Order of Mark Treasure Books

Order of Mark Treasure Books

Mark Treasure by David Williams

Mark Treasure is the protagonist in a series of crime fiction novels by British novelist David Williams. Mark Treasure is a graduate of Jesus College, Oxford and works as a merchant banker, but is also a sleuth on the side. He is married to a successful actress, Molly.

David Williams began his Mark Treasure series in 1976 with his first novel, Unholy Writ. The series lasted 17 novels with the final one being Banking on Murder in 1993. Below is a list of David Williams’ Mark Treasure books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):

Publication Order of Mark Treasure Books

Unholy Writ


Treasure by Degrees


Treasure Up in Smoke


Murder for Treasure


Copper, Gold and Treasure


Treasure Preserved


Advertise for Treasure


Murder in Advent


Wedding Treasure


Treasure in Roubles


Divided Treasure


Treasure in Oxford


Holy Treasure!


Prescription for Murder


Treasure by Post


Planning On Murder


Banking on Murder
