Order of Deborah J Ross Books

Deborah J. Ross Books In Order

Publication Order of Clingfire Books

with Marion Zimmer Bradley

Publication Order of Children of Kings Books

with Marion Zimmer Bradley

Publication Order of The Seven-Petaled Shield Books

Publication Order of Seven-Petaled Shield Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Darkover Books

Chronological Order of Darkover Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Deborah J. Ross is a published American author of fiction. She used to go by the name of Deborah Wheeler. She is known for writing science fiction tales and fantasy stories.

She was born in 1947 and grew up in the state of California. She graduated from Portland State University and graduated in 1973. In addition to writing she also edits and has had her short stories featured in a variety of publications, magazines, as well as anthologies.

Deborah J. Ross is the creator and author of the Seven-Petaled Shield. This is a fictional series that came out in 20013 with the release of the debut novel in the series of the same name. The sequel came out shortly after. The second novel is titled Shannivar. The third book came out in 2014 and made the series a trilogy.

She has collaborated with other authors to put out series and novels. She was edited the Lace and Blade series, as well as Stars of Darkover, and worked with Pati Nagle on Across the Spectrum.

The Seven-Petaled Shield is the first book in the series that shares the same name from talented fantasy and sci-fi writer Deborah J. Ross. If you love fantasy series or anything that is unique and creative, then check out this Kirkus top pick from 2013 and see why readers like this series so much.

As it turns out, before man existed, it turns out that elemental magic was there first. Before the first man was even born onto the planet, there was magic. For better or worse, this magic had seeped down into this world. As a result, the magic grouped together. It eventually formed into a huge entity made out from these elemental powers of fire and ice.

The saying goes that a legendary king has finally found a way out of this mess. He has discovered what will allow them to take a stand against this monster of chaos with the help of his brothers (six in total). If he uses a weapon to take on this monster, then they might just have a chance. Of course this secret weapon is the seven-petaled shield.

The brothers attempt to use their secret weapon to try and subdue this thing. The entity ends up being imprisoned by them and put way up North for some time. For the moment it appears that this natural threat has been contained. However, has it really been taken care of?

The generations wore on through time and the line of the king ended up faltering. The city of Meklavar had once been very great but now the strength of the royal line was fading and so was the city. It had once been prosperous, but now it has been diminished until it was forgotten. However, the walls still hold that shield, and the shield and its remnants still hold onto a certain level of power.

A king that rules Gelon does not know about the shield or the legend and wants only an empire that is large and strong. On a search of conquest, what should have been ambition could end up being the source of a cataclysmic disaster. His army turns to go to the city and Meklavar falls.

The city is going down and the queen inside cannot stay. Tsorreh was recently widowed along with her son Zevaron. Their family is forced to get out of there and flee. They do have the presence of mind to carry the Shield’s heart stone with them as they go to the homeland of Tsorreh’s mother to seek refuge.

The heart stone is removed but once that happens, it has an effect. Fire and Ice are ancient powers that continued to get stronger. As a result, they have begun to spread their horrible influence all along the land. This old power is about to do some damage that it has been kept back for doing for decades.

Now there is only the queen and her son to take on this risk. They are the heirs to a shield that has been shattered but still may hold the power required to take the entity down. What will happen in the end? You’ve got to read the debut novel in this series to find out!

Shannivar is the second novel in the Seven-Petaled series. If you loved the first book that came out in Ross’s excellent fiction series, then check out this awesome sequel that is well worth a read!

Who is Shannivar? That is the name given to a young warrior and girl who has been raised from a child by her uncle. He is the chieftain of the clan and has shown her how to be accomplished at everything from archery to riding horses (or sometimes a combination of the two).

There are plenty of warrior women in the clan. These young women have learned a lot of the skills that she did and went through the same training. At one point or another, however, they set down the archery materials and end up marrying their husbands. At that time they devote their energy to their husband an their family.

Shannivar is still out there, searching for glory. She also is keeping an eye out on an empire nearby. Their arm seems to be growing with an imperial aim. Now the clans are gathering together in order to meet. They want to propose that the others join an alliance along with the countries nearby that still retain their independence.

Shannivar decides that she will attend the meeting. As she is going there with some fellow delegates, they find that they have crossed paths with a stranger. Zevaron decides to align with Shannivar. As the heir to the shield with seven petals, he wants to stop the empire expanding so that he can save others.

When the clan meeting starts, only the north clan is not present. When they come, they relay stories. They saw mad wolves, cannibal deer, and huge lizards on the way. Zevaron must team up with Shannivar to find danger and keep it from harming anyone. Read this book to find out what happens in the end!