Order of Fairy Animals Of Misty Wood Books

Fairy Animals of Misty Wood Books In Order

Publication Order of Fairy Animals of Misty Wood Books

The “Fairy Animals of Misty Wood” series written by author Lily Small are from the children’s chapter book genre. The books are for kids ages five to eight, grades kindergarten to three. The series started in the year 2013 with the release of “Chloe the Kitten”. The first seven of the books were released in the year 2013.

The series is about a magical world of animal friends. Each of the animals in the series has its own pretty fairy wings, and they have a special job they must do in Mist Wood that will help ensure that it is a wonderful place to live in. Some of the animals get their own books, but also are in other animals’ books as well.

“Chloe the Kitten” is the first novel in the “Fairy Animals of Misty Wood” series and was released in the year 2013. Chloe’s wings sparkle while she moves through Misty Wood as she decorates the cobwebs and makes them shine with dewdrops. She meets a small mouse that has lost its way and is scared. Will Chloe be able to help the poor animal find its way home?

Some cannot wait to read the other books in the series, because this was just that good of a read. Fans of the novel find that this is the perfect series for young girls to read; it is a charming and adorable book. The great illustrations and cute story enchanted the young fans of the story. Parents like the message the book sends to kids, which is to help other people out when they are in need.

“Bella the Bunny” is the second novel in the “Fairy Animals of Misty Wood” series and was released in the year 2013. Bella is currently opening up some flowers so that she can make Misty Wood as pretty as it can be. Lexi the Ladybird is waiting inside a bluebell. She is sad at the moment because she looks different than all of the other ladybirds. She only has just the one spot on her. Bella knows just the thing to cheer her right up.

Fans of the novel like the message of the series of being true to yourself, and the fact that the characters are kind hearted. Kids love the books, because of all the cute illustrations and stories, not to mention all the adorable characters found in here. There is a lot of positive behavior and friendship in the books that will make it easy for parents to recommend their kids to read.

“Paddy the Puppy” is the third novel in the “Fairy Animals of Misty Wood” series and was released in the year 2013. Paddy the Puppy is having a birthday. He flies all over the place in Misty Wood, spreading pollen around so that the flowers will grow. While he is doing this, he invites his fairy animal buddies to come to his party. He gets back to his house, he is up for a wonderful surprise!

These books make the reading time just fly by for young readers, and some of them do not even like to read, these kids will only read when they are forced to. Fans of the novel found this to be quite funny of a read, and the characters find their way into young readers’ hearts with innocence. It is something that many elementary school age kids will enjoy. It is certainly a great way for kids and their parents to spend their reading time together.

“Mia the Mouse” is the fourth novel in the “Fairy Animals of Misty Wood” series and was released in the year 2013. Mia is going on an errand for her mother. She has forgotten what she was supposed to collect. She knows that it starts with a b. was it a bluebird? Or blackberries, maybe? Buttercups? Maybe her friend, a bumblebee will be able to help her out.

Reading time for kids goes a lot faster (or it seems that way) when they are reading these books. Fans of the novel found this one to be the cutest installment of the series so far. Like the other books in the series, it is great to read aloud with kids with sweetness, light, and magic. It is hard to tell, for some, just what their favorite book of the series, they are just all so superbly cute. It is hard to imagine how a series could be any cuter than this one already is.

“Hailey the Hedgehog” is the fifth novel in the “Fairy Animals of Misty Wood” series and was released in the year 2013. Lately, Hailey the Hedgehog has been excited for the coming Christmas Parade. This is her favorite part of the year! As she goes around flying around Misty Wood, she finds some of the fairy animals are feeling a little blue. How will Hailey be able to make them just as happy as she is for this part of the year?

Reading time has never gone as well as when kids read from these books, and some hope the books keep on coming, as they will keep reading them as long as they do. Fans of the novel found this to be yet another book their child loved, and that it was worth the price. Anything that keeps their kid reading is well worth the price.

“Betsy the Bunny” is the sixth novel in the “Fairy Animals of Misty Wood” series and was released in the year 2013. Betsy is trying to do her job, making the flowers open to have the wood looking gorgeous. She has a terrible case of the hiccups at the moment. Maybe a giant Easter surprise will help her get rid of them.

Since reading the first book in the series, this seems to be the only thing that some kids will read. Fans of the novel find that the books are something they can read and read without ever getting sick of of them. Some readers will keep on coming back for as long as the books are released, they are just that good. These books were cute at the start, and still are; they are great reads, no matter what age you are. Some enjoy watching their kids read the books while they learn to read and get amusement from the whole experience. It reminds them just what it was like to learn how to read themselves all those years ago.