Order of Judy Moody Books

Order of Judy Moody & Stink Books

Judy Moody by Megan McDonald

Judy Moody and Stink are protagonists in multiple series of children’s books by American author Megan McDonald. Judy Moody is a young girl in third grade who goes on lots of fun adventures. Her brother, Stink, has his own spin-off series as well. The Judy Moody series is written for ages 6-12, whereas the Stink books are written for 5-8 year-olds. The Judy Moody and Friends spin-off series is written for ages 4-6. The Judy Moody series has been made into a movie (Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer), starring Jordana Betty, Heather Graham and Parris Mosteller.

Megan McDonald began her Judy Moody series in 2000 with the book Judy Moody. Stink’s own spin-off series began in 2005 with Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid. Both series are currently ongoing. Both of the main series are illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. Below is a list of Megan McDonald’s Judy Moody and Stink books in order of when they were first published:

Publication Order of Judy Moody Books

Judy Moody Was in a Mood


Judy Moody Gets Famous!


Judy Moody Saves the World!


Judy Moody Predicts the Future


Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor is In!


Judy Moody Declares Independence


Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days


Judy Moody Goes to College


Judy Moody, Girl Detective


Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer


Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm


Judy Moody, Mood Martian


Judy Moody and the Bucket List


Judy Moody and the Right Royal Tea Party


Judy Moody, Book Quiz Whiz


Judy Moody: In a Monday Mood


Publication Order of Judy Moody Movie Tie-In Books

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer


Judy Moody and the Thrill Points Race


Judy Moody Goes to Hollywood


Judy Moody and the Poop Picnic


Judy Moody’s Thrill-A-Delic Hunt for Bigfoot


Publication Order of Judy Moody Collections

Judy Moody’s Mini-Mysteries and Other Sneaky Stuff for Super-Sleuths


Publication Order of Judy Moody Non-Fiction Books

Judy Moody’s Double-Rare Way-Not-Boring Book of Fun Stuff to Do


The Judy Moody Mood Journal


Judy Moody’s Way Wacky Uber Awesome Book of More Fun Stuff to Do


Judy Moody’s Best Mood Ever: Coloring and Activity Book


Publication Order of Judy Moody & Stink Books

The Holly Joliday


The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt


The Big Bad Blackout


The Wishbone Wish


The Grand-Slam Book-Bowl Jam


Publication Order of Judy Moody & Friends Books

Jessica Finch in Pig Trouble


Rocky Zang in The Amazing Mr. Magic


Frank Pearl in the Awful Waffle Kerfuffle


Amy Namey in Ace Reporter


Stink Moody in Master of Disaster


Triple Pet Trouble


Mrs. Moody in The Birthday Jinx


April Fools’, Mr. Todd!


Judy Moody, Tooth Fairy


Not-So-Lucky Lefty


Searching for Stinkodon


Prank You Very Much


Judy Moody and the Missing Mood Ring
