Emma E. L. Young Books In Order
Publication Order of S.T.O.R.M. Books
The Infinity Code | (2007) | |
The Ghostmaster / The Ghost Machine | (2007) | |
The Black Sphere | (2008) | |
The Viper Club | (2008) | |
The Death Web | (2009) |
Publication Order of The Harlem Books
The Untold Kiss | (2014) |
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
This Cat Does Not Love You | (2017) | |
She, Myself, and I | (2017) | |
The Last Bookshop | (2021) |
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
Sane | (2015) |
Author Emma L. Young is an author and award winning health and science journalist. Young has her BSc in the field of psychology, which she got from the University of Dunham. She writes under both E. L. Young (in the United Kingdom) and under Emma Young in America.
She works for British Psychological Society and her role is a Staff Writer. She works as a freelance writer, writing books and articles. Other careers Young had was as a senior online reporter in the city of London, and Australasian Editor in the city of Sydney.
She writes thrillers for kids which make up the “STORM” series (which stands for Science and Tech to Over-Rule Misery). The first one was released in the year 2007, and was called “The Infinity Code”. The science and gadgetry in the books are based in fact, and Young writes after each story about what her real research was that influenced her story. She writes non-fiction for adults and kids.
“The Infinity Code” is the first novel in the “STORM” series and was released in the year 2007. STORM is a secret organization that dedicates itself to removing all of the misery in the world through technology and science. It was created by the three brainiac kids which are the main characters of the story, each of which are only fourteen years old.
There is Will (the loner who creates great gadgets and inventor), Andrew (fashion designer, whiz with software, and is a millionaire), and Gaia (mysterious and brilliant teen chemist who knows how to blow things up and is fluent in Mandarin, French, and Italian).
Will does not believe STORM will be able to combat misery on a global scale. The group finds out about a plot to invent a revolutionary, not to mention deadly weapon and they go from England to Russia. Their goal is not only to locate and destroy the weapon but to face off against the psycho scientist that created it.
Fans of the novel found that this is for anyone that enjoys fiction, action, and mystery genres; this one combines them all well. There is tons of suspense in the novel too. The secrets found in the book were quite shocking for some to see when they were revealed. The novel was thrilling and action packed that some found themselves on the edge of their seat the entire time they were reading it.
“The Ghost Machine” is the second novel in the “STORM” series and was released in the year 2007. There are a string of mysterious burglaries happening in Italy that make headlines. The footage on the news shows an odd spectral form at the scenes of each crime. They are credited to The Ghost (or Il Fantasma).
Through each twist and turn, the three kid geniuses find out that the Ghost is part of a bigger and more malevolent plot than they first thought. It is one that involves a dangerous cult, a run down Venetian castle, quantum computers with a grotesque purpose and dire consequences, and microscopic robots that are able to self organize.
The gang is armed with all kinds of neat gear, speed boats and sonar helmets are just the least of it. They have to face many different kinds of obstacles (there are cyborg sharks too) so that they can bring a stop to this mayhem. What they do not yet know is that their enemy this time could be one of their good friends.
Yet another winner from this interesting series. Fans of the novel found the twists in the book to be quite surprising that keep you right on the edge and reading well into the morning hours. The story, though aimed at kids, will appeal to other age groups too, and you will be glad that you picked this up, no matter what your age happens to be. You will have a hard time when you try putting the novel for very long.
“The Black Sphere” is the third novel in the “STORM” series and was released in the year 2008. Project FIREball was being worked on by six scientists. One has gone missing and the other five are all dead. The only survivor is carrying plans for technology that would change the world. This scientist is wanted by the CIA, MI6, and a killer that has gone unidentified. What was this project that fell apart? Who was it that wanted the scientists dead? Where did David Wickett go?
Fans of the novel found this was another adventure that was full of action and it was hard to put down for very long. The books in the series get better with each installment. It has a gripping plot, fascinating characters, memorable, and it was quite easy to relate to. As long as the author continues writing these books, her fans will gladly read them, as they are simply enjoyable.
“The Viper Club” is the fourth novel in the “STORM” series and was released in the year 2008. A Shanghai criminal underworld boss has sent out a challenge to his Viper Club members. It is a deadly one. Come up with three methods of killing someone that are undetectable. There is a hundred million dollars at stake. Not to mention three innocent humans are on the line.
The STORM members are in the city of Sydney when they find out these evil plans, as is one of the killers. It all comes down to timing, when it comes to who will live and who will die.
The author still is able to deliver a killer story about these incredible characters, which can be a feat for some series. The books never disappoint and are tons of fun. Some readers enjoy all the science parts that Young is able to incorporate into the book. She obviously puts a lot of effort into researching the books and is able to use this information in a very interesting way that never takes away from the story. Will’s inventions are great, too, especially how they are able to incorporate them into the stories. Readers find that this is a series they love, and will read any stories Young writes set in this world.