Order of Marie Chapian Books

Marie Chapian Books In Order

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Alula-Belle Adventures Books

Publication Order of Children’s Books

Marie Chapian is a Christian, Non-Fiction, and Self-help author who has penned more than thirty works that have been translated into more than 17 languages including Arabic and Chinese.

She has always said that her coaching, books, fitness classes, teaching materials, and art find their inspiration in her passionate love for people and God.

As for her education, she has been all over the place and has certifications and degrees from La Jolla University, the University of Minnesota, UCSD, Metropolitan State University, Palomar College, and Vermont College.
Over the years, she has attained a bachelor’s degree, a Master of Fine Arts degree, and a counseling doctorate. She has also done postgraduate and undergraduate work in biblical studies at Logos and Bethel seminaries.
Marie has also worked at Mira Costa College teaching creative writing as an adjunct professor.

Since she published “City Psalms” her debut novel, she has become very successful and won many awards.

She has also been nominated for the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize in fiction. Marie Chapian won the Gold Medallion Book Award, the Campus Crusade for Christ Awards, and twice, the Cornerstone Book of the Year Award.
The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association gave her a Bronze Book Award and she won a Silver Angel Award for her efforts in all branches of media that had a social and moral impact.
For Outstanding Service in Christian Literature and Leadership, she won the Distinguished International Leadership Award.

Outside of her prose, she has also been the winner of playwriting grants from the Milton Center and the Los Angeles Theatre Center.

Her paintings are also very popular and have been featured in many art venues, and galleries, and have even been included in Art and Faith the 2012 published book.

Marie Chapian is best known for her co-authored autobiographies, fitness and health writings, and Christian writings. Writing as Marie Giordano, she is the author of the novel “I Love You Like A Tomato.”

She has also put out several Christian diet books such as “Free to Be Thin,” which she co-wrote with Neya Coyle. Champion is also the creator of “Fun To Be Fit,” a Christian-tracked aerobics video that would become very popular.
As part of her Christian duty, she has penned “Mothers & Daughters,” a Christian devotional book alongside “His Thoughts Towards Me” that was published in both Russian and English.

She loves working with other novelists and creators and has even worked with Cathleen Mae Web to explain why she dropped charges of kidnapping and rape against Gary Dotson.

It was from this collaboration that was born the 1985 published work “Forgive Me.” Other authors that she has worked with in her writings include Robert Sadler and Gavin MacLeod.

Marie Chapian’s novel “Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy” is a work about prayer, faith, and God’s faithfulness, even in the toughest of times.

The work is for the most part set in Yugoslavia during the Second World War as it follows the tribulations and trials of the Protestant Slovenian Kovac family, who live in a predominantly Catholic region.
Jozeca and Jakob Kovac have awe-inspiring faith, even as they live in some very turbulent times.

During the interwar years, Jakob had been an itinerant preacher in Croatia and Slovenia. It was during that time when he met Jozeca that he would then marry.

All their children were born during the partisan insurgency and amid the rigors of war. It was a time when their faith could have been rocked by so many things but they remain steadfast to the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.
The Kovac family never wavers and the power of God is evident as they remain joyous and hopeful despite the many trials.
It is a gripping biography that dives deep into the forgotten casualties of the Second World War.

“Angels in Our Lives” by Marie Chapian is a definitive work that teaches and explains the presence of angels in our personal lives and in the contemporary world.

The work comes with some well-documented testimonies of angelic activity in personal lives, churches, and ministries, in addition to providing sound foundational biblical teaching.
Marie asks several pertinent questions about angels including whether they are guiding and helping us in our personal lives.

She asks if is it possible that God assigns angels to help one fulfill their destiny in life. She also asks us to meditate on how praising and worshipping God can result in an angelic presence in our lives.

This is a very different kind of book from the usual merchandise type from the 1980s. While there is a clear warning to never worship angels in the Bible, this book is very different from most other books about angels that do so.
As an education professional, Marie is a lover of the word of God and Jesus. In this work, she insists that Christians ought not to worship angels, but also maintains that Christians have an angelic presence in their lives.
As such, this is all about understanding angels as servants of God who are sometimes sent by God to help us in our worship and daily living.

Marie Chapian’s novel “Quiet Prayer” is a work that shows you how to combine Christianity and meditation.
It is an interesting concept for Christians as the idea of sitting in silence with God in a very structured manner will certainly be of help to some.

It is an easy work to read that comes with a brief introduction to how quiet prayer developed. It then shows you how to adopt a range of techniques, interspersed with illustrations of sessions the author has done on quiet prayer and meditation.
It is accessible writing that goes over several elements of prayer and meditation through a range of exercises. For anyone who has not done meditation before, this is a very useful work to start the practice of prayer.
This is a work that would be strongly recommended for anyone looking to develop a stronger relationship with God that would be good for just about any Christian.