Order of Keith Mccafferty Books

Order of Keith McCafferty Books


Keith McCafferty is an award winning author who is best known for his outdoor and survivalist writing. He’s the author of the Sean Strahan Mystery series and has also written for Field & Stream magazine, Mother Earth, and the Chicago Tribune.

After growing up in the Appalachian Hills, he could always be found playing outside and his future as an outdoorsman was laid out from that young age. He would attend Duke University where he earned a degree in Zoology that informed him and then he head to the University of Michigan where he pursued his Masters in journalism. He wrote for numerous publications and did some non-fiction guide work before writing his first novel.


Publication Order of Sean Stranahan Books

The Royal Wulff Murders


The Gray Ghost Murders


Dead Man’s Fancy


Crazy Mountain Kiss


Buffalo Jump Blues


Cold Hearted River


A Death in Eden


The Bangtail Ghost


Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

L.L. Bean Family Camping Handbook


L.L. Bean Hiking and Backpacking Handbook
