Order of Felix J Palma Books

Félix J. Palma Books In Order

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Felix J. Palma is a literary fiction novelist who was born in 1968 in Spain’s Sanlucar de Barrameda. Thereafter, he went to high school at the Francisco Pacheco High School, and after graduation, he went to a Sevilla university where he studied Publicity.
Palma published The Lizard’s Keeper” his first collection of stories in 1998. It was this work that showcased his exceptional capacity to write everyday stories infused with fantasy elements.

His first foray into long-form fiction was with the publishing of “The Map of Time” in 2011. This was his debut novel and the first of the “Map of Time” series of novels that has become one of his most popular series.

Over the years, his novels have won many awards and become critically acclaimed titles. Some of the awards that Felix J. Palma has won include the 2008 Ateneo de Sevilla XL Prize, the Luis Berenguer Award for Novel in 2005, and the Cadiz Latin American Story Award.
His novels have also been published in at least 30 countries and been translated into more than half a dozen languages.

Outside of his writing, Felix has also worked as a literary critic, and columnist and has sometimes organized creative writing workshops.

Like many novelists, Felix J. Palma knew he wanted to be an author when he was still very young. He was just about twelve or thirteen years old when he watched a movie and started looking for the reactions of her parents and siblings, rather than the movie itself.
It was from that time that Palma realized that all he wanted was to make stories that would result in those reactions in others. He wanted to write stories that would make people reflect, laugh, sigh, cry, tremble, and fall in love.

However, the problem was that he could not draw well enough, and hence comics were out of the question, even as he had no connection with the cinema. The good thing was that he had a typewriter in the house and he realized that he could tell the many stories in his head through words.

Still, learning the art of writing was not so easy since writers’ groups and workshops did not exist at the time. Moreover, Felix made his home in a small town, where he could never hope to find any professional writers who could mentor him.
As such, Felix is for the most part a self-taught writer who learned from imitating his favorite authors such as Garcia Marquez and Cortazar.

Felix J. Palma wrote for about a decade without any agent, as he managed his contracts and about everything about his writing. For the most part, all he did during that time was intended for submission to literary prize competitions.

Ultimately, he became successful with “The Map of Time” and soon afterward, he met Antonia Kerrigan who became his agent. Given that he also works a day job as a literary critic and columnist, he follows a very regular routine to keep up with his writing.

Since Palma believes that inspiration is derived from working, he usually gets up early, takes his dog for a walk, has his breakfast, and works until it is time to have lunch. These are usually the hours when he is most productive, as he only works for a few hours in the afternoon, often reviewing what he wrote in the morning.

He usually writes from Monday to Saturday and takes Sundays off.

“The Map of Time” by Felix J. Palma is an imaginative work of fiction that has been called “The Elephant Man” meets “Jack the Ripper.”

Central to the story is the question ‘Is time travel possible and when it is done, can we tinker with the events of the past to reshape lives and the future thus altering the course of history?’

In this work, this is a question that a melancholic Briton named H.G. Wells is asking himself after his lover was killed by a serial killer who loves to work under the deep London fog. He becomes obsessed by the desire to turn back time thus opening himself up to some interesting possibilities.

Wells is a very thin but well-respected author with a greyish pallor maybe because he spends most of his time thinking of time machines.

It is a story that has been compared to the 1979 work “Time After Time” by Karl Alexander, which pitted “Jack the Ripper” against H.G. Wells.

However, Palma is an ingenious plotter and his work is far better than a simple game of cat and mouse, even as it has a harder scientific edge. It has to be said that even if you are a very careful reader, you will not foresee some of the many turns and twists.

Felix J. Palma’s novel “The Map of the Sky” is a work told in intertwined but distinctive three parts.

The events in this work start quite inoffensively as H.G. Wells meets for lunch, an American author who just released a novel inspired by the “War of the Worlds.”

He feels strongly that he should tell the man off but is hooked when the man says he is going to show him a real Martian. He says that he is going to take him to the Museum of Natural History where the creature is in a cabinet of curiosities.
In the second section, Wells is introduced to the man responsible for creating the time travel experience that had angered him so much earlier on.

The man asks him to help him come up with the circumstances of the start of “The War of the Worlds,” so that he can impress a young woman that he is obsessed with. Well refuses but then an invasion occurs just like he had written it and he becomes the main suspect the Scotland Yard’s Special Cases division is looking into.

The third section serves as the complex and outstanding conclusion to the story.

“The Map of Chaos” by Felix J. Palma is the final novel of the “Trilogia Victoriana” series of novels.

When the lead protagonist’s most important person in the world dies tragically, he does all he can to try to speak to her for one last time. He gets a session with a renowned medium, but the solution she provides results in the release of terrible forces that could leave the world on the knife edge of disaster.

The only way to get out of the situation is to find “The Map of Chaos,” a mysterious work that he desperately needs to find. In his quest, he finds help from Lewis Carroll, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and H.G. Wells. It does seem that the latter’s “The Invisible Man” got out of fiction and is now sowing terror in the modern world.

Felix Palma once again shows how he can be very ingenious in his plotting, as he brings together a cast of imagined and real characters at a time when spiritualism is at its height in Victorian-Age London.
It makes for a spellbinding adventure that combines fake mediums, impossible loves, real ghosts, and nonstop action, even as it pays homage to the legends of science fiction.