Order of Kathy Garthwaite Books

Kathy Garthwaite Books In Order

Publication Order of Detective Marlowe Flint Books

Publication Order of DI William Gibson Books

Kathy Garthwaite
Author Kathy Garthwaite lives on Vancouver Island encircled by the Pacific Ocean, endless forest, and mountain ranges.

She has loved reading thrillers, suspense, and mysteries for her entire life. Kathy’s pastimes include reading, hiking, and golfing.

She has written for various magazines on the topics of horses, cottage life, horticulture, and fitness.

Kathy’s novels give the reader a sense of the scenery in Canada, and a look inside the lives of other people- the bad and the good. As well as their secrets.

Kathy’s debut novel, called “Murder on Vancouver Island” was released in the year 2019. Her work is from the mystery genre.

“Murder on Vancouver Island” is the first novel in the “Detective William Gibson” series and was released in the year 2019. The peace of a frosty morning is ruined when a guy finds the battered body of a colleague. William Gibson, Vancouver Island detective, investigates.

The victim’s found by a maintenance worker on the campus of the university. Despite being savagely murdered, there is little other evidence. Just a condom placed under the corpse and a blood-spattered baseball bat. The cops learn that Robbie Spencer, the victim, was a closeted homosexual, Inspector Gibson is certain this was a hate crime.

But, co-workers are seemingly nonplussed by these events, regarding investigating officers with disdain and suspicion. Could the perp be one of them?

Garthwaite, with a deft hand, evokes a strong sense of scenery and atmosphere here, with the weather being integral to the mood, and poetic touches, too. There is significant detail devoted to buildings’ architecture. It is more than a mere mystery, but also a carefully crafted experience in quite a stunning setting in Canada. The novel still has a complex and detailed mystery with enough red herrings in it.

“Murder at Lake Ontario” is the second novel in the “Detective William Gibson” series and was released in the year 2019. A woman is murdered after a party taking place on Canada Day, one seasoned detective struggles to focus solely on the investigation.

A local shopkeeper’s corpse is discovered on the beach. There’s no question at all that it was murder, however the obvious suspect has vanished. Seconded from Vancouver Island and flown to the east of the country in order to aid in setting up a major crimes task force, takes charge.

A murder case is the very last thing that he needs right now. Estranged from his wife, there are other distractions in his life as well. Particularly one upbeat and attractive junior officer. Gibson’s loyalties become split, so far from home. The heady days of summer begin bearing down on him. The pressure builds up to a breaking point. Could he find the focus he needs to solve this complicated crime? Or is going to return to Vancouver Island beaten?

Fans find they like Gibson, finding him to be an entirely real character, while being a flawed person but a good detective. He works a case that attacks both his personal and private life at the same time, and it is entertaining to see him try to keep on top of them both. It feels like you get to access certain aspects of people’s personal lives that you don’t often get a glimpse of.

“Murder on the Saanich Peninsular” is the third novel in the “Detective William Gibson” series and was released in the year 2020. One cruel murder has some irreversible and horrible consequences for the detectives working on the case.

A woman is found killed by the Bevan fishing pier on Vancouver Island, Inspector Gibson is certain that her abusive husband is the one responsible. However, could his conviction be more his own sense of guilt than real hard evidence? With interviews of the suspect not providing anything firm, the investigation centers on a young drop-out witnessed close to the scene named Ryder Simpson. He too proves elusive.

Gibson and Ann “Scottie” Cruickshank (his sergeant) are at loggerheads over the inquiry’s direction. Gibson is also distracted by his son coming back into his life recently, and his newest wife expecting her first child.

Gibson ups the pressure on the victim’s family, signs of infidelity start emerging. However it isn’t all how it appears. When the truth finally does come to light it has devastating for those concerned, detectives too.

Readers like Kathy’s characters and how they intertwine with one another over the course of the book. This novel is well researched and well written, with outstanding pacing with enough red herrings to keep you guessing at who the killer could be. The descriptions of the settings here is splendid and helps complement the novel’s plot.

“The Alley” is the first stand alone novel and was released in the year 2020. One peaceful day in Casltecrest, which is a coastal town on Vancouver Island, gets interrupted when someone fires a gun in a jewellery store. Crime’s so rare in this area that only RCMP Sergeant Marlowe Flint and a couple others have any clue the sound was from a firearm at all.

Detective Flint heads to the shop, finding the assistant dead among all of the shattered glass from the display cabinets. Even though she’s at the scene in minutes, there’s no sign of the shooter. While Flint attempts gathering evidence, two theories start emerging. One about a personal vendetta and the other of a bungled robbery. She’s not sure which worries her more.

Potential witnesses at a nearby cafe are tight-lipped while being questioned by the cops. The odd behavior of a waitress starts pointing to the jealous boyfriend theory. In fact, everybody, including the owner of the jewellery store, has their own secret to hide. However when Flint’s investigation gets to the truth at last, it is going to stun this tiny town to its core.

This is a cracking mystery set with an intriguing plot and some compelling characters, making for a real page turner. It has relatable characters, and the plot makes for a good puzzle with all of the community connections that can be found in this small town.