Order of D W Buffa Books

D.W. Buffa Books In Order

Publication Order of Joseph Antonelli Books

Publication Order of Senator Bobby Hart Books

Publication Order of The Western Quartet Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Prior to becoming an full-time author the American writer Dudley W. Buffa, or D.W. Buffa for short, worked as a criminal defense attorney, something which can be clearly seen reflected within his work as a novelist of modern thrillers, as he creates intricate and highly engaging narratives filled with finely tuned twists and turns that keep the reader constantly hooked throughout. Knowing and understanding his genre well, he has managed to build a whole career of the back of his precise knowledge of the American judicial system and how it operates.

Largely concerned with the law and how it operates within modern American society, he has been able to combine both character and story, playing them off of each other to thrilling effect. This goes some way towards explaining why he has been so successful, bringing to life the system of law and order in America and its many pitfalls, making it seem entirely real in the process. Showing a clear love for the craft as well, he clearly shows a lifelong affinity for the thriller genre, as he clearly knows it both inside and out, moving it in new directions, whilst making it work for him. Giving insight into the justice system, he allows his readers to feel as if they’re really there, standing alongside the characters, as the go about each new case and investigation. In regards to the characters themselves he has managed to create seemingly living breathing people, along with a definite ear for dialogue and how people actually speak. This can be seen in how well the books have been appreciated worldwide, as they have a universal appeal, largely thanks to their extremely accessible approach to the format, as they never seek to alienate the reader. With a lot more to come on the horizon, he is a writer who has plenty of stories and ideas left in him, as continues to develop his voice and his craft as a whole.

Early and Personal Life

Born in San Francisco in America, the writer to be Dudley W. Buffa was born and raised in the Bay Area of the city, a place that would come to shape much of his formative years there. With not only a love of literature, he would also come to show a fascination in the legal system, something which he’d pursue in the years to follow with a career in law and order. Attending and graduating from Michigan State University, he would later study under Leo Strauss after going on to attend the University of Chicago, whereby he would achieve both an M.A. and a Ph. D. in political science.

This would come to shape a large portion of his career in the years to come as it would provide him with a lot of the information required in taking his career forwards. He would then work as a defense attorney for over ten years prior to becoming a full-time author, something which would give him a highly defined portrait of this particular world. Currently writing still, he now lives in Northern California and, after taking a shift into the world of politics now, he still retains a clear love of the craft, something which will continue for many years to come.

Writing Career

Publishing his first novel, ‘The Defense’, in 1997, he would be met with acclaim, as the literary critic of the New York Times called it ‘an accomplished first novel’. This would lead to him producing more books, all of which would become successes in their own right, whether they be set within the judicial system, or the American halls of politics and power. Knowing the intricacies of both of these worlds, power is a theme that Buffa returns to time and time again, something which he wont be stopping any time soon either, as there’s plenty more to follow.


Working as the third part in the ongoing ‘Senator Bobby Hart’ series of books, this continues in much the same vein as before, with more political intrigue. Whilst it also works as a stand-alone in a sense, it’s still set in the same world as the previous novels, as it also works as a political thriller in its own right. Brought out through the ‘Polis Books’ publishing label, it would be released on the 11th of October in 2011 to much acclaim, giving the readers more of what they had now come to expect from the author, whilst also providing some twists and turns along the way.

When the President of the United States is found murdered in a New York hotel bed with woman who’s not his wife, it is up to his wife, Hilary Constable, to find out what really happened. Telling the public he died peacefully in his sleep they must do all it takes to learn the secrets behind the president’s many shady dealings, as they get embroiled in a political web of conspiracy and lies, all whilst keeping the public in the dark. Tasked with finding out the truth behind it all, the young senator Bobby Hart is given the challenge of uncovering all the pieces, as he’s the only one to be trusted by Hilary. Can he do it? Who is behind it all? Will he find the truth for Hilary?

The Judgment

This would be the third title in the ongoing ‘Joseph Antonelli’ series of books, as it would seek to carry on from where the previous title left off. Heading once more into the world of law and order, this would be familiar territory for Buffa as an author who has always been well versed in this world. Published through the ‘Grand Central Publishing’ outlet this would initially be published in 2001 on the 22nd of May to much acclaim, for a worldwide audience of fans eagerly awaiting its arrival.

With an amazingly precise legal mind, Judge Calvin Jeffries is well known for his in-depth knowledge of the American judicial system. He also cared far more about power than the job itself, that is until he is murdered, after which the murderer is apparently promptly caught, only for him to then be found hanging in his cell having supposedly committed suicide. That’s when another judge is found murdered in a style very similar to the first, followed by a homeless suspect coming forwards and confessing to it, despite not even remembering his own name. Who’s really behind the murders? How are they getting away with it and why? What will be the judgment?