Order of Jim Stringer Books

Order of Jim Stringer Books

Jim Stringer is a series of historical novels by author Andrew Martin. The series stars Jim Stringer as a railwayman who is reassigned to the North Eastern Railway police in Edwardian England to the early 1900s.

Martin won the 2011 CWA Ellis Peters Historical Award for The Somme Stations. Martin was named as a Spectator (London) Young Writer of the Year. Additionally, he has written for the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, Granta, and he has a weekly column in the New Statesman. He makes his home in London.

Publication Order of Jim Stringer Books

The Necropolis Railway


The Blackpool Highflyer


The Lost Luggage Porter


Murder at Deviation Junction


Death on a Branch Line


The Last Train to Scarborough


The Somme Stations


The Baghdad Railway Club


Night Train to Jamalpur
