Order of Inspector Rostnikov Books

Order of Inspector Rostnikov Books

Inspector Porfiry Rostnikov by Stuart M Kaminsky

Inspector Rostnikov is a series of crime fiction/mystery novels by American novelist Stuart Kaminsky. Inspector Porfiry Petrovich Rostnikov is a police investigator who plies his trade in Moscow, Russia.

Stuart M. Kaminsky began his Inspector Rostnikov series in 1981 with Rostnikov’s Corpse (also known as Death of a Dissident). The series lasted 16 novels, concluding with 2010’s A Whisper to the Living. Below is a list of Stuart M. Kaminsky’s Inspector Porfiry Petrovich Rostnikov books in order of when they were first released (which is also their chronological order):

Publication Order of Porfiry Rostnikov Books

Death of a Dissident / Rostnikov’s Corpse


Black Knight in Red Square


Red Chameleon


A Cold Red Sunrise


A Fine Red Rain


The Man Who Walked Like a Bear


Rostnikov’s Vacation


Death of a Russian Priest


Hard Currency


Blood and Rubles


Tarnished Icons


The Dog Who Bit a Policeman


Fall of a Cosmonaut


Murder on the Trans-Siberian Express


People Who Walk in Darkness


A Whisper to the Living


Notes: Rostnikov’s Corpse was also published under the title Death of a Dissident.