Order of Janice Preston Books

Janice Preston Books In Order

Publication Order of The Beauchamp Betrothals Books

Publication Order of The Beauchamp Heirs Books

Publication Order of Lady Tregowan’s Will Books

Publication Order of Men About Town Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of The Governess Tales Books

Publication Order of The Lochmore Legacy Books

Janice Preston combines romance and history to create historical regency romance episodes. Her writing career took off in 2014. The books are published by Harlequin Mills and Boon (HMB). Most of her work involves interlinked characters who tell a continuing story. Therefore, you are likely to find the characters coming back in later stories. Janice also blogs sporadically with the main aim being to connect with her readers. If you love romance with a fairy tale touch, get hold of Janice books and let them take you to a fantasy world of love.

Early Life and Personality

Preston’s love for literature started in her early age. As a kid, she loved to write about animals. She loved to describe the horses and the lion often creating stories around the animal. In a recent interview, confessed that there was a high desire to start writing. She would also tell anyone who dared to listen that she wanted to become an author.

Her love for writing somehow got lost when she became a teenager but not her love for books. At teenage years, she was pre-occupied with reading history books. She enjoyed learning about the world which included the world wars, great personalities and the history of America. As she grew big, she felt the attraction the Regency period history. This fire was fueled by famous novelists like Georgette Heyer and Jane Austen. One of the biggest fascinations was the alpha males who traveled on horseback and the early western lifestyle.

The desire to create stories came back after she got married and bore two children. Despite the many responsibilities of being a mother and a wife of a farmer, she found time to create stories, and the rest is history.

Writing Career

Known for the allure of her Regency romance, Janice Preston has created a big following for the lovers of fairy love stories. Her characters revolve around the topic of love heartbreak and joy. Moreover, she uses some of the common names from other books that point to this period in history.
Since the release of her first book, ‘Mary and Maquis in August of 2014, there have been eight books to her name. There has been speculation that she will not be writing new titles. However, she has not publicly declared that she will not write more of her fairy love tales.

Her novels have been credited with bringing the story alive and telling it as if she was there when it all happened. She has been successful in coming up with mental images of how the world looked like at the time and casting an intriguing story with many turns and unpredictable moments. Here books are gaining more popularity by the day. And given that the stories are getting sweeter, it is only fair that she writes more of her masterpieces.

Mary and Marquis

The story of Mary and Marquis is centered around a destitute widow called Mary Vale. One day when she is walking, she found a man lying by the roadside injured. She has compassion for the man and decided to to help him. Upon helping him, she is shocked to discover that the man is Lucas Alastair, the Marquis of Rothley. The dark marquis intrigues the widow and offers to nurse him until he of perfect health. The condition is that she nurses him in return for shelter. However, she finds it hard to take care of the man as he proves to be a tough patient.

Lucas tries hard to hide some deep emotion for the destitute widow with some brusque behavior. However, in one of the days, he steals a kiss on her cheek. With many years since she had the last kiss, Mary longs for some love and another kiss. Unfortunately, it was not forthcoming in the new past. Would Mary be able to mend Lucas physical wounds and her emotional wounds from a difficult past?

Janice takes us through the painful past in Lucas life and why it is hard for Mary to heal the wound at one go. Moreover, Mary was also a window with the pain from her past still lingering in her heart. It would take a long journey for both of them to let go of their past and allow their hearts to connect with love. The story builds suspense with every page and is hard to abandon before the story is complete.

From Wallflower To Countess

Richard, the Earl of Stanton, was a darling to many girls of his time. Most young ladies would fantasize how their married love would be lovely with his as the husband. Despite many of them dreaming it would happen with some miracle, one lady, Felicity Weston, could not imagine such a high honor. She had lived a life of rejection and being ignored. However, out of the blues, she actually got married to him.

Richard never thought that love had any place in the world of the sane people. To him, marriage was a tool for convenience. However, he felt the warmth of love after the night of the wedding. The new, beautiful but shy bride had made him think otherwise about love.
As they continued to live together, there was tentative trust between the partners. Soon, Felicity gets pregnant. The stakes in their marriage were soon to rise to another level. Would Richard change his mind an accept the reality of life? Would giving the Earl an heir push him to mound this wallflower to a countess beaming with confidence?

Meet Janice Preston today

Janice Preston grew on the outskirts of Wembley. She then moved to Devon at the age of eighteen. It was in this place that she met her husband who was a farmer. She later moved to Midlands with the second husband. She is now a proud mother of two children and two stepchildren. All the children are now adults and out of the home. Apart from writing Janice is an accomplished farmer.
Moreover, she has worked as a police call handler as well as a conveyancer. She also had a brief stint as a university administrator. Nowadays Janice works as a weight management counselor as a part-time job. She still loves chocolate and reading books from other romance writers.