Order of Dragon Conjurer Books

Dragon Conjurer Books In Order

Publication Order of Dragon Conjurer Books

The “Dragon Conjurer” series is a set of novels by Eric Vall, a popular author of survival, adult fiction, apocalyptic, erotica, and adventure fiction novels.

Over the years, the author has penned all manner of mind-blowing titles including the “Dragon Conjurer” series of novels.

Vall penned “Dragon Conjurer” the debut novel of the series in 2020. The series of novels now have at least ten titles and the author has shown no sign of slowing down any time soon.

Vall’s fiction works have over the years become very popular all over the world. Many readers of the different genres in which he writes have been enjoying his novels and devouring them with a lot of enthusiasm over the years.

After beginning his career with the publishing of “Summoner” the first of the “Summoner” series, he has become one of the most prolific authors anywhere.

Eric Vall has made a name for himself penning novels with badass alpha male protagonists alongside powerful and beautiful women who fall in love with them.

This has led to his works getting all manner of high ratings and reviews on different platforms.

Eric Vall’s “The Dragon Conjurer” series of novels are set in the United States in the modern period.

However, things in this world are not as they seem as there are monsters all around, and as such an organization has been set up to protect the world and its citizens.

The hero in this world is a college student who was studying one of the most obscure subjects in anthropology, who suddenly find he has supernatural powers.

He can conjure dragons and this means he is one of the most powerful people in the world which fate has thrust him.

He joins a team where he teams up with several others and is given a set of missions in what in many ways does seem like high school. The author spruces it all up with romance and the relationship between the lead and several of his teammates.

“Dragon Conjurer” by Eric Vall introduces an average college student named Dylon who is studying anthropology. He is working part-time to help pay for his studies even though he hates that he never has money.

One day he was riding to work and walking past an alley when he hears some noises coming from it. He is overtaken by curiosity and turns back to look into the alley. He sees some huge biker-looking fellows betting on a fighting ring.

Upon a closer look, he finds that these were not ordinary humans but rather a gnoll and a fire imp. Since they did not want anyone to look into their affairs, he finds himself chased away and threatened with death.

What follows is a series of intriguing challenges and adventures which are enjoyable and entertaining. Dylon also experiences some great romance, even as he works to save a human race in danger of extinction and a world in peril.

The second novel of the “Dragon Conjurer” series of novels is “Dragon Conjurer 2.”

At the opening of the novel, it has been several weeks since Dylon came to learn about the existence of monsters.

He is now a powerful Dragon Conjurer who has been working with a secret academy/agency. They are hoping to save the world from all manner of threats and danger.

In this outing, Dylon heads to Japan where he is hoping they can foster better relations between MJIK Dyl and AIMM. He also has to battle of all things, a volcano in addition to several monsters alongside his crew.

Taking names, the story comes to life as it picks up from where the debut novel of the series left off. The author also introduces new characters as we get to see new characters at AIMM and at the magic school in Japan.

The reader also gets to sit through some of the classes at AIMM and gets a taste of what it took for Dylon to develop into the character he is becoming.

The third novel of the “Dragon Conjurer” series of novels is “Dragon Conjurer 3.”

In this outing, Mike, Steffi, Nala, and Dyl come back intending to finish their education. Mike the Fairy, the earth mage Nala, and Dyl the Dragon Conjurer are hardly back from Japan when they are attacked by a monster forcing them to take a detour.

Meanwhile, Steffi is back in college and trying to translate the strange words of some pixies. Ultimately the four are reunited but soon after being asked to escort three student visiting students which promises to be a very dangerous assignment.

It makes for another brilliant entry in the Dragon Conjurer series that is as interesting as it is complex.