Faith Blum Books In Order
Publication Order of Hymns of the West Books
A Mighty Fortress | (2013) | |
Be Thou My Vision | (2014) | |
Amazing Grace | (2015) | |
Lily of the Valley | (2015) | |
The Solid Rock | (2016) |
Publication Order of Hymns of the West Novellas Books
I Love Thee | (2015) | |
Pass Me Not | (2015) | |
Redeemed | (2015) | |
Life and Salvation | (2016) | |
Just a Closer Walk | (2016) | |
Just As I Am | (2016) | |
Blessed Assurance | (2016) |
Publication Order of Mysteries of the West Books
Be Still, My Soul | (2023) |
Publication Order of Orphans of the West Books
Savior, Like a Shepherd | (2017) | |
All the Way My Savior Leads | (2017) | |
He Hideth My Soul | (2018) | |
He Leadeth Me | (2018) |
Publication Order of Orphans of the West Novellas Books
‘Tis So Sweet | (2018) | |
Sing the Wondrous Story | (2018) |
Publication Order of Tales of the East Books
Trust and Obey | (2018) | |
Lo, How a Rose | (2018) | |
Rock of Ages | (2019) | |
The Haven of Rest | (2019) | |
Love Lifted Me | (2020) |
Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas
Faith is the Victory | (2016) | |
Christ Arose: A Tomb’s Tale | (2017) | |
What Child is This | (2022) |
Publication Order of Collections
Heaven’s Jubilee | (2016) | |
O Come All Ye Faithful | (2018) |
Publication Order of Librarians of Willow Hollow Books
A Strand of Hope | (2020) |
I Love to Tell the Story | |
(2020) | |
Hearts on Lonely Mountain | (2020) |
The Secret Place of Thunder |
Publication Order of Matchmaker’s Mix-Up Books
Conner’s Contrary Bride: | (2020) |
Carter’s Klutzy Bride | |
(2020) | |
Brenden’s Bookish Bride | (2020) |
Harvey’s Bashful Bride | |
(2021) | |
Matthew’s Wild Mountain Bride | (2021) |
Dalton’s Dual Brides | |
(2021) | |
Ezra’s Forgetful Bride | (2021) |
Ryan’s Reckless Bride | |
(2021) | |
William’s Wistful Bride | (2021) |
Christopher’s Quiet Bride | |
(2021) | |
Beau’s Elegant Bride | (2021) |
Seth’s Secretive Bride: | |
(2021) | |
Ace’s Tenacious Bride | (2021) |
Publication Order of Anthologies
Springtime in Surrey | (2023) |
Faith Blum
Faith Bloom is an author, entrepreneur, mom, and wife. She is a small town Wisconsin girl, and has lived in, or outside of, small towns her entire life and wouldn’t have it any other way. The mere thought of living in a city with more than 60,000 people in it scares her to death, especially after some interesting adventures driving through some bigger cities like St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Faith loves stories because they can teach history, but in a fun way. It is also her way to have a creative outlet as she takes care of a toddler. She is blessed to write as her full time career.
When she isn’t busy writing, she can be found cooking from scratch, reading, doing the dishes, crocheting, knitting, sewing, figuring out her social media content, or spending time with her family. She also enjoys playing the piano for church and making products for her Pampered Bookworm business. Faith enjoys painting walls just as long as she doesn’t also have to do the ceilings or hallways.
“A Mighty Fortress” is the first novel in the “Hymns of the West” series and was released in 2013. Ruth and Joshua Brookings are traveling on a stagecoach to join their parents in Montana finally. The teens, after getting attacked by some murderous outlaws, are barely able to escape with their lives and are forced to survive in the barren Montana and Wyoming territories and escape from the man that is hunting them.
Seven years back, Jed Stuart ran away from his home and joined up with Tom’s gang. Jed has gotten tired of the lawlessness and now wants out. Only problem is that he is boss’s right-hand man and is never going to be able to leave. And what is just one more stagecoach robbery, anyway?
Can Joshua lean on the strength of God to keep himself and his sister alive until they can find a town? Is Jed going to be able to face his own anger or is it going to consume him entirely? All three of them are running: the hunted and the hunter. What is going to happen when they finally meet?
“Be Thou My Vision” is the second novel in the “Hymns of the West” series and was released in 2014. Anna Stuart’s comfortable with her life. She might be a 30 year old spinster, however she has her routine and likes taking care of her older brother and dad. One letter is all it takes to shatter her enjoyment, routines, and comfort. After she learns of her brother’s death, she feels as though her life is never going to be the same.
Then she meets two sons without a mom. Did God put them in her life to lead her to a whole new vision of life? Can she trust God to provide her the desires of her heart before she even knows what they even are?
“Savior, Like a Shepherd” is the first novel in the “Orphans of the West” series and was released in 2017. Titus Hine has always taken care of others. First in keeping his sister and brother from the guys that his mom entertained. Even more so after she died, when the townsfolk refused to help out the orphans of the town’s prostitute. He has been provider and protector, despite all of the hardships. He has learned that nobody will help, nobody cares and if he wants to survive he is going to need to rely on his own strength not just for himself but also his family.
Then this stranger shows him the help and kindness that nobody appears willing to. Between her kindness and the lecture that she gives to the Christian Leaders, his life starts taking an unexpected turn for the better. With provision and aid from the local believers things should really be easier, and his burdens lifted. So why does all of it feel as though is spinning out of control?
Can Titus truly learn that as man might fail him there is still One that will never fail? Can he learn to just allow God to be the Shepherd of his life and lead him? Or is life just going to keep on pushing him every which way?
“Trust and Obey” is the first novel in the “Tales of the East” series and was released in 2018. A morally corrupt king, a wicked priestess, and two kids that are caught in the middle.
Gidal and Hadassah love their parents and are willing to do anything for them. When Priestess Basmat tell Jerusha and Ehud to pay their debt, yet they can’t and she takes Gidal and Hadassah for two years as her slaves.
The priestess works each of them hard, yet there are two other servants to divide the load with, so they cope just as well as they are able to. Then King Saul shows up in disguise requesting the priestess’ other services, as a medium.
Are Gidal and Hadassah trust Adonai to take care of them? What’s going to happen after Priestess Basmat confronts the prophet Samuel?
“Lo, How a Rose” is the second novel in the “Tales of the East” series and was released in 2018. Everything is against them. Rapha, who was born into slavery, is a Philistine that is almost twice as big as his Israelite masters. They find any and every excuse they can to beat on him. When he gets accused of murder, he runs out into the desert, planning to hate all Israelites forever and never come back.
Nava’s mom died when she was born. Since then she’s been raised primarily by her dad, yet her grandpa and grandma have helped out too. Her passion is to help those that need it the most, whether it is watching Rina, the healer’s young daughter, or bringing fresh tunics for the Philistine slave that gets way too many whippings.
Once Rapha runs out into the desert without any water, Nava begs her dad to go and bring him back safely. Is Nava’s dad going to find Rapha? Can Rapha learn that not all Israelites are untrustworthy? Is Nava going to trust her abba and rapha to Yahweh’s care or take things into her own hands?