Order of Malus Darkblade Books

Order of Malus Darkblade Books

Malus Darkblade is a character who appears in a series of fantasy novels by British author Dan Abnett and Mike Lee. The series is set in the Warhammer Fantasy series. A Dark Elf, Malus is the bastard son of Vaulkhar of Hag Graef who displays all of the traits of his kind – cruel, cunning and ambitious. His goal is to extend his influence as far as he possibly can.

The Malus Darkblade series began in 2005 with the novel The Daemon’s Curse. The series concluded with Lord of Ruin, published in September 2007. Below isa list of Dan Abnett and Mike Lee’s Malus Darkblade books in order of when they were first released:

Publication Order of The Chronicles of Malus Darkblade Books

(By: Dan Abnett, Mike Lee)

The Daemon’s Curse




Reaper of Souls




Lord of Ruin


The Chronicles of Malus Darkblade Volume One


The Chronicles of Malus Darkblade Volume Two
