Order of Heather Redmond Books

Heather Redmond Books In Order

Publication Order of A Dickens of a Crime Books

Publication Order of Journaling Mystery Books

Publication Order of Mary Shelley Mystery Books

Heather Redmond is a historical mystery fiction novelist who has sometimes penned novels under the pseudonym Heather Hiestand. She first began publishing her novels in the mystery genre and then got into romance fiction for a long detour before she came back to mystery.

While her last British-born ancestor left the English capital during the 1920s, she remains a Dickens devotee, a committed anglophile, and a lover of nineteenth-century things.

Redmond published “A Tale of Two Murders” her debut novel and the first of the “Dickens of a Crime” series of novels in 2018 and has been writing ever since. Her many novels, short stories, and novellas have been bestsellers on Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.

While she has previously lived in Texas, California, and Illinois, she now makes her home in Washington State, where she lives with her husband and son. She is the former president of the Sisters in Crime Columbia River chapter.
Redmond sometimes interacts with her fans through her newsletter where she provides information on new releases, contests, and sales. She can also be found on her blog, her website, and her social media profiles on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

Redmond always loved reading ever since she was about seven years old. As a kid, she was a voracious reader but she particularly loved reading the “Trixie Belden” mystery series of novels.

Her love for mystery never diminished even as she got older and they were her gateway into fiction writing. Even when she spent more than two decades penning romances, she used to read mystery fiction as a form of self-care. As such, she likes to pen historical mysteries and cozy just to give herself a treat.

She usually writes her novels during school hours when the house is silent.

When she is not penning her novels, she can usually be found tinkering with her watercolors. Since 2018, she has been painting and has become a keen watercolorist. Since she does not have the time, Heather Redmond tends to engage in only one hobby at any given time.

Nonetheless, she has said that she would read much more and work on family genealogy more if she had just had the time. She also likes to cook but as a person who loves to eat healthy, her go-to snack is popcorn to which she has become addicted.

Heather Redmond’s novel “A Tale of Two Murders” is set in London just before the Victorian era, where a young sleuth is introduced. It was in the winter of 1835 when a young journalist named Charles Dickens was doing very well with the “Evening Chronicle.”

He has just been invited by the coeditor of the newspaper to go have dinner at his estate and is smitten by Kate Hogarth, the vivacious nineteen-year-old daughter of his boss.

They were having a good time when their pleasant evening is shattered by a blood-curdling scream. Kate, Charles, and her father rush to the compound next door where they find Miss Christiana Lugoson lying unconscious. The young woman is declared dead by the following morning.

When a colleague tells Charles of an eerily similar death a year earlier that also involved a young woman he gets suspicious and begins to investigate. Kate offers to help and will use her social position to get to the noble class, who are the lead suspects in a murder.

If Charles can get justice for his victims, it will be the best thing he ever did. But with several twists in the investigation, Kate may find herself in for the worst of times.

“Grave Expectations” by Heather Redmond is a work set in 1835 in London and continues to follow the life and times of Charles.

The man goes to check in on an elderly spinster named Miss Haverstock who lives in the flat above his. But as Charles and Kate his fiance ascend the stairs, they begin to smell the unmistakable stench of death.

When they step onto the threshold, they find the elderly woman’s body propped up. She is wearing a faded gown which may be her old wedding dress if she had been married. It seems that some deranged killer set the stage but the purpose of the setup is a mystery.

Soon they receive news saying that Ned Blood, a prisoner had escaped from Colbath Fields and Charles believes that the murder may have been committed by the man. However, Kate believes this crime could have more personal motives since the killer took a lot of time and effort to dress his victim.

When a blacksmith in the locality is found having cut handcuffs at his smithy and is taken into custody, his devastated wife begs Kate and Charles to help. When the man is charged, they are surprised to meet the victim’s haughty and cold foster daughter alongside her miserably obsessed companion.

If they can get access to some of the secrets from the old woman’s past, they may just get answers to the intricate mystery of her death. But Kate and Charles may have to risk their lives to get that information.

Heather Redmond’s novel “A Christmas Carol Murder” is a fascinating work set in 1835 in London. It is December and Kate and Charles are out with family and friends for a chilly night of good cheer and caroling. However, their blood runs truly cold when suddenly a body plummets from an upper window and disrupts their singing.

They soon find the dead body of the man whose neck is wrapped in strange chains. He is identified as a business partner to the house resident named Jacob Harley. The resident is an unpleasant man named Emmanuel Screws, who is the owner of a counting house.

Never one to put down her journalist hat, Charles goes into investigation mode trying to resolve the mystery of the diabolical murder. But before he can make any headway, the body goes missing and then he is visited by what he thinks is the man’s ghost or maybe his overactive imagination.

He still suspects the poverty-stricken penny pincher Emmanuel who refused to give his father a loan many years earlier. Still, Kate insists Emmanuel is too old to be able to heave a body out a window.

Their mutual admiration and affection can do with differences in opinion, but things get interesting when an infant unexpectedly arrives. Charles needs to find a home for the child even as he is solving a murder.