Order of David Feintuch Books

David Feintuch Books In Order

Publication Order of Nicholas Seafort Books

Publication Order of Prince Rodrigo Books

David Feintuch was a well known American writer of fantasy and science fiction novels. He was particularly famous for writing military space opera stories and was known for writing the Rodrigo of Caledon series and the Seafort Saga series. Feintuch had received several prestigious awards and nominations for his literary work, including the 1996 John W. Campbell Award in the category of the Best New Writer of the science fiction genre. Author Feintuch was born on July 21, 1944, in New York City, New York; and died on March 16, 2006, in Mason, Michigan. The Seafort Saga penned by Feintuch is a military space opera book series featuring the chief protagonist in the role of Nicholas Seafort. He is depicted as a UNNS officer. The books of this series take place in a human society set in the future, where people are mainly dominated by Christianity. Nicholas Seafort is shown performing his duties as a naval officer and as a follower of God, however, both his duties cost him greatly on the personal level.

Feintuch was inspired to develop this series as well as the chief character by the novels of C.S. Forester based on Horatio Hornblower. Feintuch successfully wrote and published seven Seafort books and just before his death, he had announced on his personal website that he was working on an 8th book called Galahad’s Hope. It was believed that he had finished writing that book and had forwarded it to the publication stage. The current status of the book is still unknown. Feintuch began the series with the 1994 book called Midshipman’s Hope. In this novel, Nicholas Seafort is introduced as a cadet on-board a spaceship. The series revolves around Seafort’s life and adventures.

Nicholas Seafort’s resemblance to Forester’s Horatio Hornblower is not only in his occupation, but also in his characteristics and personality. He is moody, extremely intelligent, and an over-sensitive officer just like Hornblower. Seafort prefers to use his intellect rather than depending on others in any situation. The series contains considerable action sequences, including multiple skirmishes with intergalactic beings and aliens. In the later volumes of this series, Seafort’s adventures are depicted in more reflective ways. He almost rises to dictatorial powers and is accompanied by undergoing maturity in his concerns. Feintuch’s books have been translated into multiple foreign languages like Japanese, Czech, Russian, Spanish, and German.

The Michigan State University has highlighted and recognized his literary works in its Michigan Writers’ Series. In addition to being a noteworthy author, Feintuch was a reputed attorney and an antique dealer. He was involved in reading science fiction from a young age. However, people close to him believe that he chose to write science fiction stories only after deciding to create a guilt-ridden, sensitive, and an intelligent military protagonist, who is forced to make tough decisions in life with the interpretation of the law letter in order to gain the ends of his humane side in a hierarchical, rigid world. Many critics have pointed out the influence of Horatio Hornblower in creating such a character by Feintuch and he himself has acknowledged that he was greatly inspired by Forester’s creation of Hornblower.

Following his birth in New York City, Feintuch was brought up in Yonkers. He was an avid user of the library from childhood and had started drafting unpublishable stories when he was still quite young. Author Feintuch earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Earlham College, located in Richmond, Indiana; and followed it up with a law degree from Harvard Law School. Feintuch wrote his first novel while he was still pursuing his law degree, but never submitted it for publishing. After his graduation in 1970, Feintuch had started working as a lawyer and was also involved in the antique trade on the sides. He switched his career to become a full-time writer in 1994 and also published his first book in the same year. Feintuch was seen as a shambling, large man having a cheerful personality. He often talked about his professional life, but hardly discussed his personal life. Feintuch was divorced in 1994. However, his wife Leianne and his 5 children were by his side at the time of his death in 2006.

The Seafort Saga series written by author David Feintuch is comprised of a total of 7 books released between 1994 and 2001. Each book of this series is set in space and shows the adventures of its main character named Nicholas Seafort. A popular book of this series is entitled ‘Voices of Hope’. It was released in 1996 by the Aspect publication. This book opens by depicting that wealthy citizens and poor people live in a divided world. The rich look upon the poor with hatred and anger from their sky-rise buildings, while the poor citizens grow poorer and desperate. As the war between the rich and the poor continues, Nicholas Seafort’s son Philip Seafort roams on the streets of the hostile city to look for his missing friend. He witnesses that humanity is on the verge of self-destruction and decides to do whatever it takes to save it from its own wrath. Philip steps into the shoes of his father and sets himself on the mission of bringing the brewing war to an end.

Another successful book of the series is known as ‘Patriarch’s Hope’. It was published by the Warner Books publication in 2000, after its original publication in 1999. This novel opens by introducing Nicholas Seafort as a U.N. Secretary-General, which makes him the most powerful man on Earth. When the planet’s ecology faces the danger of getting collapsed, Nicholas Seafort feels his merciless sense of faith and honor are about to get tested. He wonders what he should do to avoid the crisis that was caused because of him in the first place. Later, political renegades hijack an orbital platform and hold millions of innocent people hostage. With no arms and only children and civilians by his side, Nicholas Seafort prepares to enter the war and face the enemies from within. He knows that this war could cost him a lot and makes up his mind to be ready for the worst. This book received many appreciations from readers from across the globe. Its success helped in the success of the entire series and also allowed Feintuch to become more popular.