Elizabeth Green Books In Order
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Confessions of a Curious Bookseller | (2021) |
Elizabeth Green is a published author. Her debut novel is called Confessions of a Curious Bookseller.
Elizabeth attended the University of the Arts, where she would choose to study theater. She would do well and graduated holding her very own BFA in the field of the theater arts.
She identifies with the gender-neutral pronoun “they”. They have had their work published in a variety of places, from Wigleaf to Hobart to Necessary Fiction, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Cactus Heart, Punchnels, and more.
Green likes to participate in a process known as ‘native gardening’ in addition to aikido. Green also likes to knit and crochet. The author is from New York from the upstate area of Greenwich. Elizabeth is married and has a partner in her husband. They share two cats and reside just outside Philadelphia.
Elizabeth Green first hit the literary world in an official capacity with the release of her debut fictional novel, which she titled Confessions of a Curious Bookseller. If you have been searching for something new to read featuring a fresh voice in fiction, be sure to give this book a try and follow along with one book store owner as she attempts to figure out business and life.
Elizabeth Green is the author of the 2021 novel Confessions of a Curious Bookseller. If you love reading light books for adults that can be entertaining and even inspiring, this is a novel for you to check out! Give it a try and find out why so many critics, authors, and readers are loving this novel and singing its praises.
Suzy Krause called the novel an “exceedingly human” as well as hilarious tale, a book that she recommended others take their time with as it is best enjoyed when “savored”. Katherine Reav agreed, calling the novel an homage to the classic novel Madame Bovary, although delivering the tale by bringing the readers to a world where they can remember that life can often be the “greatest adventure” that we take.
Funny, full of hope, and going over the choices and intentions of one woman as she attempts to navigate life the best that she can. The main character of this story is Fawn Birchill. She’s a woman that runs her very own bookstore, The Curious Cat Book Emporium, specializing in selling used books. The store is set in Philadelphia in the heart of the western part of the city.
Fawn understands that her store is a place where people can come to find a good book, to meet a friend, or to feel a sense of community. It also provides a bit of culture and a quirky outlet for those that are looking for a respite from the outside world and a good book to take home with them. She has always believed that the main appeal of her store is the role that it plays in Philadelphia as well as in the lives of her patrons and customers.
The store has done very well for the past two decades, but can things go on this well forever? Book stores are not exactly thriving during these economic times, and it was only a matter of time before some competition moved in. Fawn is a bit worried when she finds out that she is going to have another business in the area competing with her customers for their attention and their money too.
The bookseller is another independent seller, and a cheerful young person to boot. Fawn does not know how this situation could get any worse. Her block appears to be in the process of being taken over by this enterprising young business person, a man that offers his customers wonderful amenities that she thinks are sure to draw them in. If the comfortable couches, the coffee bar, and the friendly staff don’t pull them to his store, the great selection of books likely would.
Fawn is determined to get ready to do battle with this new store owner. She doesn’t want anything to change and thinks she should defend her business from going under. Her ability to continue to provide for herself as well as have an identity in this community depends on it. She would hate to stop providing that place of gathering to the citizens of this city because some other book seller came in and swooped in on her territory. That would be so unfair!
The bookstore owner gets ready to take on the new rival, but along the way she may stumble into some truths that she wasn’t entirely planning on taking on. These involve how difficult it is to date online and find a relationship, dealing with her feelings about her family, and trying to figure out whether a pen pal she has been writing to will be hurt if they find out that she was not all the way honest– and whether she should come clean about the truth.
Fawn is doing her best to try and keep her store afloat, but she cannot deny that the store could use some repairs. It’s getting older and it’s going to take a major cash infusion to get it up to working speed. Can Fawn handle the demands of her personal life as well as a professional one? Or is she about to find out that all of it together is far too much to handle on her own?
Witty, dramatic, invigorating and fun, Fawn is determined to do her best to take on her life head on. Now is the time to begin thinking, evaluating, and ultimately deciding what she is going to do next. She is going to have to use everything that she’s got to keep her beloved book store afloat and find a way to get what she wants.
Can Fawn figure out a way to go to war or co-exist with the book store owner that has moved in? Can she find love online or will she have to turn to the real world to find a date? Read this book to find out how the story ends!