Malcolm Harris Books In Order
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
Share or Die: Voices of the Get Lost Generation in the Age of Crisis | (2012) | |
Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials | (2017) | |
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit: History Since the End of History | (2020) | |
Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World | (2023) |
Malcolm Harris
Malcolm Harris is a non-fiction author best known for his debut novel Kids These Days. The talented writer is also a journalist, editor, and critic currently working with an online magazine named The New Inquiry. Through his works, the author shows how society has conspired to make life tougher for the young generation. Harris played a key role in the Occupy Wallstreet Movement. Most of his arguments are highlighted in his first novel, and it is admirable how he concisely outlines the issues affecting the millennials. Currently, this American author lives in Philadelphia.
Kids These Days
Kids These Days takes a look at millennials and the factors that have contributed to their woes and frustrations. For many people born before this era, Millennials are seen as entitled, lazy, and immature. Thanks to these stereotypes, many have suffered in the hands of family, friends, and employers. Some people claim that participation trophies ruined the millennials, while others have suggested that we have low self-esteem. This cannot be further from the truth. There are many factors that unite the millennials, and if the world were to consider them all, it would be evident what important role we play in the current economy.
One of these uniting factors is how hardworking we are. The millennials are the most hardworking and educated generation in history. People in this generation have been forced to spend money, time, and other resources studying history and getting ready for the labor market. However, the generation has been socialized to view working for free in form internships as a privilege. The reality is that even with their education and hard work, the millennials are poorer, have more unstable jobs, and are heavily medicated. The situation is much worse when compared to our parents or grandparents. You also cannot ignore our shaky social footing.
This book explores why the millennials are in a tight situation today and why they may appear pessimistic and uninspired to some. This birth cohort is characterized by student debt, social media, and the interns’ rise has been judged wrongly for far too long, and society’s pressures are beginning to take a toll on them. How are the millennials even expected to shine, grow wealth, and live a fulfilling life with all that is working against them? Who has considered the effects of mass incarcerations and why the stereotypes without considering all the underlying issues? What occurs to a generation raised as investments and what happens if it doesn’t live to the investors’ expectations?
Kids These Days is an important book that will change your view of the millennials. If you, like others, have been going along with the stereotype that they are lazy and entitled, this book might change your mind. In a crackling yet cohesive way, the author points out the effects of capitalism on this generation. Millennials are indeed underpaid and overworked. They are also about to inherit a world that is on the verge of ecological and social collapse. However, all is not lost as millennials are now adults and can begin to confront the issues that affect them. If you are within this age cohort, this book will make you mad. The good thing is that it will also open your eyes to the forces working against you and possibly encourage you to be more lenient on yourself.
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit takes yet another look at society and the inequalities that continue to affect the young generations. Some people term this as history after the end of history, and the book is all this and more. It is no secret that the political and economic situation has gotten worse. The future doesn’t look all that promising either. Since the Occupy Wall Street protests, a lot has happened in society, and the saddest thing is that most of it has been detrimental to the young generation’s welfare. So, is there any hope for the current and future generations, or is it all gloom from here henceforth?
Well, the future looks interesting with talks about the robots that will replace humans in the workforce. In some institutions, this is already happening. Technology has rendered many people redundant, and it seems like people have to keep on adapting to changing times if they want to remain in the workforce. In these biting essays, the author looks into these and more issues that make up the current economy. The crisis is becoming more evident, and there is no telling when things will finally blow over. However, we can still laugh at our problems despite all the hardships as we try to look for solutions.
Malcolm Harris is listed among the most versatile and sharp critics in America. In this book, he tackles over 30 of the issues affecting society today. Some of these issues include lower wages, the rise of fascism, and the unending student loans, making it hard for young people to lead a stable life. It is not every day that a writer paints a perfect picture of the world as it is. For most people, this book feels like an awakening, and for the young people who could be wondering what is wrong with them, this is like a breath of fresh air. The truth is that many factors ranging from low wages to the annoying cultural landscape are affecting the young generation, and this was bound to happen.
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit is a satirical piece that will make you sad and laugh at the same time. The author holds candid discussions that show how things continue getting worse by the day. Because this book is in essay form, you can break it down into over 30 parts and take your time to read every bit and mull over whatever is discussed therein. The essays are not in any order, which adds some excitement because you have no idea what you will be reading in the next essay. Harris is clearly gifted, and his writing is not just captivating, but he has a way of holding your attention and encouraging you to keep reading.