Order of Circle Of Three Books

Circle of Three Books In Order

Publication Order of Circle of Three Books

Circle of Three series by Isobel Bird

Author Michael Thomas Ford writes the “Circle of Three” series of young adult novels and uses the pen name of Isobel Bird to publish them.

The series began publication in the year 2001, when “So Mote it Be” was released. The first twelve novels in the series were published in 2001, while the final three were published the next year. The series ended after the fifteenth book in the series was published, called “Initiation”, which was released in the year 2002.

Cooper, Kate, and Annie are all Wiccans, all joined by magic bound to nature. The first four books are told only from one girl’s perspective each. Starting in the fifth book “In the Dreaming”, perspective changes between the three girls for the rest of the series.

At the start of the series, Kate Morgan is a fifteen year old sophomore that enjoys being on the girls’ basketball team and crushes over Scott Coogan, the most popular boy at the school. At the start of the series, she is friends with teammates Jessica Talbot, Tara Redding, and Sherrie Adams, the self-involved ringleader and spreader of gossip. Through the events of book one, she becomes friends with Cooper Rivers and Annie Crandall, as well as Sasha, a runaway teen they meet in book two.

Kate lives with her parents: her father (owner of a sporting goods store) and her mother (works at a catering company). At the same time her older brother, named Kyle is off at college.

“So Mote it Be” is the first novel in the “Circle of Three” series, which was released in the year 2001. When Kate Morgan casts a love spell, the results are awful, and she is unable to stop it all by herself. The book of spells that she checked out from the library at school talks of two strangers that are able to help her. Only if she is able to find them.

The book is highly entertaining, and holds to Wiccan doctrine than some similar books. This is a good read that shows clearly that all actions have consequences. For adults, re-reading these books bring back memories of when they first read them in middle school.

“Merry Meet” is the second novel in the “Circle of Three” series, which was released in the year 2001. It was a book of spells that brought the three together. Cooper, Annie, and Kate are compelled to learn more, and the door is opened up with the stirring of the Vernal Equinox.

This book is a quick read that is entertaining and light. The tale takes a rather interesting look at a girl’s exploration of Wicca and what it means to be a witch in modern times. It also does a fantastic job of portraying and explaining all about Wicca in a fun and light way. These characters are pretty typical for kids in high school, but there is quite a bit of self-exploration that takes place.

“Second Sight” is the third novel in the “Circle of Three” series, which was released in the year 2001. Dreams the three girls have been having turn to visions of a missing girl that is presumed dead, and is currently calling for them to help her. Will the trio be able to solve the mystery that surrounds her kidnapping?

Each of these stories paint a vivid word picture that is easy for each of the readers to picture what is happening. This story is well done, that makes you want to read it all the way through. Cooper’s personal growth is excellently done in the book. The author realistically portrays some people react to those people that follow Wicca.

“What the Cards Said” is the fourth novel in the “Circle of Three” series, which was released in the year 2001. Annie finds she has a talent using Tarot cards. She learns, however, there is a difference between simply using something and using it wisely.

Annie begins reading the Tarot cards for some of the most popular kids in all the school, partly because she would like to become popular herself. Two problems pop up for her, though. One is that people who often having readings can start hearing what they would like to hear and it can lead to issues when things do not come out like they expected. The other problem is that Annie is very gifted and does some excellent readings. She is so good that she winds up getting blamed after bad things that she sees actually happen.

This strains her relationship with a couple of kids at the school. It causes self-doubts in her, and leads to quite a few meetings with Hecate the goddess. She tries to warn Annie about what is happening.

This one is tons of fun and interesting, and some just wanted to get a Tarot deck and begin learning all there is to know about it. Readers found it excellent to see these girls start to come into their own with this one.

“In the Dreaming” is the fifth novel in the “Circle of Three” series, which was released in the year 2001. Midsummer’s eve, which is one of the most magical nights of the entire year, sees Cooper, Kate, and Annie all celebrating the most joyous sabbat with nature. As well as a few not unwelcome strangers. During a night when both emotions and identities are confused and tangled up under the odd solstice sky, one is going to be led astray.

The world building in this one was wonderful, and for some, this was the best book of the entire series. Some readers enjoy the way that this book splits and focuses on all three girls in different chapters.

“Ring of Light” is the sixth novel in the “Circle of Three” series, which was released in the year 2001. Cooper gets disillusioned after her time during the Midsummer festivities, and abandons the Wiccan circle. It leaves Kate and Annie without her. An illness threatens somebody close to one of them, and Cooper comes back. Can this circle, once it becomes broken ever truly be restored again?