Order of Mark Allen Smith Books

Mark Allen Smith Books In Order

Publication Order of Geiger Books

Mark Allen Smith is a successful documentary film and television screenwriter and producer. He is best known for his debut novel “The Inquisitor,” which he first published in 2012.

He has asserted that his experience working for “20/20” the acclaimed investigative feature show on ABC-TV was the inspiration for his thriller.

Back then, he was looking at a story from the 70s, which was about the remarkably brutal murder and torture of a 17-year-old in Paraguay.

Allen Smith was also inspired to pen his novel following the death of Lisa Steinberg, who suffered a lot under her adoptive father.

It was this event that popped the lid on the corrosive effects of psychological and physical pressure on innocents, which often include children.

Mark’s research journey was what convinced him that he needed to bring the story to a large audience, which could best be done through a novel.

As a long-term resident of Westchester County, Mark Allen Smith currently makes his home In Harlem New York, where he lives with Cathy his wife, and their six kids.

The author Mark Allen Smith fell in love with words at a very young age. When he was three he remembers sitting in his mother’s lap while she read poems, kids’ stories, nursery rhymes, and even Shakespeare to him.

Long before he could understand the words, he loved the music, rhythm, and sound of them. Mark started making lists of words that sounded cool, words that rhymed, and any that sounded pleasing to him.
It would become an obsession that would never go away and to this day he still catches himself writing and rewriting sentences many times before he is satisfied with the flow and feel of it.

The first thing he ever wrote was “Captain Swampscott And The Pipecleaner Machine” a short story that came out when he was just seven. It was a beautiful story full of intrigue that was set on the high seas.
The story was never published as he came home after college to find his grandmother that was a neat freak, had cleaned out all his closets and thrown out all of his literary writings.

Mark Allen Smith believes that his experiences as a screenwriter and investigative news producer have been significant in shaping his writing career.

As an investigative documentary and news producer, he learned how to keep his eye on what was happening all around him and in front of him.

As such, he is very flexible about the possibilities of any story that he writes and believes he has eyes at the back of his head. As a screenwriter, he was required to do the opposite of the creative work he did as a documentary or TV investigative writer.

Screenwriters are expected to adhere to strict and formal rules of the craft. Scripts need to be formatted to a specific length and format which means he learned how to make his stories as tight as possible.
It was often frustrating, even if it was great training in discipline and became a mean editing machine. As such, the combination of his two previous occupations had a positive and profound effect on Mark Allen Smith.

He always tries to keep things very tight in language and plot, even as he tries to not get too restricted by the big-picture outlines he makes.

In this way, he makes room for moments of creativity in his works, even as he ensures he gets his message across in a succinct manner.

Mark Allen Smith’s novel “The Inquisitor” introduces Geiger, a man with a gift to know what is truth and what lies from the moment he hears it. It is an invaluable gift in information retrieval, which makes him the hottest commodity on the market.

He works with clients that depend on him to find the truth even if they are dealing with the most reluctant subjects.

Unlike his competition, Geiger does not shed blood as he makes use of many techniques, some of them psychological and others physical, to extract information.

In his work, it is all about fear rather than pain as this is what he has found is most effective to stop people from lying. One of the rules he holds onto fast is to never work with children.
As such, when Harry Boddicker a former journalist unwittingly brings him business that would require the interrogation of a preteen his instincts take over.

He rescues the kid from his captors and takes him to his loft in New York City where he can protect him from those that would harm him.

But they will need to discover why the client wanted so desperately to get information from the boy. If they cannot they may find themselves in danger too.

It is a compelling and mesmerizing work that introduces one of the most unforgettable leads.

“The Inquisitor” by Mark opens with everyone trying to find Geiger. He was an emotionless and cold man with an innate ability to recognize lies that had been one of the best when it came to retrieving information.

Things had gone wrong when he was asked to do the unthinkable and break his only rule which was to torture a child. He had a neatly controlled mind but something broke in him and opened a flood of memories he had believed were in his past.

Soon after he had gone missing and the authorities presumed him dead. However, since the police have never found his body several people have been following leads hoping to find the truth.

One of these is Geiger’s old friend and handler Harry Boddicker. Another is Dalton who was a bitter rival that would do anything to find Geiger and get him to confess before he takes him out in revenge.
However, no one thought of Zanni Soames, who is determined to be the one to find the man first and is more dangerous than any of the other searchers.

It is a masterfully written thriller from Mark Allen Smith that sends its readers from Paris to New York and back again as it explores the darkest depths of Geiger.