Order of Laurie Frankel Books

Order of Laurie Frankel Books


Laurie Frankel is an American author who made her debut in 2010 with the release of her first novel, The Atlas of Love. She released her second novel, Goodbye for Now, in 2012 and her third book, This Is How It Always Is, in 2017.

Goodbye for Now has been optioned to be made into a film and has also been released in over 27 countries. Frankel lives in Seattle with her husband and their child. Laurie is a full-time writer, but prior to making the switch to full-time she worked a a teacher of writing, literature, and gender studies at the college level.


Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Atlas of Love


Goodbye for Now


This Is How It Always Is


One Two Three


Family Family


Publication Order of Anthologies

The Writer’s Library
