Order of James Clemens Books

James Clemens Books In Order

Publication Order of Godslayer Books

Publication Order of The Banned and the Banished Books

About James Clemens

An American author, James Czajkowski aka James Rollins, is well known for thriller and Young Adult novels for a huge audience worldwide. He’s also well known for using the pen-name of James Clemens, which he uses to write numerous science-fiction and fantasy genre novels. A versatile writer, he’s always adaptable to new styles and new approaches to the form, really delivering a strong coherent vision. This malleability has played well for him over the years, as he’s gone on to make a name for himself far and wide.

Readers from all over know his name, as he really pushes the boundaries with his many different ideas and content. Allowing his work to essentially come alive on the page, he really makes the most of his different concepts and premises. This has allowed him to become a hugely influential name in the world of genre fiction as well, with many looking to him for inspiration. Using a lot of his own experiences to help inspire him too, he brings his work to life with expert precision, giving it a real grounded quality.

He’s a highly gifted writer with a lot to say, making the fantasy genre very much his own, as the Clemens brand name is well respected by many. Regarded all over, many return to his novels time and time again, as they’re easy to pick up and difficult to put down. The characters that he creates are also extremely memorable too, as they’re very well thought out, feeling wholly real upon the page. His writing career continues onwards and upwards, as there’s a lot more books planned upon the horizon, as he definitely isn’t finishing any time soon.

Early and Personal Life

Born James Paul Czajkowski on the 20th of August in 1961, he was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois in the United States. His father would work for the Libby’s canning plant, while his mother was a stay-at-home housewife while he was growing up. Attending Parkway South Junior High School, he would go on to graduate in 1979 from Parkway West High School, based in Ballwin, Missouri.

In 1985 he would go on to graduate from the University of Missouri, based in Columbia, gaining a doctorate in veterinary medicine. Following this he would go on to live in Sacramento, California, setting up a veterinary practice, whilst continually writing all the while. Still working in veterinary medicine, he now focuses on his writing, putting out work on a regular and consistent basis.

Writing Career

The first novel that James Paul Czajkowski would write was his book ‘Witch Fire,’ which came out in 1999. This would also be under the pen-name of James Clemens, which was a pseudonym he’d go on to use for a whole host of other books as well. Published through the ‘Terry Brooks’ publishing outlet, Brooks himself would judge the book in a competition that Czajkowski entered.

Largely writing action and adventure novels over the next few years, he’d become a regular fixture for many on the genre fiction scene. Under the name of Clemens he’d write two fantasy series, one being ‘The Banned and The Banished,’ which ‘Witch Fire’ started, and the other ‘Godslayer’ starting with ‘Shadowfall’ in 2005. Many of the books written under the Clemens name would be high-fantasy with epic arcs and long sweeping sagas, as he’s continued to write ever since.

Wit’ch Star

Originally published by Del Ray Books in 2002, this would be the fifth and final part in ‘The Banned and The Banished’ series of novels. Continuing on from the previous books, it’s best that they’re read in order so as not to create any kind of confusion for the reader. The books themselves are a long-running fantasy saga, making for compelling and highly entertaining reading all in all.

Despite the three Weirgates having been destroyed, the deadly threat of the Dark Lord still remains strong and ever present. Separating all at once, Elena and her companions have left each other, as Elena is now journeying to the city of A’loa Glen. Here she will attempt to recover much of her spirit and strength before continuing in her quest, preparing for the ordeal ahead of them all. But what will become of Harequin Quail now they’ve entered the scene, can Elena and her magic stop him, and what will become of them all as they face the Wit’ch Star?

A thrilling final entry and conclusion to the series as a whole, this delivers everything the series has to offer and more. With fans expecting high-quality at this stage it definitely doesn’t disappoint, really pushing the concept to new and interesting places. Keeping the fantasy grounded too, it’s easy to relate to, despite its otherworldly setting, making it an extremely intriguing entry to the franchise overall.


Initially published in 2006, this would first come out through the Orbit publishing label, released to a wide audience. Delivering plenty of new exciting ideas, it really manages to create an engaging story and instalment into the career of Czajkowski. The second book in the ‘Godslayer Chronicles’ series of novels, it carries on in a similar manner to the first, with more fantasy mystery action.

Now it seems that the entirety of Myrilla is held in the grip of something nasty and foreboding, with the Battle of Myrrwood just passed. Then, just to the south, there’s the discovery of skull that’s been corrupted and twisted by what is known as the Dark Graces. Now Tylar, a former knight, must find out more on this mystery, as he intends to get to the bottom of the skull of god and what it’s doing there. Will he be able to find out more on the Cabal faction behind it all, can Tylar unravel the mystery in time, and what will become of the Hinterland?

As the second part in this engaging and highly entertaining fantasy series, Czajkowski uses his Clemens brand to yet again create a compelling instalment. It’s a great story, with plenty for returning fans of the series to enjoy, with its creative sense of world-building and character development. Fans of the fantasy genre will also have lots to invest themselves in too, as it really makes full use of its template to thrilling effect.