Jennifer LeClaire Books In Order
Publication Order of Religious Books
The Heart of the Prophetic | (2007) | |
Doubtless: Faith That Overcomes the World | (2009) | |
A Prophet’s Heart | (2009) | |
Fervent Faith: Discover How a Fervent Spirit Is a Defense Against the Devil | (2010) | |
Breakthrough! Develop the 7 Habits of Victorious Christian Living | (2011) | |
Did the Spirit of God Say That? | (2011) | |
Developing Faith for the Working of Miracles: How to Believe for the Impossible | (2013) | |
The Spiritual Warrior’s Guide to Defeating Jezebel: How to Overcome the Spirit of Control, Idolatry and Immorality | (2013) | |
The Making of a Prophet: Practical Advice for Developing Your Prophetic Voice | (2014) | |
Satan’s Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft | (2014) | |
Mornings With the Holy Spirit: Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God | (2015) | |
The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening | (2015) | |
Jezebel’s Puppets: Exposing the Agenda of False Prophets | (2016) | |
Revival Hubs Rising: Revealing a New Ministry Paradign for the Next Great Move of God | (2016) | |
Waging Prophetic Warfare: Effective Prayer Strategies to Defeat the Enemy | (2016) | |
Releasing the Angels of Abundant Harvest: A Prophetic Word for Radical Increase in 2017 | (2017) | |
Evenings With the Holy Spirit: Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God | (2017) | |
Mornings With the Holy Spirit With Journal | (2017) | |
Angels on Assignment Again: God’s Real Life Guardians of Saints at Work in the World Today | (2017) | |
The Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan: Unmasking 15 Harassing Demons That Want to Destroy Your Life | (2017) | |
Metamorphosis: A Prophetic Word About Radical Change in 2018 | (2017) | |
18 Bible Promises, Prayers & Decrees for 2018 | (2017) | |
Dream Wild | (2018) | |
101 Tactics for Spiritual Warfare: Live a Life of Victory, Overcome the Enemy, and Break Demonic Cycles | (2018) | |
Momentum: A 2018 Mid-Year Prophetic Update | (2018) | |
What Every Christian Writer Needs to Know | (2018) | |
5779: Prophetic Perspectives Into the New Year | (2018) | |
The Spiritual Warrior’s Guide to Defeating Water Spirits: Overcoming Demons that Twist, Suffocate, and Attack God’s Purposes for Your Life | (2018) | |
Decoding Your Dreams: What the Lord May Be Saying to You While You Sleep | (2018) | |
2019: The Year of the Decree | (2018) | |
Deliver Yourself from Evil | (2019) | |
Defeating Python Spirit: A Topical Highlight From The Spiritual Warrior’s Guide to Defeating Water Spirits | (2019) | |
Becoming a Next-Level Prophet | (2019) | |
The Seer Realms: Discerning Unseen Realities to Unlock Prophetic Mysteries | (2019) | |
The Seer Dimensions: Activating Your Prophetic Sight to See the Unseen | (2019) | |
Victory Decrees: Daily Prophetic Strategies for Spiritual Warfare Victory | (2019) | |
Walking in Your Prophetic Destiny: How to Work with The Holy Spirit to Fulfill Your Calling | (2019) | |
Seer Activations: 101 Ways to Train Your Spiritual Eyes to See with Prophetic Accuracy | (2020) | |
Power Seers: Keys to Upgrading Your Prophetic Vision | (2020) | |
Your End Times Prayer Secret | (2020) | |
Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft: Exposing the Supernatural Divination that is Deceiving Spiritually-Hungry Believers | (2020) | |
Tongues of Fire | (2022) | |
The Intercessor’s Devotional: 365 Daily Invitations to Activate and Accelerate Your Prayer Life | (2022) | |
Unmasking Jezebel’s Intercessors: Conquer the Demonic Spirit Hijacking Your Prayers | (2024) |
Jennifer LeClaire is an American author and church enthusiast that writes books which spread her faith and beliefs. Jennifer has produced content for print media, radio, and television.
Her books are designed to guide struggling Christians on their journey to acquire the life that God has ordained for them.
Jennifer LeClaire is a powerful figure in the Christian community in the United States. People that follow her work know that she is the director of the Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale.
As such, it might come as a bit of a surprise to learn that the author did not grow up with a Christian foundation. The author remembers that her grandparents were Southern Baptists but her home did not encourage her to pursue Christianity.
In fact, she doesn’t really remember ever stepping into a church as a child. And Jennifer LeClaire believes that her life might have taken a different turn if she had been raised with a Christian foundation.
Her woes began when the author’s marriage fell apart. It was 1999 and she had a two-year-old baby when her ex-husband saw fit to abandon them. That particular struggle, though difficult, paled in comparison to LeClaire’s time in prison.
She was thirty-years-old when according to her, a prosecutor used bogus charges to have her remanded to prison. Her daughter was three during that period and LeClaire was facing a five-year prison sentence.
At the time, the author had no idea that the experience would change her life for the better. All she knew was that she couldn’t imagine letting her daughter grow up without parents. But then she met the Bill Glass Champions for Life Prison Ministry.
They came through her prison and attempted to instill their beliefs in her. LeClaire admits that she wasn’t particularly receptive to the message. But then, during one of their sessions, a woman rose and testified about how God had saved her from a heroin addiction.
The testimony shook Jennifer LeClaire because her best friend was a heroin addict and she knew firsthand just how destructive the habit could be. So she started to listen attentively and it wasn’t long after that she became a Christian.
LeClaire is known more for her prophetic ministry than anything else but even that has its roots in prison. LeClaire was still struggling to make sense of her faith at the time when she took note of a jail minister who made frequent visits to her dorm.
It wasn’t the bible study sessions he held which captured the author’s attention but, rather, his penchant for making predictions regarding which prisoners would be released in the following week.
The minister was so accurate in his predictions that he got LeClaire thinking about the power of prophecy. By the time she left prison, the author was ready to pursue her faith with fervor.
The first Pentecostal church she attended left its mark. It was a small black church which had a dynamic preacher who would preach messages for fiery that they would often get the congregation running up and down the aisles in excitement.
Jennifer LeClaire remembers the experience because the preacher had a tendency to make very grand promises whilst also demanding that his followers buy anointed handkerchiefs for hundreds of dollars each.
LeClaire immediately identified him as a false prophet and left the church. In the years that followed, the author says that God began to speak to her, making it clear over time that he wanted her to plant her flag in the prophetic ministry, which is what she did.
+Literary Career
Jennifer LeClaire was in Kindergarten when her teacher told her and her mother that she would grow up to become a writer. LeClaire hated writing so she vehemently disagreed with the proclamation.
But then she went to college, joined her school newspaper and realized that she had a gift for the activity. Before long, she was operating as editor for the newspaper.
Her first professional piece of writing was done under a pen name. She wrote an article for ‘Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul’. The experience created a path for LeClaire to enter the field of journalism.
She also worked as a copywriter in advertising. Her official foray into the publishing field came when she wrote and published ‘The Heart of the Prophetic’ in 2007, her first Christian book.
Since then, Jennifer LeClaire has written and published at least one book every single year. She says that her ideas for books start as direct revelations from God’s word, though some are the result of her personal experiences.
LeClaire spends a lot of time writing about biblical truths and exploring the struggles that Christians encounter on a daily basis.
Besides her books, the author also contributes articles to a publication called ‘Charisma’ every week. But her life doesn’t revolve around her writing. The author is very enthusiastic about exercise.
You can expect to find her riding her bike, golfing, reading books and watching television. LeClaire says she spends so much time working because her efforts do not feel like work.
+The Heart of the Prophetic
There are Christians in the world who look at the double portion Elisha got with some envy and wonder why they do not enjoy that same favor. There are those who wish to prophesy with complete confidence in the power and authority of God.
Jennifer LeClaire uses this book to explore those elements that can help the average Christian unlock their prophetic potential. She uses personal experiences and anecdotes to make her points.
+The Making of a Prophet
Jennifer LeClaire is one of the most powerful prophetic voices in the world. And in this book, she takes readers on a journey that begins with the call a Christian will sometimes receive from God to begin their prophetic mission.
LeClaire shows enthusiastic Christian the hurdles one can expect to encounter in their process of attaining maturity and the blessings they can look forward to receiving if they persevere.
LeClaire doesn’t mince her words. She tells her readers what makes the journey to prophetic maturity difficult, the pain they will encounter and all the ways they might fall. But she also shows them that there is hope.