Order of Dashka Slater Books

Dashka Slater Books In Order

Publication Order of Escargot Books

Publication Order of The Feylawn Chronicles Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Dashka Slater Children’s Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Dashka Slater is an award winning writer from America, who is famous for writing children’s books, nonfiction, literature & fiction, and young adult books. She has written a number of standalone books in her career, many of which are widely successful. Her book, Wishing Box, has been included among the year’s best books by the LA Times. It was also regarded as an impish and hopeful novel and filled with lots of humor. Author Slater has penned 4 children’s books, all of which are highly acclaimed and successful. She has also published a couple of picture books in 2017. Out of all the books she has written, the one that brought her the most success and popularity is called The 57 Bus. This book helped Slater established herself as a prominent author of the young adult genre. In addition to be a reputed author, she is also a well known journalist. Her journalism work has helped her to win several prestigious awards. As a journalist, Slater has penned columns for numerous publications such as Salon, Sierra, Newsweek, The NY Times Magazine, More, Mother Jones, etc. Author Slater has received a fellowship in Creative Writing from National Endowment for Arts. As of today, Slater is busy with the development of her latest projects for both adults and children.

Author Slater considers herself more of a storyteller. She says that she has been reciting stories since the day she started talking. Her 2017 true crime young adult novel The 57 Bus has won many accolades since its publication. It is the recipient of the Stonewall Award from the Library Association of America and also Beatty Award from California’s Library Association, both in 2018. The book has also been a finalist for the YALSA Excellence Nonfiction Award, the Los Angeles Times Book Award, and the Book of the Year Award from the Association of NC Independent Booksellers. Various critics and literary journals have given 4 starred reviews to the novel and it has been named in as many as 18 different lists of bests books. The book is also included in such lists prepared by the NY Public Library, the School Library Journal, and the Washington Post. Author Slater spent her earlier years growing up in Cambridge, Massachusetts. For most part of her adult life, she has lived in Oakland, California. The writing career of author Slater is as old as her journalism career and she has excelled in each one of them. This can be evidently seen from the numerous awards and accolades she has won in both her career fields.

In most of her works, author Slater has tried to convey the complexities in the lives of young people and the compassion and courage of such people’s friends, families, advocates, etc. Many fellow writers are of the opinion that she has fared quite well in this attempt and has skillfully conveyed her message. Also, she has attempted to explore the moral ambiguities and challenges of the system of criminal justice in the country. Her painful stories tend to illuminate, caution, and inspire. All of these are liked and appreciated by everyone who readers her stories. Over the years, she has succeeded in forming a large fan-base for herself. Her career has grown exponentially, allowing her the chance to get listed among the top writers. Currently, Slater is living a happy life in California and working to finish the writing work of her upcoming novels.

A very noteworthy book written by author Dashka Slater is entitled ‘The 57 Bus’. It came out in the year 2017. The lead characters of this novel are shown as Sasha, Richard, Jasmine, and a few others. Author Slater has done the book’s setting in Oakland. The central story revolves around the lives of 2 teenagers, whose lives get changed completely following a crime. The book’s story shows that both Richard and Sasha study in high school in Oakland and take the same bus for school everyday, bus number 57. If it weren’t for this bus, the two would not have met ever. In spite of living in a diverse city, Richard & Sasha seemed to have inhabited completely different worlds. Richard is depicted as a black teenager living in a crime-plagued neighborhood and studying in a big public school.

On the other hand, Sasha is seen as a transgender, who belonged to a white family that lived among the middle class inhabitants near the foothills. She goes to private school. Everyday on the bus, the paths of Sasha & Richard overlapped for about 8 minutes while going to school. While returning home one afternoon from school, an incident takes places out of recklessness on the part of Richard that leaves Sasha with severe burn injuries. Following this incident, Richard faces 2 charges of hate crimes and seems all set to get life imprisonment. Shortly after, the case catches international attention and thrusts both the teenagers into an unwanted spotlight. This book appears to explore the themes of class, race, identity, gender, crime, and punishment. It provides an excellent read and also gives important lessons about life and its shocking ups and downs.

Another exciting novel book written by Slater is called ‘The Antlered Ship’. It was published by the Beach Lane publication in 2017. This children’s book describes the story of a fox named Marco, who sets off on an adventurous seafaring journey with a group of pigeons and deer. As the story proceeds further, the readers get to read about an enchanting tale of adventure and friendship. At the novel’s beginning, it is depicted that the inquisitive Marco has many questions to ask. He often wonders about the depth of the sun when it goes down in the sea at night, the lizardy feet of birds, etc. However, his curiosity is not shared by any other fox in his pack. Some time later, a ship arrives at the dock that has antlers and the captain as a deer. When Marco learns that the ship is hiring crew members, he volunteers. He hopes to find inquisitive foxes like himself so that he can get answers to his queries. Along with the ship’s crew, Marco indulges in intrigue and adventure throughout the voyage. In the end, he finds an answer to the question he considers most important, and that is how to find someone to talk to and become friends? This book was also well appreciated for its rich content and excellent writing style of author Slater.