Order of James L Rubart Books

James L. Rubart Books In Order

Publication Order of Well Spring Books

Publication Order of The True Lies of Rembrandt Stone Books

as David James Warren

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

James L Rubart
Author James L. Rubart is a professional marketer whose Jr2 Marketing company clientele includes Clear Channel Radio, AT&T/Cingular, and ABC. He has a BA from the University of Washington in broadcast journalism.

He is on the board of the Northwest Christian Writers Association, and also writes recurring columns for Christian Women Online, Christian Online Magazine, and is a professional speaker.

When James was ten years old his biggest dream was to be novelist. It was fueled from reading “The Chronicles of Narnia”, and from his story being selected to be acted out and filmed for his seventh grad English class.

During the eighth grade, however, his dream took a huge hit. He took journalism class, and loved it, and by the end of the year attempted going out for the school paper. He didn’t get picked. Rejected. During that moment he buried his dream and listened to one lie that sank its claws deep into his heart. He cannot write.

James believed this lie for decades. Then after two and a half days of his wife being on a fast, he felt God told him that he was given the desire and skill to write, and God was wondering when he would step into his destiny. He knew then that was why his wife was fasting.

He dove full force into writing, finishing his first novel late in the year 2005. The novel was rejected at first. It wasn’t until 2008 that it was finally bought.

Hobbies include water skiing, golf, playing guitar, photography, and backpacking. His favorite foods include crab and artichokes.

His work has won a Carol, Christy Book of the Year, INSPY, and an RT Book Reviews award.

James’ debut novel, called “Rooms”, was released in the year 2010. His work is from the inspirational genre.

“Soul’s Gate” is the first novel in the “Well Spring” series and was released in the year 2012. What if it was possible to travel into another person’s soul? To fight for them. To be a part of Jesus as He healing their deepest wounds. To help free them to step boldly into their divinely designed future. Thirty years ago that is just what Reece Roth did. Until tragedy ruined his life and tore his future away.

God has now drawn Reece out of the shadows in order to fulfill a prophecy that was spoken about him over three decades prior. It was a prophecy about four warriors who have the potential to change the world. If Reece will just face his deepest regret and teach them about what he has learned.

They gather at a mysterious and secluded ranch deep in the mountains in Colorado, where they are going to learn to see the spiritual world all around them with stunning clarity, and how to step into the supernatural. Their training is just the start. The four have their destiny to pursue a freedom even Reece does not fully fathom. They have an enemy that is hell-bent on ruining them and he is going to stop at nothing in order to keep them from the quest for their true freedom, as well as the coming battle of souls.

These characters are engaging and the premise is personally challenging to some readers, making them ask tough questions. There is also some great suspense as well as some twists that some readers didn’t see coming.

“Memory’s Door” is the second novel in the “Well Spring” series and was released in the year 2013. It was the prophecy that brought them together. The Wolf has risen, however, and it is now that their biggest battle starts. The members of Warriors Riding learned to wage war in the supernatural, to battle demonic forces after sending their spirits into people’s souls, and bring deep healing to all those around them.

Reece, their leader, struggles with his loss of sight. Dana’s career threatens to bury her. Brandon gets stalked at concerts by some guy in the shadows. Marcus questions his own sanity while he appears to be slipping in and out of different realities.

Now the part two of the prophecy has come true. The Wolf hunts them and set his trap. He circles, feeding on all of his supernatural hate of everything they stand for. He is not going to stop until he brings total destruction to both their bodies, as well as their souls.

Fans found this to be an excellent continuation of this story, and is a call to live free. A call to free ourselves from the mistakes in our pasts, to have zero regrets, and learn to forgive ourselves.

“Spirit Bridge” is the third novel in the “Well Spring” series and was released in the year 2014. The Warriors Riding have fought in some astounding supernatural realms, set some of the captives free, and awakened thousands of hearts. Now their only chances for survival depends on calling on The Spirit Bridge. Reece, Brandon, Dana, and Marcus have all achieved staggering success in the spiritual realm, however, each has been reeling from brutal attacks. They need some rest. A break from the war.

However, Zennon the warlord rages and is giving them no quarter. The demon hangs on to what he believes to be the trump card. It is a hidden strategy that is set in motion before Warriors Riding even started that is going to detonate the team from the inside out. He has just set it loose, too.

Simon, the street magician, who is finally free of Zennon’s alternate reality prison races to recall his past before all of his ignorance obliterates his destiny. Then Miyo, who is a brash young warrior with some advanced knowledge of spiritual realities and the supernatural armor even Reece does not know about. These two are going to be pivotal during the final war. If the Warriors could figure out what side Miyo and Simon are actually on. If they just knew how to fight against Zennon’s final assault.

Readers have to grown to love these characters, and find that they are going to miss them dearly now that they have finished these books.