Order of Kate Moore Books

Kate Moore Books In Order

Publication Order of Sons of Sin Books

Publication Order of Canyon Club Books

Publication Order of The Duke’s Men Books

Publication Order of Ring of Truth Books

Publication Order of Husband Hunters Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Kate Moore is a noteworthy American writer of romance, historical fiction, and contemporary novels. She has written some very popular book series in her career, the most prominent ones among them being the Hunting Husbands series and the Sons of Sin series. Before taking up writing as a career, Moore was involved in teaching. She started teaching in the year 1968 and took to writing for the first time in 1984. Moore believes that both her careers enable her to connect with learners and immerse her in the communities of creative art. Her dual careers also offer her many opportunities to grow. She believes that having the ability to develop fictional stories helps her to understand the ways in which she can coach the young readers in making the most out of their experience.

Moore has won several awards for her literary works. She likes to be recognized as an independent author of fiction. Moore has said that she likes to explore love’s bright side and London’s dark side. Recently, she has created a new book series of romantic fiction with two novels and has reportedly started working on the development of the third novel. Moore was born and brought up in California. She moved to Boston to study English Literature and came back to California after her graduation. Immediately after her return, Moore began teaching high school students. She is said to have several generations of student and many of them reached out to her through Facebook and have become her friend.

When Moore fully established herself in the field of writing, she decided to try her hand at writing and began writing romance stories. In her stories, she typically describes an undeniable attraction that brings together honorable & edgy loners and practical & warm women. Such mind-blowing love stories typically take place in contemporary California or Regency England in Moore’s stories. Moore has been a three-time finalist of the RITA Award and has won several prestigious literary awards like Golden Heart, Book Buyers, and Golden Crown. Currently, Moore resides in San Francisco with her loving husband. The couple keeps themselves surrounded by numerous lovable pets, their beautiful grandchildren, and uncountable books. Author Moore has always received great support from her family and friends. She considers her children to be her best works and her surfer life partner to be her most favorite hero.

A very popular novel series written by author Kate Moore is known as the Canyon Club series. It is comprised of a total of 3 books released between 2014 and 2018. All the stories of this series are set in Los Angeles and describe tales of money and sex. Some of the essential characters mentioned by Moore include Will Sloan, Annie James, Josh Huntington, Emma Gray, etc. The debut book of this series is entitled ‘The Loner’. It was released as a Kindle publishing in 2014. This novel tells the story of a self-sufficient loner and new billionaire Will Sloan and a widowed and dedicated social worker Annie James. The story starts by showing that Will Sloan returns to Los Angeles after living away for several years. He is the son of a deceased rodeo cowboy and a waitress. Will has spent his earlier years in extreme poverty and was a scholarship student in college. But now, his fortunes smiled at him and made him a billionaire. Seeing him live a lonely life, Will Sloan’s friends suggest him to enter the dating scene of the hot city. He doesn’t seem to have any interest in dating anyone. But, during a chance encounter at an event of school get-together, he comes across his love interest from his past life. She is none other than Annie James.

Will has never forgotten her and has always cursed himself for not being able to gain her love. But this time, he has decided that he is not going to let her go at any cost. Annie James became a widow at a very young age. At the age of 24, she was jobless and single. After struggling for ten years, she has finally managed to recover from her heartbreaks and made herself self-sufficient with a decent job, a big enough house, and a passion for helping poor kids. During one of her social causes, in which she tries to secure a scholarship for a poor boy to help him join the Canyon School, Annie meets Will Sloan and has a flashback of her past life’s heartbreaks. She seems unwilling to forgive him for walking out of her life without giving a proper reason and breaking her heart. But, when she sees that Will Sloan has changed and is ready to accept her without any condition, she ends up forgiving him. In some corner of her heart, she still loves him and it is this old love that forced her to give up her anger and cherish the love she has been craving all her life.

The next book of the series is entitled ‘Golden Boy’. It was published in 2015. This novel describes the tale of handsome trust-fund billionaire Josh Huntington and the independent single mother Emma Gray, set in LA, the land of perpetual sunshine and palm trees. Not only Emma turns out to be Josh’s perfect match, but she also makes the man he always wanted to be. Initially, Josh Huntington is introduced as a charming, fortunate, and privileged Golden Boy. He is in his thirties and has never faced any problems in life. Josh has never had feelings for any lady. Whenever he indulges in anyone, he only sees self-interest and never lets it turn into anything serious. But, when his strong self-interest sense begins to face challenges, Josh is not able to contain himself. His father threatens him to throw out from his wealth if he decides to go against his wishes.

Still, he is unable to prevent himself from falling for his prickly tenant, a beautiful single mother of a 6-year-old kid. She seems to be quite uninterested in Josh and chooses to be self-reliant. Emma thinks that there is no place for rich-man boys such as Josh Huntington in her life. She thinks he has no dependability and only possesses his charming sensuality. When Emma’s sink gets clogged, Josh comes to her help. Seeing him, she remembers her past and doesn’t wish to go down that road. She has fought her way and struggled through many difficulties in life to become self-dependent and self-reliant. At times, Emma feels that she will be needing to look after her and her son, a thought that makes her feel the need of a family. Soon after, Emma sees that Josh has changed. She realizes that he is not too spoiled and has the qualities of changing into a responsible man if given a chance. Emma follows her heart and becomes ready to give that chance to Josh Huntington.