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Flo Fitzpatrick
Flo Fitzpatrick was born in Washington DC, then became a world traveler when she was still in diapers. Flo, who was an Army brat, lived in Georgia, Virginia, and this castle in France, all before she turned five.

Flo’s first authored work (at the age of 4) was this science fiction piece, called “The Bug on the Wall”. It consisted of two sentences.

At the age of eight, she went full-tilt boogie and wrote three whole chapters for what was supposed to be a complete novel, called “The Skinner Family Goes to Ireland”. The plot consisted of the Skinner family going to Ireland in order to visit their Aunt Donna who lived on a potato farm and owned a swimming pool. Her older brothers, twins, were kinda skeptical that the Skinner family would make it to Ireland by train from New York City across the Atlantic.

Her next book (when she was nine) was more realistic. “The Mystery of the Greenhouse” was written as she lived in El Paso, so the greenhouse setting may have been a buffer against all those tumbleweeds. Sadly, this masterpiece of hers got lost somewhere in transition and travel through the years.

Flo earned a BFA in Dance at Southern Methodist University and an MA in Theatre at Baylor, and then spent her years after college shuttling back and forth from Texas to New York performing, choreographing, and teaching. During her theatre career, she played nice ladies (Nellie-“South Pacific”), not-so-nice ladies (Lily St. Regis-“Annie”), and dead ladies that weren’t all that ladylike at all (three murdered hookers in melodrama “Jack the Ripper”). This last one she says was tough. She spent the first ten minutes of the show “dead” and lying on the floor attempting to not breathe, or wince from paper wads being thrown by enthusiastic audiences.

One of her absolute favorite theatrical experiences was playing a variety of characters (Cyndi Lauper styled tourists and bag ladies) for the Japanese language show “NY-Go!” that aired on Manhattan cable stations.

“Scarecrow’s Dream” is a novel that was released in 2017. Through time and death, two souls search for love found and lost.

Holly Malone staggers her way into her Manhattan apartment at 1:30AM, she’s stunned to find that over forty years have gone by since her last, vague memory of being involved in a motorcycle crash. Nobody is able to see her, and just a few are able to hear her. Like the man she’d been clinging to when the bike went off that icy bridge and her now aged aunt. Shane Halloran, who everybody assumed died with her on that snow-blind night.

Shane now hides behind his assumed identity. The wreck which took Holly’s life was part of this series of not-so-coincidental accidents linked to a play so controversial somebody went to lethal lengths to ensure it never saw the lights of opening night.

While they piece together Holly’s sketchy flashbacks, Shane comes to a heartbreaking realization that the woman he’s loved for more than forty years could vanish at any moment back into the past. Unless her memories of then (and now) turn out to be a two-way street.

Warning. This contains a feisty heroine that’ll take on the world for her uber charming black Irish rogue, an eccentric hippie aunt, and two generations of eagles called Joey.

“Endgate Island” is a novel that was released in 2019. Buried treasure. Teddie Grant decided to accept her best friend’s invitation to move to Engate Island work as the set designer for this interactive mystery theater, she cannot wait to just shed her past and begin fresh. Not too long after showing up, she meets Eric Desmarais, who is a prominent Broadway director, and the chemistry between them is more familiar and sudden than logical explanations are able to provide.

With a history of slave traders, pirate settlers, and violence, Endgate Island isn’t at all what it appears to be. Eric and Teddie, in the midst of life altering secrets, a vicious property battle, and storms, work to uncover the mystery which appears to be pushing them together at each and every turn. However well kept secrets are made to stand the test of time, and there are those that work ruthlessly and hard to keep the truth buried deep. But these lovers cling to what they’ve found in one another, and they have zero intention of letting go.

“Deadly Deja Vu” is a novel that was released in 2020. After Natalie Willis (age seventeen) gets dropped off at her Birmingham, Alabama home after a Halloween party, she finds that her home has been ransacked and her parents and her young twin siblings have all been savagely murdered. Natalie gets attacked by one of these killers, but is rescued by the cops that arrive just in time to save her.

Fast forward seven whole years to another Halloween night. Natalie, who is now a reclusive writer of kids’ books, stumbles onto another crime scene when she checks to see how her neighbors fared during a tornado. She sees Craig and Emma Hadley’s bodies lying lifeless in their own blood. And Aiden (their young son) is nowhere to be found. Horrified, Natalie flees the house, but gets grabbed by the masked man that whispers to her, asking where is he? Before she is choked into unconsciousness.

Gil Acosta (the Moon Valley Chief of Police) shows up on the scene just in time to save Natalie from any further harm, and soon becomes intent on soothing her fears. Natalie quickly realizes that she is entertaining possibilities of romance with this handsome cop. Gil would also prefer to spend his time developing a relationship with this fragile author, yet is kept busy determining exactly why two separate, but strangely similar, murders happened within less than 80 miles of one another, seven years apart.

While Natalie joins the hunt to find Aiden Hadley, she avoids further threats and dangerous situations from killers intent on retrieving this priceless object, no matter what the cost. All the while, she is determined to overcome the brokenness that’s inside of herself and be willing to accept the love that Gil obviously wants to give.