Order of Lisa Mcinerney Books

Lisa McInerney Books In Order

Publication Order of Ryan Cusack Books

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

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Lisa McInerney is a well known author of the fiction genre and short stories from Ireland. She was born in the year 1981 and is famous for being a blogger and novelist. The debut book that she wrote was titled The Glorious Heresies. It was the winner the Baileys Women Prize in the category of the best fiction and also the Desmond Elliot Award. Author Lisa’s birth had taken place in Galway. In the year 2006, she began a blog about the life of the working class in a council estate of Galway. This blog was called as Arse End of Ireland, and with the help of this blog author Lisa used to document the life of the Irishmen with a type of gleeful cynicism. Luckily, Lisa was noticed by many critics and was also called as a talent writer in Ireland who is at work by the Irish Times. Author Belinda McKeon went on to say about Lisa’s writings that she is an excellent writer and an expert in her work. Her writings consist of prose that sear through like sound. The short stories written by author Lisa have appeared in the anthology of Faber called Town & Country. They have also been published in New Island anthology known as Irish Women, in The Gaze Black, Granta, and BBC Radio 4. Author Lisa says that her upbringing was such that it was obvious for her to become an author of contemporary fiction. Initially, she won many awards and appreciations as a blogger. Her blogs have featured in Stinging Fly, Winter Papers, and in a few anthologies. In her first novel, author Lisa has explored shame, salvation, and the Ireland’s legacy of the 20th century attitudes related to family and sex. Apart from winning a couple of prestigious awards, the book was also nominated for a national award and a Dylan Thomas prize.

The Sunday Business Post and Sunday Independent named it as the book of the year. Author Lisa’s debut book was released worldwide in countries like Spain, Italy, France, United States, etc. It was also translated into a number of foreign languages such as Italian, Danish, Dutch, French, and Czech. The book has even been optioned for a television show. Author Lisa has been asked to remain attached to the TV show and help in the adaptation process of the book for the small screen. For all her literary works, author Lisa is represented at the MMB Creative by Ivan Mulcahy. A point came in author Lisa’s career when she started writing for the popular entertainment site named Culch. She was also involved with several other sites and often took up a acerbic stand on the social issues. Lisa considers herself lucky to have gotten the chance to speak at the literary festivals, both in her own country and abroad. Quite often, her talks are related to the new media, the possibilities it creates for the upcoming writers, and the way it affects the traditional publishing. Throughout her writing career, Lisa has received inspirations from fellow authors like Irvine Welsh, Hubert Selby Jr, and Melvin Burgess. Their works have helped Lisa to create matter for the online audience. As of today, author Lisa resides in Galway. She is married and is blessed with a daughter. Lisa lives happily with her family and a pet dog named Angua. She likes to spend most of her time in writing novels and stories, and developing her vocabulary so as to meet the increasing demands of her fans and followers.

Lisa McInerney has penned a novel series comprising of 2 novels. It is known as the Ryan Cusack series. Both the novels of this series feature the lead character as Ryan Cusack, who is depicted as a 15 year old drug dealer. The books of the series were released between the years 2015 and 2017. The debut novel of this series is entitled ‘The Glorious Heresies’. It was released by the John Murray publication in 2015. Author Lisa has introduced the main characters in the story of this book as Ryan Cusack, Jimmy, Tony, Maureen, and Georgie. At the start of the book, it is described that a single messy murder in Ireland goes on to affect the lives of 5 misfits existing on the post crash society’s fringes. Ryan is a drug dealer, who does not want to become like his alcoholic dad Tony. He also has an obsession with a neighbor which threatens to ruin his family and himself. Georgie works as a prostitute who wants to have a religious conversion, but fears that it could have dangerous repercussions. On the other hand, Maureen, who is the accidental murderer, finds out that the son that she had left around 40 years ago has turned into the most ferocious gangster of the city. Now, in her attempt to seek atonement for her crime and several other sins, Maureen looks to destroy all that her son has achieved so far in life. At the same time, Maureen’s actions risk to bring together the interlinked lives of underworld of Ireland in the spotlight.

The next installment of the series is called as ‘The Blood Miracles’. It was also released by the John Murray publishers in 2017. The central characters of this book include Natalie, Ryan Cusack, Colm, etc. At the beginning of this book, Ryan Cusack is shown as having turned 20 years old. He seems to be trying very hard to find out who he really is. But, it appears that it is not a good time for him to do so because his drug dealer boss has decided to exploit the dual heritage by laying the foundation of a new route of black market to Ireland from Italy. The level of difficulty in Ryan’s life rises even more when his girlfriend begins to suspect him for being corrupted. Also, Ryan Cusack wishes that he had really not caught the eye of his grandmother accidentally, who thinks of herself as Ryan’s Saviour. It seems that there might be an easier way out from the chaos for the business proposals of the music promoter named Colm, as well as in the impulsive and charming Natalie’s attention. But, now as the ambition of Ryan’s boss has rattled the entire city, he is about to learn what he is really made of. And the thing that she is about to learn is that the chaos lies in his own blood. The story is compelling, thrilling, and fast paced. Author Lisa has crafted the story in a beautiful way. The book has all the street smarts, linguistic verve, and the vicious Brio.