Order of David K Wilson Books

David K. Wilson Books In Order

Publication Order of Sam Lawson Books

Publication Order of David K.Wilson Standalone Novels

About David K. Wilson

The author David K. Wilson is an American novelist, largely writing mystery and thriller fiction, and has successfully reached a worldwide audience. His books are a masterclass in building tension and suspense, really making the most of each and every one of his unique premises. Working as a ghostwriter and screenwriter, he’s a versatile novelist with a lot to say and offer, really making his work his own. Knowing his readership well, he perfectly understands what it is that they’re looking for, giving them just what they want in the process.

Expanding the boundaries of the thriller genre, he takes the format and essentially turns it on its head, really making it his own. This approach has allowed him to become a far more successful author, as readers far and wide sing his many praises, along with the critics. Taking his audience on a journey, he keeps them constantly turning the page, as he doesn’t let go for the entire duration of the story. With countless twists and turns, there’s a surprise waiting just around every corner, ready to catch the reader off-guard and unaware.

Creating characters that really stand out, he allows each of his protagonists to come alive off the page for his audience. This gift then allows him to create a sense of rapport with the reader, as the story then resonates on a more personal level for them. Creating rich and immersive worlds to explore, too, he’s also talented at establishing a real sense of atmosphere and ambiance as well. With lots more still to come, he isn’t a writer who’s finishing any time soon either, as his writing career carries on growing.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up in East Texas, where he was born and raised, David K. Wilson would harness his passion for the written word from early on. Using the world around him for inspiration, many of the characters found in his stories would be drawn from his own life and experiences. He would later go on to live in Chicago, working in advertising and copywriting, where he would continue to learn his craft.

Working with some acclaimed authors, he would also ghostwrite for many of them, continuing to make a name for himself. With this success, he would also take in screenwriting, as he would write the well-received film ‘Spirit Riders,’ along with some horror films as well. Currently living in Upstate New York, he continues to write on a regular and ever consistent basis, with a lot more to come yet.

Writing Career

Starting his literary career under his own name, David K. Wilson began writing for himself in 2019 with the mystery novel ‘Combustible.’ This book would also begin the ‘Sam Lawson Mystery’ series of novels, with ‘Beneath the Surface’ following on a year later in 2020. Next came ‘Dark Harbor’ in 2020 as well, and then ‘Deadly Reputation’ would arrive in 2022, while his stand-alone novel, ‘Red Dirt Blues,’ came out in 2021.

Focusing on psychological thrillers, he gained his start in advertising and has come a long way since then. His books are direct and immediate, drawing in readers straight away, giving them just enough information and questions to continue. Maintaining a profile and presence both online and off, he has plenty more titles planned for publication on the horizon.

Dark Harbor

First brought out in 2020 on the 12th of December, this would come out through David K. Wilson’s own publishing name. It would be the third book in the series of ‘Sam Lawson Mysteries,’ following on with another self-contained mystery for the eponymous detective to solve. The books themselves don’t definitely need to be read in order, but there’s an ongoing narrative arc that rewards returning fans.

Heading off to Martha’s Vineyard, Detective Sam Lawson doesn’t get the time he’d initially hoped to relax with Carla Davenport and rekindle their relationship. Learning that a woman has been murdered brutally, he can’t help but be drawn into the investigation, especially as the chief suspect is Carla’s brother-in-law. Under the suspicions of a local detective, he finds himself at odds with the case, as he must work at the margins to get results. Will he find the identity of the real killer, can he get back to his vacation, and what will become of his time at the dark harbor?

This is an engaging and effective mystery thriller, as Sam Lawson is a witty and appealing presence on the page. With the reader wanting to follow him, he carries the mystery along well, with plenty of intriguing waiting around every corner. The story and premise and well managed, as it brings the world to life, allowing the audience to feel as if they’re really there.

Red Dirt Blues

Originally brought out on the Kindle, this would be a fun and entertaining stand-alone novel filled with humor and heart. Released on the 15th of June in 2021, it would be an easy read that carried a lively and engaging momentum throughout its narrative. Not a part of any series, this is a story more light-hearted, as Wilson has some fun with the story with its entirely self-contained narrative.

Teaming up with a good ol’ boy from Texas, a criminal with a cold heart must work alongside them in order to retrieve a gold pendant. International thief Jade heads to a small Texas town, being drawn into a motley band of lively rednecks there. Teaming up with a down-and-out local, Jade poses as his girlfriend as the two of them attempt to stay out of the way of a Russian mobster seeking revenge and an ever-suspicious sheriff. Will they both find what they’re looking for, can they evade capture in the process, and what will become of the red dirt blues?

Drawing from a range of different influences, from Christopher Moore to Carl Hiaasen, it’s a highly entertaining novel. Caught up in the bright and breezy narrative, Wilson makes the most of its Texas location, too, having lived there himself for much of his life. Its characters are also very well established once again, making the reader want to really root for them the whole way.