Order of Ghost Buddy Books

Order of Ghost Buddy Books

Ghost Buddy by Henry Winkler Lin Oliver

Ghost Buddy is a series of supernatural-themed children’s novels by Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver. The series follows Billy Broccoli and his adventures with his spirited friend, “the Hoove.” The series is written for ages 8-12.

Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver began the Ghost Buddy series in 2012 with the novel Zero to Hero. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver’s Ghost Buddy books in order of when they were originally published (which is the same as their chronological order):

Publication Order of Ghost Buddy Books

(By: Henry Winkler, Lin Oliver)

Zero to Hero


Mind If I Read Your Mind?


How to Scare the Pants Off Your Pets


Always Dance with a Hairy Buffalo!
