Corsair Brothers Books In Order
Publication Order of Corsair Brothers Books
Adiron | (2020) | |
Kaspar | (2021) | |
Straik | (2021) | |
Mathiras | (2022) | |
Bethiah | (2023) |
Ruby Dixon is the pseudonym used by the mysterious real-life author of these works who has not released her real name.
The author is known for writing stories in the genre of science fiction or romance. She is a Sagittarius. She likes to ship Reylo, go on the sims and farm them, and avoid doing housework in real life. Who wants to do housework, anyway?
Ruby has a husband and along with some of their cats they live in the South. She says that she is fairly boring. She loves coffee as well as reading books and always approves of fated males, epilogues that contain babies, and cinnamon roll heroes. She also prefers to write her own biographies in the third person so that they sound more important.
Corsairs: Adiron is the first book in the Corsair Brothers series by Ruby Dixon. If you love science fiction, give this book a try and go on a wild ride that takes readers far from the planet that they know and love and into another realm all together.
Being a space pirate is one of the most awesome things that Adiron could think of. It also happens to be his life, which is great. He travels around the universe working with his two brothers, the va Sithai. They go to different places looking for any type of treasure, abandoned ships, or pirate ships that they can rob. It isn’t much, but it’s a way to make a living, and they’re happy with it.
Currently the group is hunting for the Buoyant Star. It’s a cruiser that has been abandoned and the rumor about it is that there’s a huge treasure inside of it. Now it’s been discovered in the far-off parts of space, located right at an ice field’s edge. The treasure has never been closer for the brothers. If they can find it and take it for themselves, they’ll be set for a long time.
But when the brothers finally reach the fabled ship, they find out that it’s not as abandoned as it was said to be. In fact, the Buoyant Star has a crew of a few human women that are both lonely and attractive. The brothers thought that they would be happy to be rescued, but the females could not be farther from grateful.
They also have apparently set up a trap for the brothers. Their leader is a woman named Jade, who is simply beautiful. She also smiles at Adiron before he is captured by her, falling right into the trap. Now he knows that he is in love. Can he survive captivity and his newfound crush? Or is it all too far gone for him?
Corsairs: Kaspar is the second book in the Corsair Brothers series by Ruby Dixon. This story focuses on the adventures of Kaspar.
When it comes to the fast life, Kaspar absolutely loves it. He lives for anything that gives him that adrenaline rush and chases after excitement, danger, and adventure. It’s the only way of life that has ever known. It is also the only way of life that he cares to know about and would not trade his adrenaline-chasing ways for anything.
Then he finds himself with a woman named Alice in an escape pod, and everything changes for him. She is a human and vulnerable. She’s also the opposite of him in a lot of ways because she does not seek out or enjoy excitement or danger. However, she has a quick mind, with sharp retorts, and Kaspar absolutely loves her smile. It makes him totally weak.
Once he’s met her, he knows that the only thing that he wants in this world is to make sure that she is safe and always at his side. What should a space pirate that loves danger do when he is stranded on a fierce jungle planet along with a gorgeous human woman? Kaspar knows that he’s going to find out whether he likes it or not. Will the two of them have chemistry and become an item? Or will this just be another romantic misfire along the way to his finding eternal excitement and adventure? Read this sci-fi romance to find out what happens!