Gay Hendricks Books In Order
Publication Order of Sir Errol Hyde Books
The First Adventure of Sir Errol Hyde: The Case of the Wayward Prince | (2017) | |
The Second Adventure of Sir Errol Hyde: The Case of The Oxford Rasputin | (2017) | |
The Final Adventure of Errol Hyde: The Case of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Secret Notebook | (2019) |
Publication Order of Tenzing Norbu Mystery Books
The First Rule of Ten | (2012) |
The Second Rule of Ten | |
(2013) | |
The Broken Rules of Ten: Tenzing Norbu’s First Mystery | (2013) |
The Third Rule Of Ten | |
(2014) | |
The Fourth Rule of Ten | (2015) |
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
The Centering Book: Awareness Activities for Children and Adults to Relax the Body and Mind | (1975) | |
Transpersonal Education: A Curriculum for Feeling and Being | (1976) | |
The Second Centering Book: More Awareness Activities For Children And Adults To Relax The Body And Mind | (1977) | |
How to Love Every Minute of Your Life | (1978) | |
The Family Centering Book: Awareness Activities the Whole Family Can Do Together | (1979) | |
Cool and Creamy Ice Cream Yogurt | (1979) | |
The Centered Teacher: Awareness Activities for Teachers and Their Students | (1981) | |
Learning to Love Yourself | (1982) | |
The Centered Athlete: A Conditioning Program For Your Mind | (1982) | |
Transpersonal Approaches to Counseling and Psychotherapy | (1982) | |
The Moving Center: Exploring Movement Activities For The Classroom | (1983) | |
Centering and the Art of Intimacy: A New Psychology of Close Relationships | (1984) | |
The Art of Breathing and Centering: Discover the Powerful Gifts of the Air You Breathe! | (1989) | |
Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Committment | (1990) | |
The Learning to Love Yourself Workbook | (1990) | |
Radiance!: Breathwork, Movement and Body-Centered Psychotherapy | (1991) | |
Bicycle Tours of France | (1992) | |
Bicycle Tours of Great Britain and Ireland | (1992) | |
Bicycle Tours of Italy | (1992) | |
At The Speed Of Life: A New Approach To Personal Change Through Body-Centered Therapy | (1993) | |
Conscious Breathing: Breathwork for Health, Stress Release, and Personal Mastery | (1995) | |
The Corporate Mystic: A Guidebook for Visionaries with Their Feet on the Ground | (1996) | |
The Conscious Heart: Seven Soul-Choices That Create Your Relationship Destiny | (1997) | |
The Ten Second Miracle: Creating Relationship Breakthroughs | (1998) | |
A Year of Living Consciously: 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose | (1998) | |
Conscious Living: Finding Joy in the Real World | (2000) | |
Achieving Vibrance: A Seven-Minute-a-Day Plan for Feeling, Looking, and Being Younger | (2001) | |
Breathing Ecstasy: Finding Sexual Bliss Using the Incredible Power of Breath | (2003) | |
Conscious Golf: The Three Secrets of Success in Business, Life and Golf | (2003) | |
Lasting Love: The 5 Secrets of Growing a Vital, Conscious Relationship | (2004) | |
Fly Without Fear | (2004) | |
Ecstatic Sex | (2004) | |
Attracting Genuine Love | (2004) | |
The Breathing Box | (2005) | |
Spiritual Cinema | (2005) | |
Spirit-Centered Relationships: Experiencing Greater Love and Harmony Through the Power of Presencing | (2005) | |
The Power of A Single Thought: How to Initiate Major Life Changes from the Quiet of Your Mind | (2006) | |
Touching the Divine | (2006) | |
Already Home: Radiant Wisdom and Life-Changing Meditations from Ramana Maharshi, Sri Nisargadatta, and Teachers of the Advaita Tradition | (2006) | |
The Book of Life: The Master-Key to Inner Peace and Relationship Harmony | (2006) | |
You’ve GOT to Read This Book!: 55 People Tell the Story of the Book That Changed Their Life | (2006) | |
Five Wishes: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True | (2007) | |
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level | (2009) | |
The Prosperity Principle | (2009) | |
Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond | (2015) | |
The Joy of Genius: The Next Step Beyond the Big Leap | (2018) | |
The Corporate Mystic 2.0: A Guidebook For Visionaries With Their Feet On The Ground | (2019) | |
Conscious Luck: Eight Secrets to Intentionally Change Your Fortune | (2020) | |
The Conscious Luck Workbook: Applying the Eight Secrets to Intentionally Change Your Fortune | (2020) | |
The Genius Zone: The Breakthrough Process to End Negative Thinking and Live in True Creativity | (2021) | |
Your Big Leap Year | (2024) |
Publication Order of Anthologies
Upload Experience | (2005) |
Dr. Gay Hendricks is an author, psycholgist, and teacher in the fields of body intelligence, personal growth and relationships. He has been a leading figure in the fields of bodymind therapies and relationship transformation for more than forty five years. He got his doctoral degree in Psychology from Stanford and then got a job at the University of Colorado as a professor of Counselling Psychology for more than two decades.
He is the author of more than forty novels that include “The Big Leap,” “Five Wishes” and “Conscious Loving,” which he wrote in collaboration with Kathlyn Hendricks, his wife of more than thirty five years. His books have been used as primary text in many colleges and universities all over the world.
In 2003, he came together with friends to co-found “The Spiritual Cinema Circle.” It is an organization that focuses on the distribution of conscious entertainment and inspiration movies to people in more than seventy countries. Hendricks has also been a seminar teacher in events across the world and has made appearances in more than 500 television and radio shows including 48 Hours, OPRAH, CNBC and CNN.
Dr Gay Hendricks has been a leading contributor to the fields of body mind therapuies and relationship transformation for more than three decades. After graduating from Stanford University, he started teaching and it was during this time that he founded the “Hendricks Institute,” which offers seminars in Europe, Asia and North America.
He is also the founder of the Gaia Illumination University, a virtual learning center for people needing transformation. In the course of his career he has worked with more than 800 executives providing coaching services. Some of his clients include the top management executives from companies such as KLM, Dell Computer, Motorola and Hewlett Packard.
“The Corporate Mystic” which is one of his most popular works has been used in the training of executives as it combines both personal development tools and business skills. In recent times, he was very active in creating conscious entertainment works and it was in this regard that he co founded the “Spiritual Cinema Circle.”
He was also the executive producer of Conversations with God, the feature film.
Gay Hendricks burst into the public consciousness in 2009 when he published “The Big Leap” his New YorK Times bestselling novel. It is in this book where he introduced the concepts of the zone of genius and upper limit problems.
He has since envisioned the former as the spiral of genius. The concepts alongside the tools that make them work are inspired by decades of clinical application. Hendricks explains why people revert back to the mean even when they succeed. His concepts provide a structure for understanding the devoting oneself to the type of work that could result in the achievement of full potential.
Together with Katie his wife, Gay continues to lead workshops across the world and write works about deepening relationships, mind body practices and cultivating potential. It was while he was doing this that he figured out techniques to build what he refers to as conscious luck.
He had begun crystallizing the concept years before but got busy working on other projects until someone came into his life just when he needed it. Together with his wife they would write “Conscious Luck” that would go on to become a mega bestseller.
“The First Rule of Ten” by Gay Hendricks introduces former monk and soon to be former police officer Tenzing Norbu. He is a spiritual warrior occasionally equipped just as much as he is singularly equipped to work as a private eye in Los Angeles. He had been brought up in a Tibetan Monastery where he always thought he would grow up to become a super investigator just like Sherlock Holmes.
As such, when is posted to Los Angeles where he is to be a meditation instructor, he decided to join the Los Angeles Police Department to learn investigations. But just like the Buddha says, the only constant thing in the world is change and decade later things change in a huge way to Tenzing.
He resigns from the LAPD and after three suspicious deaths, two bullet wounds and a beautiful woman he learns that whenever he does not follow his first rule there is sure to be mayhem. The novel is set in the modern day canyons and streets of Los Angeles and makes for a compelling as well as reflective character driven mystery with some deep insights into life.
Gay Hendricks’ “The Second Rule of Ten” sees Tenzing Norbu make a comeback. He is now investigating the death of a Hollywood producer, a very attractive pathologist, the missing sister of an ailing philanthropist that are all making his life difficult.
Things get even worse with the arrival of Chaco Morales, his arch nemesis and cartel king. As Tenzing moves deeper into his investigation the personal become part of the job as his two best friends soon go missing from Dharamshala.
Bill, his former LAPD partner has also been acting distant which is very bizarre. His journey to find the truth sees him walk, drive and ride the dangerous crime ridden Boyle Heights in Los Angeles to the capital of Tibet in Lhasa and then back to the US.
He has to deal with more than one inner enemy and limiting though if he is to overcome let alone identify his fast increasing outer ones. The clues he needs to solve the complex cluster of mysterious events are all over the city but as usual the ultimate answers are deep inside him.
In “The Third Rule of Ten” by Gay Hendricks, Tenzing has become the go-to detective for high profile clients. Things could not be better for the former LAPD police officer and ex Buddhist monk. He also has a healthy bank account, a beautiful girlfriend and a steady stream of clients from his many contacts in Hollywood.
He has a very active lifestyle but it is not all happiness and joy. There is a growing abundance of secrets and the death of his father has left him with professional and personal confusion and sorrow. But even as he has to face much turmoil, he is never going to say no to a case of a missing housekeeper.
The investigation into the disappearance soon has him walking down dangerous paths of human organ trafficking, untraceable prescription drugs and dead bodies. But nothing could shock him as much as the realization that Chaco Morales, the criminal that he had failed to catch, was behind it all.