Order of Jill Conner Browne Books

Jill Conner Browne Books In Order

Publication Order of Sweet Potato Queens Books

Publication Order of Funny Women Write from the Road Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Jill Conner Browne
Jill Conner Browne is the multiple #1 New York Times bestselling author of nine Sweet Potato Queens books and has created a global phenomenon: 6,200 chapter groups in 37 countries, based on her world-view and philosophy as recounted through these raucous, rollicking, and riotously funny essays.

Smart men and women understand that the sassy, bawdy, down-to-earth humor is just the vehicle by which the greater message gets conveyed. It’s one of self-reliance and empowerment, inspiring anybody and everybody to do whatever makes their heart sing.

When Jill started writing, she didn’t realize that most books will never sell more than five thousand books, and have about a ninety day shelf life to them. She’s glad that nobody told her about this. If she had known about it, she would have been much too afraid to try. And while she didn’t know exactly what to expect, she didn’t about any of the bad, so she didn’t even know she should be afraid.

Before Jill published the “Sweet Potato Queen’s Book of Love”, she’d written for newspapers for a long time. She has had zero formal training and the only actual encouragement that she got was from Nancy Graham, her seventh grade English teacher, and Beth Jones, a dear friend that also taught English. She comes from an incredibly funny family, who all like to write and write just like they talk. It’s really a laugh a minute in her family, that’s for sure.

She feels that making things up is much tougher. It’s closely akin to lying, as it requires that one remember what one has said previously at all times. It makes her nervous.

Jill only started using a computer because she broke her typewriter, and is forced to. She loves paper, and when she writes, she doesn’t edit. So she winds up printing everything as she goes. If the printer’s down for whatever reason, she doesn’t close down the page until Jill’s able to print, feeling that until it’s on paper, it doesn’t exist yet. Computers also eat stuff all the time. She write the entire day through, and that night she wouldn’t know what she had written that day. She is able to read through her own books, and laugh because it’s as though somebody else wrote what is in them.

Before she became a bestselling author, she was never able to sleep in late, because she had to work hard every single day, even on the weekends. She also had to clean up her own house and take care of her daughter and sick mom. She had to do all of the grocery shopping, errand running, and cooking. It seemed there were never enough hours in the day.

“Sweet Potato Queens’ Book of Love” is a non-fiction book that was released in the year 1999. To know the Sweet Potato Queens is to love them, and if you have yet to hear about them, you will. Since the early eighties, this group of belles gone bad has been the toast of Jackson, Mississippi, with their glorious annual appearance in the St. Patrick’s Day parade.

Jill, their royal ringleader, introduces these Queens to the world in this hilarious and sly manifesto about men, love, life, and the importance of being prepared. From stories about the Sweet Potato Queens’ Promise to all of the joys of Chocolate Stuff and Fat Mama’s Knock You naked Margaritas, this shamelessly, irreverent funny book is the gen-u-wine article.

“God Save the Sweet Potato Queens” is a non-fiction book that was released in the year 2001. Whether you are still a Cute Girl or have made it up to the glorified ranks of Fabulous Woman, the allure of utter confidence, big hair, and a sparkly tiara is simply understandable. Forget “less is more”, like all the Tammys and Jill say “more is more and is also better”.

This book touches on similar topics: marriage, fiances, motherhood, the Promise, all-important attitude and style. Added in are a bunch of side-splitting tales from women all around the country, who apparently are busy starting their own royal families with names such as the “Menopause Mafia” and “Brazen Strumpets”. One such stunning story of a mother at the end of her rope that bursts into “Jeremiah was a Bullfrog” in public as a last-ditch effort to try and get her kids to behave wins Conner Browne’s own award for mom of the year.

The chapter called “How to Be a Girl” is one of the best introduction manuals for turning men into putty, with the big secret being a huge bow in your hair.

“The Sweet Potato Queens’ First Big-Ass Novel” is the first novel from the “Sweet Potato Queens” series and was released in the year 2007. Jill Conner Browne is fond of saying that she has no pride and will tell anything. Being Her Royal Highness, Boss Queen of the Sweet Potato Queens, she’s told her legions of fans, called the “SPQ Wannabes”, her delectable secrets to loving, living, and eating like a queen. In her words “more is more”. But exactly how much more?

Jackson, Mississippi. Mary Bennett, Jill, Patsy, and Gerald are high school classmates whose day to day routine is paced out like a shuffle through the local red dirt. Until a redheaded newcomer’s arrival banishes monotony forever. With her voluptuous figure and luxurious man, Tammy Myers aspires to join these silver-spooners, that make things happen in their lives.

When Jill convinces Tammy along with the others that money may buy a certain sort of good time and that true friendship has got no price tag, the “Sweet Potato Queens” are born. Their official club motto is that if it’s not fun, then they ain’t doin’ it. And the Queens always stay true to their word.

Together, the Queens laugh out loud while stepping down the long, and not all that pretty, road toward making their very own queen dust, the sparkle which comes from lovin’ and livin’ their own lives. This book reveals that the journey may not always be easy, however in the Queens’ company, you too can sparkle.