Order of Madoc Janet Rhys Books

Order of Madoc & Janet Rhys Books

Madoc and Janet Rhys Mysteries by Alisa Craig Charlotte MacLeod

The Madoc & Janet Rhys series is a cozy mystery series by Canadian-American novelist Charlotte MacLeod (writing as Alisa Craig). Madoc Rhys is an inspector with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), who solves mysteries with wife Janet Rhys. The series is set in the Canadian Maritime province of New Brunswick.

Charlotte MacLeod started her Madoc & Janet Rhys series in 1980 with the novel A Pint of Murder. There are five novels in the series. The final novel in the series is The Wrong Rite, published in 1992. Below is a list of Charlotte MacLeod’s Madoc & Janet Rhys Mysteries books in order of when they were first released (which is also their chronological order):

Publication Order of Madoc Rhys Books

A Pint of Murder


Murder Goes Mumming


A Dismal Thing to Do


Trouble in the Brasses


The Wrong Rite
