Order of Jocko Willink Books

Jocko Willink Books In Order

Publication Order of Way Of The Warrior Kid Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Picture Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Jocko Willink is a retired Navy Seal and Children’s fiction writer. He co-authored the number-one New York Best Seller book Extreme Ownership.
Extreme ownership which Jocko co-authored with a fellow retired navy seal is considered a philosophy coined in a book and one commonly advocated by Echelon Front. Willink’s passion for children is evident throughout his work, and his approach to impacting the next generation is nothing but admirable. Through his teachings, kids can learn to be independent while getting enough life skills to help them even in adulthood.

Way of the Warrior Kid

The first book in Way of the Warrior Kid series is centered on Marc, a young boy going through a crisis as is expected at his age. Fifth grade is not the best of Marc’s school life. Mathematics at this level was hard, at least according to him, He stunk at gym class, and the lunch served at school is nothing but horrible. It does not help that the class trip he had been looking forward to was ruined because Marc could not swim. To top it all, there was the class bully Kenny Williamson, nicknamed as the King of the Jungle, to worry about.

The end of the year comes as a relief for this young man. Marc was elated when his mother told him that Uncle Jake would be visiting for the entire summer. Uncle Jake is super-cool Navy Seal, and Marc cannot wait for him to be in town.

Uncle Jake is quick to notice that Marc is dealing with low self-esteem. He is determined to turn Marc into a warrior by engaging him in practices and routines that he is sure will change his life. Instead of telling Marc what is wrong with his life, his uncle makes him reflect and identify problem areas on his own. The book takes Marc through the different routines he can incorporate in his days and change his life.

Uncle Jake’s routines have a lot of truth in them, and gradually Marc gets his confidence back. He is teaching Marc everything from healthy foods to eat to fuel the body to showing him the impact of deciding to wake up early instead of sleeping. Marc is also getting to know how to handle bullies who may want to make his life miserable in school.

While Uncle Jake trains his nephew to be like a warrior, he does it gently and lovingly, just like a father. His teachings are delivered with love, and this is the reason Marc enjoys spending time with him. Jake takes Marc through different processes involved in acquiring different life skills, making it easy for the boy to understand and take appropriate action.

This book is lightly illustrated to make it easy for the average 5th or 6th grader to read and understand. While From Wimpy to Warrior, the Navy Seal Way is designed with the children in mind, it offers a lot of life lessons that even adults can adopt if they want to be leaders who positively influence those around them. The author incorporates a lot of Navy Seal teaching that people from all walks of life can adopt to improve their lives and become better members of society.

Marc’s Mission

Marc’s Mission is the second book in the Way of the Warrior Kid series by Jocko Willink. The book starts by showing just how much Marc’s life has changed since last summer, where he spent his time getting some life skills from his uncle Jake. Marc is not only eating right, but he is also practicing jiu-jitsu as well as putting more effort into school. Reaching the goals he sets is becoming easy as procrastination and laziness are now a thing of the past. His 6th-grade year is going great until Marc gets into trouble because of a classmate, Nathan James.

Nathan is mean, and the fact that Marc will be spending time in a summer camp with this annoying boy makes him sick. Marc also wants a new bike as his old one is falling apart, and he does not want to have to walk to the summer camp. However, his parents do not believe that he needs a new bike. The only person who can turn this summer into a memorable one is Uncle Jake and true to Marc’s expectation; the uncle does not disappoint.

While the uncle had previously taught Marc how to be strong on the outside, Jake sets to teach the boy how to be also strong on the inside. Uncle Jake takes to teaching Marc how to control his anger. His uncle tells him that failure to control his anger would lead him to make wrong decisions. Marc also gets some tips on how to survive in a world that does not offer everything you ask for. In the case of his old bike, fixing it is an excellent point to start in case a parent feels that a new one is not warranted. Marc also gets tips on how he can earn some money and buy himself a new bike. Uncle Jake also teaches Marc to break large tasks into smaller chunks to ensure that he meets his goal at the end of the day.

Uncle Jake’s impact on Marc’s life is enormous. For a child with a father based overseas and a mother who works too much, Marc is lucky to have someone who spends time with him and helps him acquire some free life skills along the way. Throughout the book, Uncle Jake does not push any of his ideologies down Marc’s throat. The young boy is allowed to choose what he wants.

Marc’s Mission is minimally descriptive. The deed and the dialogue-driven book touch on hard work and real-life problems that both parents and children can identify with. Some of the issues that the book addressed include procrastination, laziness, helplessness, poverty, and savings. Definitely a tremendous book that will make quite a difference to a young mind that embraces the teachings and lessons therein.