Order of Long Earth Books

Order of Long Earth Books

Long Earth by Terry Pratchett Stephen Baxter

The Long Earth is a series of science fiction novels by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. The series follows Joshua Valiente, who can travel to planets that are similar to Earth (but without humans), and Labsang, who claims to have been a Tibetan motorcycle repairman who has been reincarnated as artificial intelligence. Together, they will learn as much as they can about these parallel worlds.

Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter began their Long Earth series in 2012 with the novel The Long Earth. The series is planned for five novels. Below is a list of The Long Earth books in order of when they were originally released (which is the same as their chronological order):

Publication Order of Long Earth Books

(By: Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter)

The Long Earth


The Long War


The Long Mars


The Long Utopia


The Long Cosmos
