Order of Drew Magary Books

Drew Magary Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Drew Magary is an American journalist, humor columnist, and novelist best known for writing books like The Hike and Point B. Drew has written online for many years with his start coming at the NFL humor blog, Kissing Suzy Kolber. He would later begin to write at Deadspin where he wrote about the NFL and sports in his unique humorous, irreverent, and profane style. His most popular works from that site were the annual “Why Your Team Sucks” series where he roasted each NFL franchise, making fun of the teams and their cities.

Magary was born in Sydney, Australia, but moved to the United States when he was only four months old. He grew up in Minnesota and Connecticut, the latter of which is where he attended a private school. That school and his experiences there would become a big influence on his third book, Point B. Drew would attend college at the University of Michigan before later transferring to Colby College where he majored in English. After graduation, Magary would work in advertising before his writing career fully took off.

Drew would begin writing for GQ Magazine as a correspondent and also published work in a variety of other mainstream publications including New York, ESPN, Playboy, The Atlantic, and Penthouse. He writes for the Gen.Medium and Vice in addition to his work as an author. Perhaps the greatest moment of Magary’s life came in April of 2015 when he appeared on the ninth episode of the 22nd season of Chopped. The show saw him compete against other amateur cooks and he ended up winning the show’s $10,000 prize. The win has become a part of his lore as he was a long-time fan of the show.

Magary would suffer a terrible accident in December of 2018 at the annual Deadspin Awards. Drew suffered a severe brain hemorrhage and then fractured his skull when he collapsed. He lost weeks of time in his recovery as he was in a coma. Upon getting out, he was delusional and it took months for him to fully recuperate as he had to re-learn a ton of things including how to walk. He lost hearing in one ear and his life is forever changed, but he was able to make a recovery and return to his career.

He has written two non-fiction books. The first, in 2008, was Men with Balls: The Professional Athlete’s Handbook which is a sports humor book that attempts to teach one everything they need to know to be a professional athlete. The book is Drew being wholly unafraid to take shots at professional athletes, their wives, girlfriends, managers, entourages, and everyone else.

The second was 2013’s memoir, Someone Could Get Hurt: A Memoir of Twenty-First-Century Parenthood. The book is filled with stories about trying to raise a family in today’s world and all of the anxiety, rationalizations, compromises, and overpowering love that comes with it. The one is a brutally honest look at what American parents will do to cope with being in over their heads and how stepping back can sometimes make all the difference. The book is filled with heart while also being extremey funny, the story of a man trying to commit the ultimate act of selflessness in a selfish world.

Drew’s first foray into fiction was The Postmortal. This book takes place in a near-future where the cure for aging has been found. “The Cure” stops the aging process dead in its track and people stay the age they are when they get it for the rest of their lives. It doesn’t make you immortal, you just stop aging and can still die from anything else that may happen to you. The book follows a man named John Farrell who gets The Cure at age 29, before it is legal. The book is told in short, journal-like chapters as well as newspaper articles and social media fees. The story stretches over 70 years and covers John Farrell’s life through his never-ending twenties. The story is a personal one, but also deals with how exactly the world would react with such a cure being put into place. Spoiler alert: It’s not good.

The Hike was published in 2016 and follow a man named Ben as he takes a business trip to rural Pennsylvania. He is happy to get some time away from his family and one day before dinner, he decides to take a quick hike. What he doesn’t know then is that this hike will end up taking years of his life, and also no time at all. The path he chooses leads him to a completely different world filled with man-eating bugs, demons, crabs, and the “Producer,” the creator of this world. The Producer is the only who can free Ben from the path and he’ll do whatever it takes to get to him, and get out of here and back to his family. Ben is propelled by heart, imagination, and survival in this terrifying and oddly touching story.

Drew’s third novel is arguably his best. Point B takes place in a world where the sercret to teleportation has been figured out and everyone is doing it. PortPhones are the new iPhones and every one has one. Much like in The Postmortal, this seemingly great invention leads to vast and terrible changes in the world. Anna is a 17-year-old girl that looks to escape this world by attending the prestigious Druskin Academy. Anna lost her sister to a mysterious death recently and she and her mother have been struggling to keep it together. The school has rules against porting so kids are stuck on campus at all times, but they are also safe. Anna, of course, has a plan of her own to escape the school and find the person who killed her sister. Her motivations change a bit when she meets her new roommate, Lara and instantly falls in love with her. The connection is short-lived though as Lara soon disappears off campus, giving Anna even more motivation to escape.