goes ahead with the investigation with the help of his vast knowledge and experience. In the middle of the disorder spread all around, it is very important for William Falconer to find the murderer and solve the mystery. Only then, he will be able to save the lives of other innocent people of the city. But, it does not seem an easy job to do as the sinister forces continue to work against his plans and make things difficult for him. Initially, the story depicted in the book begins at a slow pace, but as the plot moves ahead it progresses at a steady pace. The readers loved to read this story of William Falconer as they found the book to be a quick read. By developing the story in his own unique style, author Morson has done a very good job. For this, he was praised by a number of critics. They also praised him for capturing the older era in a wonderful manner.

The next book released in the series by author Ian Morson is titled as ‘Falconer and the Face of God’. This book was published by the publishers at St. Martin’s Press in the year 1996. Author Morson has set the plot of this novel also in Oxford, United Kingdom. As the plot begins, author has described the time of Christmas in Oxford. One of the lead characters of the story named Stefano de Askeles is depicted as bringing his jongleur troupe in the town. It appears that things are not going quite well for Stefano over the past few months. One of his jongleurs named Gyles de Multon had gotten killed while performing on stage. Also, his idea of pawing for Margaret seems to have gotten Margaret’s husband wild and jealous of him. Now that Stefano has got a chance to play at a new venue, he and his troupe members hope that things will improve in the future. In the meantime, William Falconer is depicted as searching the back alleys in Oxford to look for an alchemist. He needs this alchemist to help Roger Bacon, his exiled mentor, in one of his research work. Falconer’s search takes him to the final rehearsal spot of Stefano’s play. There, he witnesses the accidental death of a stand-in person. With the happening of this incident, it became clear that someone was trying to kill Stefano. Being afraid to lose his life, he approaches William Falconer to help him and catch the man who is trying to kill him. As Falconer has seen everything with his own eyes, he seems more than willing to help Stefano. He agrees to take up his case and investigate the matter to reveal the man responsible for the accidental deaths in Stefano’s stage plays. This book too received great reviews and author Morson was once again appreciated for his dedicated efforts in bringing up the plot of this book. The novel also proved to be a good way to learn about the details of the Medieval England as author Morson has given in-depth descriptions related to various historical aspects of that time.