Order of Madeleine Henry Books

Madeleine Henry Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Madeleine Henry is an American published author.

She has written several novels, debuting on the written word scene with her 2019 novel Breathe In, Cash Out. She has continued to write and has had her work featured in publications such as Entertainment Weekly, The Washington Post, The New York Post, and The New York Times, and more.

Madeleine resides in New York along with her husband. There she is constantly working on her upcoming book. She has also appeared on NBC, the CW, WCBS, and WABC. Fans of her work and readers can find out more about her by going to her Instagram.

Madeleine graduated from Yale in 2014. While there, she wrote for The Yale Record, the oldest college humor magazine in America.

Breathe In, Cash Out is the first fictional work to come out from Madeleine Henry. Get a copy of this hot debut and see why The Skimm is calling this story ‘Devil Wears Prada’ meets ‘Wall Street’. It’s the perfect read for the beach or if you are looking for something fun and new.

Main character Allegra Cobb is a banking analyst. She wants nothing more than to go after her career in yoga on a full time basis. She thinks that she will be able to do this when the bonus hits her account, but she is going to have to work hard during all of that time to stay sane as well as make sure that her chakras are entirely aligned.

Allegra happens to have a pretty good resume, too. She graduated from Princeton with straight A’s and did very well in college. She landed a job as an analyst at a great bank and is in her second year there. She also is an American Yoga National Competition Champion.

The reality of Allegra’s world is that she has to spend a lot of time changing up the colors on the bar charts. She has to use the word team way too much on a regular basis. She also spends a lot of time dreaming about what she would do when the year-end bonus finally arrives, and that means quitting instantly. Allegra doesn’t have interest in living in the banking world, which is totally competitive.

The thing that she wants to do more than anything is to start her own yoga practice. She knows that it’s a little bit of a grand dream, but it beats working as a bank analyst any day of the week. Allegra knows that her plan is not as ideal as the pictures of people doing yoga on the beach might seem to be, but it’s something.

Allegra is already working a ton and she also has her coworkers starting to get suspicious that she is working on an exit pan. Allegra has a single father who has always loved high achievement and thought that it’s more important than anything. Knowing his daughter has succeeded in life and is currently employed on Wall Street is deeply meaningful to him. He would likely not be thrilled to hear anything about her little escape plan and her pie in the sky ambitions.

Allegra then accidentally sleeps with a guy who is leading the bank on a huge deal and also meets a yoga guru who might be able to lead her in to her ideal life. Now she’s starting to realize that the happily ever after type of life that she is searching for might not be as easy to make into a reality as she thought. Can this bank analyst figure out what she’s going to do and will she find that maybe this idealistic yoga life is not at all what it is cracked up to be?

Funny and a quick read, this is a romantic story and a modern day fairy tale that is all about finding yourself instead of the right guy. Pick up a copy of Breathe In, Cash Out and see for yourself why so many readers have enjoyed reading this book!

The Love Proof is a 2021 novel by author Madeleine Henry. This is a love story that takes place over the course of different decades as a physicist takes on the journey of a lifetime. If you love anything to do with love or science fiction, pick up a copy of this book and see what you think about it!

A super smart physicist who is studying time and its nature goes on a journey with the intent of proving that the people we love are always connected to us. This ends up leading to other revelations that may just end up taking her by surprise.

Main character Sophie Jones has always been extremely advanced in physics. She’s definitely on pace to find out all of the secrets of the universe and succeed beyond belief in his field. She is at Yale and during her first week she ends up meeting a guy named Jake Kristopher.

Jake and Sophie feel connected right away. It’s almost as though they have known each other through some place out. The two of them become a couple very quickly and fall for each other quickly. The love between them is enough to put Sophie off track with school for a bit.

Sophie finds that a new development puts her into a different reality. Then she goes back to physics to try and make sense of what has happened. This involves taking on big questions in the universe, which extends to how she is going to try and cope with all of the loss and the change that has been taking place.

Sophie knows that she still loves Jake and feels connected to him. So she does the only thing that makes sense to her, and puts herself deeper into her studies so that she can show that your true loves always belong together in all of the realities. Will she be able to show that connections can span through places that no one ever suspected before? Pick up a copy of the fascinating story The Love Proof by Madeleine Henry to find out!