Order of Jordan Jacobs Books

Jordan Jacobs Books In Order

Publication Order of Samantha Sutton Books

Jordan Jacobs is one of the upcoming authors of America who has written a few successful novels in his short writing career. He is particularly famous for writing down the Samantha Sutton series of novels. He says that he is very fond of the mystery and children’s fiction genres, and tries to write the plots of his novels based on these genres. Before choosing the writing profession, Jordan was interested in archaeology. He loved it so much that he would always find some time from his busy schedule and do some archaeological stuff. During his childhood, he was very much passionate about mummies, old castles, and the Indiana Jones types of stories. His interest in these things led him to participate in his first archaeological activity at the age of 13, when he was involved in an excavation work in Sierra Nevada, California. He even completed an archeological program in his high school, which he carried out in the American Southwest region. Later, he continued with his passion for archaeology and enrolled himself it the Stanford, Cambridge, and Oxford universities for some other archaeological programs. Since then, he has developed a liking to work for the American Museum of the Natural History, UNESCO Headquarters situated in Paris, and the Smithsonian, and focused on the policies related to the protection of the archaeological sites in the developing countries. As a result, Jacobs has traveled to more than 50 countries all over the world in relation to the research and protection opportunities. He has got the chance of studying the ancient places in Cambodia, the Roman citadels in Tunisia, the Mayan heartland in Guatemala, and the Voodoo communities in Benin. As of today, Jacobs lives happily in San Francisco along with his wife and a daughter. His dedicated efforts towards protecting the archaeological sites has allowed him the opportunity to become the Head of Cultural Policy at the Hearst Museum of Anthropology situated in UC Berkeley.

The Samantha Sutton series written by author Jordan Jacobs consists of a total of 3 novels till now, published between the years 2012 and 2014. The first novel of this series was titled ‘Samantha Sutton and the Labyrinth of Lies’ and was published in the year 2012 by the Sourcebooks Jabberwocky publishing house. The plot of the novel revolves around the happenings in the life of the main protagonist Samantha Sutton, who has been described by the author as an archaeological expert. She seems to be involved in a mystery related to a legendary ghost and an ancient treasure, and appears to be the only person who can solve the mystery. The plot of the novels very well shows the comparison of Samantha Sutton with the meeting of Nancy Drew with Indiana Jones. In the opening sequence of the plot of the novel, Samantha Sutton has been described as a 12 year old passionate student of archaeology. She has a deep interest excavation work at the archaeological sites and possesses a curious personality and is incomparably sharp and witty. The novel also introduces her as a young girl living in California.

Her interests in archaeology and the chance of following her uncle’s profession as an archaeologist in the excavation of an old Peruvian temple make the novel an excellent page turner for the readers. Samantha Sutton seems to be unaware about the legend haunting the famous archaeological site. In the later parts of the novel, it is shown that some important artifacts from the Peruvian temple begin to disappear, which causes Samantha Sutton to navigate through the barriers in her life and move ahead with the searching of the lost artifacts from the temple. Firstly, she is required to get past the disapproving eye of the acerbic assistant of her uncle and then the boyishness of her disturbing brother, who seems to be bungling her all the time. Samantha is also required to deal with the ever-growing stories spreading among the local people about the hysterical ghost that wanders into the town at late hours in the night. She uses her keen sensibility and her habit of mapping the unfamiliar passageways in Chavin de Huantar, and tries to uncover the mystery which seems to be much bigger than she could ever imagine. Author Jacobs says that the novel is for both children and adults, who have interests in mystery, history, and heart stopping and twisting plots.

The second novel of the Samantha Sutton series written by author Jordan Jacobs was published in the year 2014 by the Sourcebooks Jabberwocky publishing house. It was titled ‘Samantha Sutton and the Winter of the Warrior Queen’ and continued to depict the life of the main character Samantha Sutton as a young expert of archaeological activities. The plot of this novel involves other important characters apart from Samantha Sutton such as Cairn Catesby and Uncle Jay, and is set in Cambridge, England and Peru. In the opening sequence of the plot of the novel, Samantha is shown by the author as being hesitant to accompany her Uncle Jay and his excavation team on another archaeological site. Because of the sinister perils that she had faced in Peru, she was very much to go to the marshes near Cambridge in England with her Uncle Jay, although the marshes appear to be harmless. Soon, the stakes get raised when she dramatically makes a discovery. Samantha Sutton finds out that the local legends about the site are true and it was actually Queen Boudica’s fortress. Her research studies show that Queen Boudica was involved in a valiant rebellious effort against the mighty Roman Empire. Queen Boudica had driven the legions of the away from the British shores. Samantha Sutton urges that she site must be protected and the construction work should be stopped in order to preserve the heritage site. But, the English lord Cairn Catesby seems to be determined to carry forward his development work on the site. He is also the current boss of Uncle Jay. Soon, Samantha Sutton becomes the center point of Cairn Catesby’s rage when he learns that she is trying the entrust the authorities with the protection of an important artifact that links the legend of Queen Boudica to the archeological site undeniably. The novel became very much successful just like the first novel of the series and helped author Jordan Jacobs to make a name for himself among the prominent authors. He was appreciated very much by the critics and his fellow authors, who also motivated him to write more novels in his recent writing career.