Order of Lindsay Chamberlain Archaeology Books

Lindsay Chamberlain Archaeology Books In Order

Publication Order of Lindsay Chamberlain Books

Always having had a keen interest in archaeology, the American writer Beverly Connor has fully utilized her hobbies within her writing career. Producing thriller and mystery novels of a very high quality, she has created for herself a unique and interesting take on the genres. Knowing how to create mysteries that keep her readers guessing right until the very end, she really is at the top of her game. Incorporating her passion for archaeology, Connor has also created a set of mysteries based around the activity. Titled the ‘Lindsay Chamberlain Archaeology’ series, this particular set of mysteries follows the eponymous protagonist as she goes about solving cases. It also provides the ideal glimpse into the world of archaeology, a look that’s highly factual and in-depth thanks to her past.

With over five books in the series so far and counting it was one of her most popular franchises to date. Whilst the last one was written back in 2000 there’s still a lot more room to expand on the overall series as a whole. Providing interesting and engaging narratives alongside characters that resonate with the reader, they really allow their audience to feel a part of that world.

A Rumor of Bones

Initially released through the Cumberland House Publishing label, this was originally brought out in 1996 on the 1st of October. Setting up the ongoing Lindsay Chamberlain Archaeology series of novels, it manages to introduce her character for the first time, whilst also providing her with her first case. With it being on familiar territory for Beverly Connor as an author, it really manages to convey a sense of confidence in its style of writing.

Set in the world of archaeology, as with many of Connor’s other novels and series, this is an area she definitely knows about, It is this knowledge that then leaps off the page, arresting the reader in the process, as the world feel extremely real. This immersive quality that she’s able to give her novels, especially this one, makes it a whole lot more believable as well. Set on familiar turf for those that know the books of Connor well this is located within the area of Georgia in America. Knowing and understanding it well, Connor really manages to bring it to life, with all its different shades of moral ambiguity. Giving her the ideal backdrop to work against once more, she manages to craft a series that draws the reader in to its ever immersive world. Lindsay Chamberlain herself is a character of strong integrity and constitution, showing a resilience towards whatever life throws at her. Working as an archaeologist, she is a somewhat reluctant investigator, but is drawn into the line of work through necessity. Being good at her job too, she always manages to keep herself busy, something which often threatens to get the best of her.

With an unsolved murder dating back fifty years, it appears that there’s been a fresh crop of murders more recently that may be tied. That’s when Lindsay Chamberlain steps onto the scene, dealing with what may be her first murder, as she’s the only one with the certain skills to find the culprit. There’s a secret that threatens to be unearthed and it seems that she’s just the woman to do it, as they head to the small Georgia town where it all begun. Will she find the killer at last? Can she find them before it’s too late? What is behind the rumor of bones?

Questionable Remains

Brought out in 1997 just one year after the release of the first novel, this was originally published on the first of May. Published through the Worldwide Library, this was set to continue on directly from the previous novel, continuing many of the events from before. Whilst it may contain many of the elements from the previous novel, it also manages to provide some new surprises along the way too.

Following on with many of the themes and ideas that came beforehand, this manages to convey a similar set of themes and principles. With it firmly being set within the mystery genre, it works at creating a style that manages to capture the intrigue, whilst also retaining an idiosyncrasy about it. The book also works at keeping the reader engaged and entertained throughout the course of the novel as well. Set in Tennessee this time, the action heads from Georgia as the lead protagonist decides to take a vacation there. Once again Connor’s use of location is impeccable, as she draws upon the area with all its rich sense of history and culture. She then allows this to inform the driving narrative of the novel overall, bringing the story forwards, as the reader is immersed into it. The character of Lindsay Chamberlain herself is a strong one as well, with her ability to always deduce what the truth behind the mysteries. Resourceful and resilient as ever, she is able to draw from her own interests in archaeology, allowing her a deeper insight into the cases than others may be investigating. This is something that she maintains throughout the entire series, and is something that her many readers have come to appreciate her for.

With a mystery dating back 400 years this time, Lindsay Chamberlain is out to track down an ancient secret. This is whilst she was all set to spend some time relaxing in Tennessee as well, but it looks like she might get to see another side to the state. Looking into the unexpected and somewhat suspicious deaths of two cavers, it appears there may be more to this case than initially meets the eye. Will she find out what happened to them? Can she learn the truth behind the 400 year old secret? What is behind the questionable remains?

The Lindsay Chamberlain Archaeology Series

Set in the world of archaeology, these provide a great insight into this particular industry for both veterans and newcomers alike. Along with that they also provide great mysteries that are fully involving and engaging for the reader as well. Despite there not being so many releases lately they still continue to grow in popularity, something which will carry on for some time to come.