Order of Marisa De Los Santos Books

Marisa de los Santos Books In Order

Publication Order of Love Walked In Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of James Dickey Contemporary Poetry Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Marisa de los Santos is a popular novelist from America, who is popular for writing literature & fiction, adult fiction, contemporary, women’s fiction, romance, and chick lit novels. She is particularly well known for writing the romance book, Love Walked In, which has helped her to achieve the status of a New York Times bestselling writer. Author Marisa contributed a couple more books with the same characters from her first novel and developed a three book series. Apart from this, she has penned two other books with characters from her initial 2 books.

The most recent book written and published by her is called I Will Be Your Blue Sky. Besides her independent novels, author Marisa has written 2 books in collaboration with her dear husband named David Teague. The two books for which she collaborated and co-authored with David are directed towards the readers of the middle grade. These two publishings are known as Connect The Stars and Saving Lucas Biggs. Author Marisa was born and brought up in Baltimore, United States. As of today, she resides in Wilmington, Delaware, along with her loving husband David Teague and 2 beautiful children named Annabel and Charles. Marisa and her family are fond of pet animals. So, they rear 2 Yorkies named Huxley and Finny in their home.

Author Marisa has tried her hand in multiple genres. She likes to write whatever genre of stories come to her mind. She tries very hard and attempts to give her best while developing any of her stories into books. Marisa is grateful to have found the support of her fans, who she believes have motivated her all along her career. Marisa hopes to continue writing interesting and exciting stories so that her fans keep supporting her as they have always done. She also intends to increase the number of her supporters, which will eventually help her to become a much more popular author. Many critics and reviewers have reviewed her works with great comments. Most of them have liked her writings and believe that she will be able to do much better in the near future.

Author Marisa’s works have featured in numerous literary magazines all across the globe. She wishes to enlist herself among the prominent authors and continually strives towards achieving this target. As of now, author Marisa Santos is working towards the development of her 6th book for adults. It is titled I Would Give Anything and is expected to hit the bookstores very soon.

The debut book that author Marisa de los Santos wrote in her literary career is entitled ‘Love Walked In’. It was released by the Plume Books in the year 2005, a year later after its first release in 2005. Marisa Santos has done the setting of this book’s story in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. The chief characters mentioned in the plot by Marisa Santos include Martin Grace, Cornelia Brown, Clare Hobbs, etc. At the start of this book’s story, it is shown that Martin Grace enters a hip coffee shop in Philadelphia that is managed by Cornelia Brown.

The moment Cornelia sees Martin for the first time, her life begins to change forever. She falls in love with the handsome Martin Grace and decides to spend the rest of her life in his arms. But, what Cornelia Brown does not know is that the new love that she has found is the harbinger of even greater changes she is about to experience soon. In the meantime, an 11 year old girl named Clare Hobbs living in the nearby town sets out to find her lost dad. Clare Hobbs’ mother has abandoned her and she does not have anyone else to go to. So, she decides to search her father and live with him.

Clare comes across her father in the coffee shop of Cornelia Brown, where he had asked her to come and meet him. Seeing her dad after a long time makes Clare Hobbs filled with a lot of emotion. At the same time, Clare also meets the beautiful Cornelia Brown. It does not take much for the two ladies to form an unbreakable bond. This friendship carries them ahead in their lives and enabled them to overcome the unpredictable and unexpected currents of life and love.

Another popular book penned by Marisa is known as ‘Belong To Me’. This book was published by the William Morrow publishers in 2008. Once again, the setting is said to have taken place in Philadelphia, United States. This novel’s primary characters are depicted as Cornelia Brown, Teo, Piper Truitt, Dev, Elizabeth, Lake, etc. At the beginning of the story of the book, Cornelia Brown is introduced as a dedicated city dweller.

She believes she surprised herself the most when she decided to leave behind the urban life and move to the suburban region for living an idyllic life. Even though Cornelia Brown thinks that she and her loving husband Teo have taken the right decision, she seems to find it struggling to make new friendships in the new home. Then, the mettle of Cornelia is immediately tested by a judgmental neighbor named Piper Truitt. Piper looks perfectly manicured, possesses high standards, and dressses impeccably. Cornelia sees her as the embodiment of all that she always feared to find in the suburbs. Later, Cornelia meets a saving grace in the form of a new character named Lake. The two share common interests for old movies and literature. Their common tastes help them to bond easily and instantly become friends.

However, Cornelia feels something elusive about Lake, who has also arrived recently in town. Lake’s reason for visiting the town is that she wanted to send her brilliant, perceptive son named Dev to a school for differently-abled pupils. Marisa Santos has done a great job with her literary talents by describing the complex interactions between Cornelia, Lake, and Piper. She has explored the ups and downs of emotions faced by Piper while caring for 2 households very deftly.

With Lake, Marisa has created a beguiling and enigmatic character, who attracts Cornelia very close to her in spite of harboring some shocking secrets. And last but not the least, Marisa has skillfully managed to keep the readers engaged with Cornelia’s characters from the beginning up to the climax, showing her having struggles with adapting to the new surroundings, remaining true to her own self. With the unfolding of the individual stories of the women, they are seen as getting entangled in a deep web of love, trust, loss, and betrayal that challenge them in unimaginable ways. The readers enjoyed reading all the aspects of the story and responded positively with rave reviews. Even the critics liked the book and praised Marisa for her unique story and writing technique.