Order of Katie Bailey Books

Katie Bailey Books In Order

Publication Order of Donovan Family Books

Publication Order of Only in Atlanta Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Cyclones Christmas Books

Katie Bailey
Katie Bailey writes romantic comedies that make you laugh, cry, and then laugh til you cry again.

She is a hopeless romantic, and her goal is to always write funny and swoony love stories with these memorable characters and a ton of heart. Oh, and good looking heroes, too.

For readers that like quirky, laugh out loud humor, and a lot of chemistry and sizzle in your closed-door romances.

“The Roommate Situation” is the first novel in the “Only in Atlanta” series and was released in 2021. Conor Brady is the hottest man that Jessica Shaw has ever laid eyes on. Ever. And he’s also her new roommate.

In the previous few days, she became homeless, boyfriendless, and jobless. So, she did what any 28 year old woman with her life together would do: she ran. Very far away from her life in New York and right to her big brother’s place in Atlanta. But it turns out that her brother’s already on a business trip. And, he failed to tell her that this full on, godlike hottie (who also happens to be a premier house flipper) has taken up a residence in the spare bedroom as his enormous new house is getting renovated.

There are a million reasons why she should not fall for Conor, however they’re chemistry is undeniable. Which means that she has this teeny, tiny situation on her hands.

Some found themselves wishing they had a Conor in their life, and he’s everything that Jess’ ex was not. Here is a funny and fun read with a beautiful romance and even a happy ending.

“The Neighbor War” is the second novel in the “Only in Atlanta” series and was released in 2021. Aiden Shaw is the most infuriating and smuggest man that Courtney has ever met. In her life. He is also her next door neighbor. They have been at war for four long bitter years now. However last night, Aiden crossed a line. Worst part of it all is that he captured her public humiliation on camera, and this video is a viral sensation.

Now, the whole internet is raving about their crackling sexual tension and their off the charts chemistry. Apparently, everybody is blind and delusional. But when Aiden shows up at her doorstep, asking her to pose as his girlfriend, she finds she cannot help but say yes to this man. Even if this means taking a couples vacation with him. Yep. Couples vacation. With her own mortal enemy. Who she must pretend to be madly in love with. Fantastic.

She can put their war on ice just for a little while. But in the end, somebody is going to lose, but it won’t be her.

Fans of the novel appreciated the take on Courtney’s body image issues. She grew up without enough support and encouragement regarding her personality and health.

“So That Happened” is the first novel in the “Donovan Family” series and was released in 2022. Annie spent the night with the grumpy and hot stranger in an airport hotel. No, it wasn’t like that. Everyone just get their minds outta the gutter. It was merely sleeping, and maybe a bit of cuddling. Long story short, she embarrassed the hell outta herself. But at least she never has to see the guy again. But the universe is certainly out to get her, because Monday morning, she arrives at her new job, and who’s the first person that she runs into? Liam Donovan, the hot stranger himself. Who’s also her boss. As in, she is so screwed.

Even though the HR rule book does not explicitly say that you cannot share a bed with your boss, Annie’s able to read between the lines. And she does need the job rather badly. Which is why she must pretend that this night never happened. Luckily for her, sexy as Liam, pardon, Mr. Donovan, might be, the guy is rude, surly, and definitely not her type. So she keeps telling herself, at least.

Because she is beginning to believe that there is a warm and gooey cinnamon roll with extra frosting that lurks underneath that muscular and impressive form. She promised that she would never pick between love and her career. However when there’s a scandal threatening to break, such a promise could prove impossible to keep.

These characters are very engaging and feel like people that you want to know, and you get invested in the outcome. Liam is a caring and kind man, and you get to see the sweet and funny uncle side, as he cares for his niece for much of the book, that he doesn’t let everybody see. While Annie seems to be a free spirit when you first meet her, she’s filled with self doubt and criticizes her random utterances, just to cross another line between TMI and good taste soon after.

“I Think He Knows” is the second novel in the “Donovan Family” series and was released in 2023. Lana Mae fell in love with Carter James Callahan’s smart mouthed smirk a long time before it was labeled “The Sexiest Smile in Hollywood”. She also fell for the guy’s impossibly blue eyes, his broad and muscular shoulders, his…nope. She’s not going there anymore.

Because even though Carter might frequent Lana’s dreams every single night, she’ll just frequent the guy’s friend zone. Which is why she is on this official mission to rid herself of her pesky feelings for him, she is going to put herself out there, begin dating, and quit hopelessly crushing on her best friend. But deep down, she knows that this is for the best. It’d never work between them: she is a single mother with a pretty impressive collection of stained sweatpants, while he is a serial-dating celeb heartthrob that never wants to get tied down to anything or to anybody.

So when the media breaks this story that Carter’s getting married, no one is more shocked than Lana is. Particularly when she clicks on the article and see that his mysterious new fiance is Lana?