Freddy Books In Order
Publication Order of Freddy the Pig Books
Freddy Goes to Florida | (1927) | |
Freddy Goes to the North Pole | (1930) | |
Freddy the Detective | (1932) | |
The Story of Freginald | (1936) | |
The Clockwork Twin | (1937) | |
Freddy the Politician | (1939) | |
Freddy’s Cousin Weedly | (1940) | |
Freddy and the Ignormus | (1941) | |
Freddy and the Perilous Adventure | (1942) | |
Freddy and the Bean Home News | (1943) | |
Freddy and Mr. Camphor | (1944) | |
Freddy and the Popinjay | (1945) | |
Freddy the Pied Piper | (1946) | |
Freddy the Magician | (1947) | |
Freddy Goes Camping | (1948) | |
Freddy Plays Football | (1949) | |
Freddy the Cowboy | (1950) | |
Freddy Rides Again | (1951) | |
Freddy the Pilot | (1952) | |
Freddy and the Space Ship | (1953) | |
The Collected Poems of Freddy the Pig | (1953) | |
Freddy and the Men from Mars | (1954) | |
Freddy and the Baseball Team from Mars | (1955) | |
Freddy and Simon the Dictator | (1956) | |
Freddy and the Flying Saucer Plans | (1957) | |
Freddy and the Dragon | (1958) | |
The Wit and Wisdom of Freddy and His Friends | (1999) | |
Art of Freddy | (2002) |
Walter R. Brooks wrote the “Freddy” books for kids; it was illustrated by Kurt Wiese. The series was published from the years 1927, when “Freddy Goes to Florida”, until 1958 when it ended with the release of “Freddy and the Dragon”. The series is made up of a poetry collection and twenty-five books.
Despite the books’ popularity during the forties and fifties, the books went out of print in the sixties. Children’s libraries continued having them, and in recent years, they were republished by The Overlook Press in response to the fans of the books’ request.
Freddy the Pig, who is the central figure of the series, is introduced as “the cleverest and the smallest” of the pigs on the Bean farm. Initially, he is one of the ensemble, but becomes the central character shortly into the series. His different interests drive the series of books, as he is a politician, a detective, magician, newspaper editor, and pilot. As a detective, he follows Sherlock Holmes’ principles, which he knows from reading about.
Other characters include: Simon, a recurring villain who is a slimy yet dignified rat who leads a gang of criminal rats. Also in the series is Mr. and Mrs. Bean, the owners of the farm, some citizens of local Centerboro, and some human villains.
It took some time for the animals’ personalities to develop, along with their ability to be able to talk with humans when they choose to, which started in the fourth book. During the remainder of the series, the animals on Bean Farm lead a highly developed life. They operated a bank, Freddy’s detective business, a newspaper (called the First Animal Republic).
Just about all of the books are set in the Centerboro area and at the Bean farm. Most of the towns mentioned in the series do not really exist. The focus of the books is on the adventures a group of animals have while living on a farm located in rural upstate New York.
A lot of the books’ humor comes from the self-referential way the author acknowledges the unreality of animals talking. This is contrary to the way that in most kid’s books where talking animals is accepted as something normal. The animals on Bean Farm gain national fame for the abilities to read and to talk. The humans they come across are taken aback on first glance, but only for a short time to find that they are actually talking with animals.
The characters, human and animal, do not ever age, but the stories all reflect the social conditions at the time of writing. For instance, the books that were released during World War II feature things like victory gardens and scrap drives.
“Freddy Goes to Florida” is the first novel in the “Freddy” series, which was released in the year 1927. Winter time at Bean Farm and the barn is cold. The ducks have no central heating or quilts for the little mice. The animals on Bean Farm realize that Mr. Bean is unable to fix up their barn for the winter, so Freddy and his friends decide to the next best thing. Head off to Florida for a vacation.
Along the way south with the migrating birds, Freddy, Charles the Rooster, Jinx the Cat, and the other animals outwit some starving alligators, stop some burglars, meet the President, and even find some buried treasure.
This book is a highly enjoyable read that is a fun romp all along the east coast. What a wonderful story for a younger crowd and is a treat for adults to read aloud to their kids.
“Freddy Goes to the North Pole” is the second novel in the “Freddy” series, which was released in the year 1930. Jinx the cat, Charles the rooster, and Freddy the pig have been to Florida and come back again. When the other animals who live at Bean Farm want to travel and see the world, Freddy starts Barnyard Tours, Inc.
Word spreads across the countryside about the Bean Farm’s recent innovation, Freddy and friends decide they should organize a trip to remember. They will go to the North Pole.
This is another fun read, and Brooks does a great job of hiding some very valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, and sharing inside some enjoyable and humorous tales.
“Freddy the Detective” is the third novel in the “Freddy” series, which was released in the year 1932. While reading “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Freddy becomes inspired to be a detective. Along with his partner, Mrs. Wiggins the cow, he is challenged to clear Jinx the cat’s name, as he has been framed for murder.
Some enjoy reading the simple story lines and the old fashioned style of writing these books have. The characters are both funny and sweet, which keeps the interest of the reader.
“Freddy and Freginald” is the fourth novel in the “Freddy” series, which was released in the year 1936. Freginald is a young bear who joins Mr. Boomschmidt’s circus.
Some of his extraordinary adventures with some of the other animals. These include Freddy the pig as well as Leo the lion. They involved an odd mystery solved with some careful deduction, a stirring battle, and some quite comical misunderstandings between the elephant and the bear. As well as a lion and a mouse.
The book is fun to read aloud with some new readers. It is filled with some humorous stories, and silly words to get imaginations fired up and a love books started up.
“Freddy and the Clockwork Twin” is the fifth novel in the “Freddy” series, which was released in the year 1937. Adoniram was living with his cruel aunt and uncle until a chance flood sends him to the unstoppable Freddy and Jinx.
The animals convince him to stay on at Bean farm, and Mr. Bean’s brother even makes him a mechanical twin to play with. When Adoniram’s uncle and aunt come to find him, they mistake the twin for the real kid. A comedy of errors follows and Freddy and his friends must save the day.