Order of Mason Deaver Books

Mason Deaver Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Mason Deaver is a young adult author that works as a librarian and identifies as non-binary. They are best known for their debut novel “I Wish You All the Best.” It is one of the very first novels written by a non-binary author that features a non-binary protagonist. The novel tells the story of Ben De Backer that comes out to his parents and then has to deal with the inevitable effects of the decision. When they is not working or writing, they can be found in the kitchen baking or out in the garden chasing down toads that like digging holes in it. They also read and love the works of the likes of Courtney Summers, Becky Albertalli, Laura Silverman, and Adam Silvera among others.

Deaver believes that her story is one that many other authors have. As a child, she used to read and then staple up stories and drawings and pretend it was a book. The turning point as when she read Becky Albertalli’s “Homo Sapiens Agenda.” This was the work that kicked them into high gear as they had a story in their heart they wanted to get out. They needed an audience that would react to their story the way they had reacted to Simon Vs as well as several other novels by queer authors. Obviously, several other things drove them to write her novel but the main thing was wanting to be the voice for trans teenagers. During this time, there were virtually no nonbinary or trans novels out there. The only thing she had to read was Meredith Russo’s “If I was Your Girl.” They saw the gap and wanted to fill it since they could not imagine what such a book would have done for them while they were confused teenagers. While they could not go back and give a book to themselves, they could do it for someone that may have been trying to figure out things or was struggling with similar things in their life.

Mason Deaver’s works explore themes of depression and anxiety in an exquisite way that is not common in many other young adult novels. Deaver writes truthful and authentic stories that represent the real struggles of this demographic. They have mastered the art of making one feel and relate with the characters in her novels and in doing this she writes brilliant novels. Mason writes in such an exquisite manner that their debut novel “I Wish You All the Best” does not feel like something that was written by a first-time author. It has the feeling of work from an expert writer that has been crafting world-beating pieces for years. Just like many authors she has writers that have been a huge influence in her writing career. The most influential queer author was Becky Albertalli while another was Meredith Russo, particularly her novel “If I Was Your Girl.” It as from the novel that she first saw the depiction of a trans lead character who got what she deserved and a happy ending. All of this gave her the inspiration to write something similar and hence was born her debut novel.

Mason Deaver’s “I Wish You All the Best” is a brilliant debut about Benjamin De Backer He is a non-binary youth who is planning on coming out to their parents in a few weeks’ time. The novel does not concern itself with the immediate fallout in the beginning, though the story gives enough information that is sufficient to conjure the horrors likely to ensue. Benjamin has their own life in their hand but once they come out, it is instantly spun away robbing them of any control. They feel like a stray helium balloon as they drifts aimlessly until they finally decide to talk to their estranged sister that they believe may have the answers they have been unable to find. Benjamin has some faint hope when they are invited to live with their sister and her husband in their house. But the avalanche of new bruises never lets up as he is always burdened, always weary and always dealing with a new ache. They have never been in such a precarious position before and they are now full of doubt, angle, and fear. They had been stung by the rejection from their parents but still have to deal with having to come out to everyone and not knowing how they will react. Benjamin looked to be in a bizarre pocket of emptiness where people were afraid of entering yet they had never been in any danger from the occupant. With the support of a non-binary Muslim immigrant friend coupled with a blossoming friendship with Nathan a classmate, they slowly but surely are seeing a sliver of hope. There could be new spaces opening up that could be big enough to let disparate people stand in. Maybe Benjamin and his friends could hope for a blooming of hope that such places could finally become commonplace.

Mason Deaver’s “The Ghost’s We Keep” is Liam Cooper’s story. They are a non-binary teen that is in the process of figuring out their identity. As such, they are in the closet though they believe they should be given time as they are most comfortable being in there for the moment. They have a crush on Joel their best friend but they do not have the nerve to ask him out but still hope that something good will come of their relationship. But then things come crashing down when Cooper’s brother is involved in an accident and dies. They now see their brother’s face in the mirror and have to deal with being half of a whole. It is a novel that speaks to dealing with PTSD, grief, fear, and rejection that was inspired by the author losing their father in 2017. It is a dark book with dark themes that has the lead character go through difficult circumstances as they try to reconcile with being different, rejection from other people and losing the person they treasure and love.