Order of David A Kyle Books

David A. Kyle Books In Order

Publication Order of Second Stage Lensman Books

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David A. Kyle is a bestselling American novelist best known as a science fiction author, co-founder of Gnome Press, and publisher. Born David Ackerman Kyle, he sometimes wrote his works under the name Kyle Ackerman.

The author was born in New York’s Monticello and has been involved in science fiction for more than seventy years. He got into science fiction in the 1930s, and he would then become an illustrator and writer for pulp magazines.
He would later work as a literary agent, publisher, editor, anthologist, book designer, and illustrator. Working with his friend Martin Greenberg, they founded the Gnome Press in 1947.

This was the publishing house that first published the hardcover editions of works by the likes of Robert Howard, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, and Isaac Asimov.

His most famous works include “The Illustrated Book of Science Fiction Ideas and Dreams” and “A Pictorial History of Science Fiction,” in addition to his three novels in the EE Doc series “Lensman” alongside many fanzine articles.
Kyle was also the founder of “WPDM” radio station in New York’s Potsdam in 1955, was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force Reserve, and worked as a writer and reporter on civil defense topics.

In his teenage years, Kyle began publishing fanzines and was part of the “Futurians” New York Science Fiction Group, which also included the likes of Cyril M. Kornbluth, Damon Knight, and Isaac Asimov.

It was while living in Monticello that he became one of the hundreds of members of the “Science Fiction League” as a cofounder of Chapter 5 when he added his two fictitious names to fulfill the requirement of a chapter having at least three fans.
Given that he hardly had any members in his chapter, the main activity of the group was penning letters under the name Dave Kyle.

At some point in the mid-1930s, he attended a New York City art school while he was living in the YMCA on 23rd Street.

In 1936, he joined a chapter of the “International Scientific Association,” which then met at the house of Will Sykora, who was one of the men who shaped science fiction fandom in the 1930s.
Kyle first traveled to Philadelphia with his chapter of the ISA in 1936. This is when he began attending science fiction conventions to become one of the most prominent science fiction fans ever.

In 1936, David A. Kyle published what may be the first comics fanzine titled “The Fantasy World.”

He was an attendee at the first ever “Worldcon” and after it was over, he wrote and published the “Yellow Pamphlet” in which he gave a strong condemnation of the organizers.
This pamphlet angered the organizers so much that Sam Moskowitz the chairman banned several “Futurians” from ever attending the convention.

In 1956, Kyle was the chair of the 14th “World Science Fiction Convention,” and in 1983, he was the guest of Honor at “ConStellation.”

He also wrote many articles published in a variety of fanzines and was a regular contributor to “Mimosa” by Nicki Lynch.

Kyle got married to Ruth Evelyn Landis who was also a huge fan of science fiction just like him. Together, they had two kids and remained married until she died in 2011.

At the opening of “The Dragon Lensman” by David A. Kyle, the once powerful Boskonian conspiracy seems to be on its last legs ever since the defeat at the Battle of Klovia.

The Galactic Patrol which won the battle is now trying to reorient itself, so that it can deal with policing the galaxy, as opposed to defending it against some ruthless invasion.

Among those adjusting to the new reality is Worsel, a Second State Lensman. He is a legendary scientist/warrior with a reputation for his dedication to the fight against evil and ignorance, and his intelligence.

The man looks like the old mythological dragons of Earth, as he has terrifying teeth, claws, great wings, and a strong body covered in scales, even though his real strength is his unmatched psychic abilities and his mind.

His intuition draws him to the Planetoid of Knowledge(POK), an 18-mile-wide artificial moon, as he believes there is something important there for him.

But what he and his fellow Lensmen find in POK is a threat no one could ever have imagined. Machines that have inexplicably become self-aware are coming up to fight against civilization and psychic detection of their computer brains is impossible.

“Lensman from Rigel” is the second novel of the “Second Stage Lensman” series of novels.

This work is all about the Rigellian head of the Galactic Patrol’s Secret Intelligence Services, the enigmatic Tregonsee, who also happens to be one of the greatest strategists ever.
After the events of the first novel, the lead learns that there is a deadly new threat to civilization as he is targeted by unknown powers.

These powers who intend to take him out forever, can control hyperspatial tubes that make untraceable and instantaneous transportation across space and time possible.
This is a power unknown to any civilization and it makes every security measure worthless once it is activated.

While he survives the assassination attempt, he spreads news of his death, trying to draw out the conspirators.

When five of the greatest scientists ever are kidnapped and their brains are manipulated, it becomes clear that all civilization, and not just the Galactic Patrol is in grave danger than was first believed.
There is a significant possibility that their enemies may start using their new technologies as targeted weapons sent down tubes.

David A. Kyle’s novel “Z-Lensman” is a work in which he follows the life and times of Nadreck the Palainina, who has to be the strangest of the Second Stage Lensmen.

His type lives in a multidimensional state typified by the constant shifting of their bodies. They also breathe in a poisonous atmosphere and have a strange emotional detachment, which has made them very unsettling to other races.
While training one of the Z-type Lensmen cadets, Nadreck and his colleague learn of a new problem affecting the machines. Most of the machines are malfunctioning, even as computers, spaceships, and communicators are increasingly unreliable.
But while searching for what is causing the mechanical chaos, he learns that there is a new invasion planned by remnants of the deadly Eddorian Conspiracy.

Faced with threats and mysteries on multiple fronts, Cloudd, Nadreck and Lalla Kallatra the android-bodied Lensman need to come together while working all over the galaxy trying to find answers to their own piece of the mystery.